Entries in expansion (8)


Polls: Expansion Team Names

The IceHL Project is growing. Our crowd-sourced fantasy hockey league is expanding from 30 to 32 teams for the 2012-13 season. And it's now time to choose the names for the newcomers.

Last month, your vote decided that Hartford, Conn. and Yellowknife, N.T. will join the IceHL ranks in 2012. Then over the next few weeks, you made suggestions for what we should call the teams. Now, once again, your vote will make the final call.

More than a hundred names were suggested. I've narrowed the list down to 25 for each team. You may choose as many as 5 to vote for below. (Vote only for the names you like. Don't pick five just to fill a quota if you only like three of them. Otherwise, you may not like the results.)

Choose up to 5 names per team. Polls close Sunday, April 15.

I need to clarify something. A few weeks ago, I wrote that an upcoming poll would deal with realignment of the league. I've decided to hold off on that because there's a chance some teams could be relocated this summer. As always, your vote will make that determination. We'll begin the relocation and rebranding discussion in June. If any teams are selected to be relocated/rebranded, the process will run until early September. We'll start the search for new GMs after that time. I, for one, am excited about another season of IceHL fantasy hockey!

Note: If you have questions about how the names listed above were chosen from all those that were suggested, please feel free to email me. (There's a red Gmail button at the top of the page.) Comments on this post are deactivated so as not to taint the voting.


Name Nominations: Hartford & Yellowknife

The time has come to start suggesting names for the IceHL's 2012 expansion franchises. Last week it was announced they were awarded to Hartford, Conn. and Yellowknife, NT.

To nominate team names for consideration, simply post them in a comment below. If you see someone before you has suggestd a name you like, say so in your comment. The more popular suggestions are more likely to be among the 25 selected for the voting process. I will base those 25 on whether they are creative, unique, and of course, popular.

Here is a list of locators you may use to precede your team nicknames:

  • Hartford
    Connecticut | New England
  • Yellowknife
    Northwest Territories | Northwest

You can be creative and suggest other names. The worst that could happen if they're not acceptable is they won't be included in the voting. But so as not to waste anyone's time, don't bother submitting Whalers. It won't be considered.

There are some other important don'ts. You may NOT use the name of any current or past IceHL, NHL or WHA team, nor any current ECHL, AHL, CHL, WHL, QMJHL or OHL team. You may NOT use the name (or any variation thereupon) of any current or past sports franchises in the market or geographical area. And if your suggestion is vulgar, obscene, or in any way inappropriate, it will not be considered.

Only names nominated in the comments of this post will be considered. Do not email or tweet your suggestions if you want them to be included in the voting process.

Submission period ends: Monday, March 26

Voting on eligible name nominees is scheduled to begin on April 6, following the end of the Pacific Division jersey voting. (That begins this Thursday, March 15. Submissions closed on Sunday night.) 

Some other upcoming IceHL events: Later this month, I'll start accepting jersey design submissions for the Southeast Division and then we'll hold a poll to determine how the IceHL will be realigned after it expands to 32 teams this year. In April, we'll vote on Southeast Division jerseys after we wrap up the Pacific. We'll also get to some other minor questions that I think the community should decide. Fun year ahead for the IceHL!


IceHL Expands to Two Cities

The polls are closed and the votes have been counted! The IceHL is expanding by two teams in 2012 and Icethetics readers have decided they will be in Hartford and Yellowknife.

Hartford garnered 35% of the vote on the IceHL EAST side while Yellowknife picked up 34%. Ottawa and San Francisco were the runners up. However, that doesn't mean these two cities won't get IceHL teams. There's still the possibility of relocation for a handful of teams this summer. More on that to come.

Hartford, Conn. was once home to the Whalers of the NHL and WHA. To my knowledge, Yellowknife (of Canada's Northwest Territories) has never had a professional hockey team. In other words, lots of hockey history to draw on in one city, almost none in the other.

By the way, as far as votes go, people did not want to see Phoenix get an IceHL team while it's struggling to keep its NHL club. The city earned a mere 3% of the western vote. The least-voted city in the east was Miami with 8%. If you click the link above, you can see how 10 cities did.

You'll notice the comments are disabled for this post. This is just an announcement of the winning cities. Hold your ideas. On Monday, I'll open the floor to name suggestions, so start doing some research and thinking about what these teams should be named. (Obviously, Hartford/New England Whalers is not an option.) Get creative!

When the naming submission post goes up on Monday, I'll explain how the process will work.

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