Entries in poll (33)


Poll: Edmonton Kodiaks



Sean Cox Tattoo

Click on a logo above to see the complete set to the right. Then vote for the best one below!

All sets include a primary, secondary and corporate mark. Some include an additional tertiary mark if provided by the designer. The identifier at the top of the image is the signature provided by the artist.


Poll: Chicago Hitmen

Six Zero

Craig C. Wheeler


Click on a logo above to see the complete set to the right. Then vote for the best one below!

All sets include a primary, secondary and corporate mark. Some include an additional tertiary mark if provided by the designer. The identifier at the top of the image is the signature provided by the artist.


Poll: Seattle Aviators

Craig C. Wheeler

Tone Loc Productions


Click on a logo above to see the complete set to the right. Then vote for the best one below!

All sets include a primary, secondary and corporate mark. Some include an additional tertiary mark if provided by the designer. The identifier at the top of the image is the signature provided by the artist.


Poll: Atlanta Arsenal

Joey Light

John Wriston


Click on a logo above to see the complete set to the right. Then vote for the best one below!

All sets include a primary, secondary and corporate mark. Some include an additional tertiary mark if provided by the designer. The identifier at the top of the image is the signature provided by the artist.


Poll: Houston Hellcats

Six Zero


Chris Smith

Click on a logo above to see the complete set to the right. Then vote for the best one below!

All sets include a primary, secondary and corporate mark. Some include an additional tertiary mark if provided by the designer. The identifier at the top of the image is the signature provided by the artist.

Note: The artist here named Chris Smith is NOT me.

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