New Playoff Logo

I'm not sure how new this news is, but I thought I'd point out that the NHL recently unveiled a new logo for the Stanley Cup Playoffs. You know you want to see it so here it is.
Not that my opinion matters but I like it a lot. Much more than what's been used in the past. For a look at what more recent logos looked like, check out 2007 and 2003.
If you want to see what the rest of the set looks like for this new design as well as past logos, seems to be a decent resource.
Reader Comments (12)
looks a little plain. i still like the old campbell/wales logos.
They should put in some red; blue is the color for the west so they should have both
The overall logo looks fine, I just wish they would go back to the old NHL logo instead of this one witha heraldic "bar sinister" which back in the day invoked illegitmatecy (a bastard child if you will) for whoever carried that design on their shield.
I think it's very neat... the combination of blue and silver gives it a nice cool hockey-like feeling...
i don't know if i've ever heard such antiquated reasoning behind disliking a logo, lol
the logo with red added
both of the previous S.C. logos are from when the ducks were in the final
I agree with josh and the others who said the logo needs some red.
I think that the logo should have a bit of red just to mke it fair.....and give justice to the best team in the league ...... (Detroit)
I really kinda miss the old logo (2003 shown here). I know the NHL is going with a new look but that is such a...I dunno, it invokes feelings of watching ESPN's coverage when I was a kid (dun dun dun do do do do doooooo do dee doo dooooo)
I prefer the older, round patches, but this isn't too bad.
I always liked the ones used prior to the lockout because they were similar and the circular shape looked really nice on the jerseys. These new ones keep using strange shapes, but they are pretty modern, so that's good I guess, one thing I'll complain about this one is the lack of the Eastern/Western thing going on.