IceHL: North Preview

Over the weekend, logo submissions for the North Division ended. More impressive logos here. There were a total of 31 eligible logo sets submitted. And just like last week I'm going to give you a sneak peek at all of them.
Below are the primary logos from each set. When the ratings begin, you will see the entire set of logos in full detail along with the artist's credit.
CALGARY CAVALRY (4 eligible logos)
EDMONTON KODIAKS (8 eligible logos)
REGINA RENEGADES (3 eligible logos)
WINNIPEG WINTERHAWKS (12 eligible logos)
The Winterhawks were almost as popular as the Huskies to design a logo for. But I'm definitely glad we had so many more submissions for this division. Keep them coming!
If you do not see your logo here, one of two things happened. Either your submission was ineligible based on one or more of the reasons I outlined when I began taking submissions — or your email failed to get to me. I will entertain questions via email.
And just so you know, logo voting should begin in a week or two.

Reader Comments (45)
nice logos.
still quite disappointing to see the logos get washed out due to the photoshop effect put on them. Hopefully when the real selection process takes place this won't be a problem.
They are all very good.
Cavalry 3
Kodiaks 9
Renegades 1 (Though not really representative of a Renegade per se)
Sharpshooters 1
Winterhawks 8
Am I the only one who thinks that first Cavalry logo looks a LOT like the Denver Broncos jersey?
i like
cavalry 1
kodiaks 9
renegades 1 (for lack of a better option)
sharpshooters 1 (again lack of options)
and the winterhawks 6
nice work to all the artists though keep up the good work
Agreed, and my selection for the Winterhawks (8) looks a lot like the Atlanta Thrashers secondary. The second Renegades one borrows elements from the the defunct CFL team of the same name (profile of bandana'd outlaw). The second Sharpshooters looks similar to the Sonics logo.
They all are severely altered enough to be valid though. I'm sure Chris would alert the artist upon submission otherwise.
Broncos jersey, no. Broncos logo, yes.
Calvary: 5
Kodiaks: 2 (Kodiaks 1 looks like it belongs with the Winnipeg set)
Renegades: No Pick.
Sharpshooters: 1
Winterhawks: 6
Cavalry - 2
Renegade - 2
Sharpshooters - none
Winterhawks - 9 (11 looks interesting, can't wait to see larger0
Good choices from Calgary and Winnepeg. The other teams are a disappointment IMO. Renegades 2 isn't that bad and Sharpshooter 4 would be better with the provincial outline, but may be hard to put on a jersey.
Oh...and EDM are either poor and cheap looking (3,4,5,6,8,9) or ripoffs of other franchises (7 Florida Panthers, only with a Bear; 2 Memphis Grizzlies, 4 not sure but it looks real familiar)
At Ogre:
there is some resemblance but they are different (mouth, main, ears).
I must say there are some really good logos for the Kodiaks (2,6,7,9) and the Winterhawks (i have one in there so I won't give my opinion). And although I think it is a decent looking logo, why would anyone make a bird logo for a team named the "Kodiaks"?... maybe they meant to submit it for Winnipeg?
Calgary Cavalry - either 3 or 5 (give it a Canadian feel)
Edmonton Kodiaks - 7 (good night, sleep tight, DON'T LET THE RABID BEAR TEAR YOUR FRIGGIN' HEAD OFF!)
Regina Renegades - 3 (most classy. Regina isn't known for very much, so keep it simple there).
Saskatoon Sharpshooters - 1 (best I've seen yet in this contest previews-simple, not too edgy, iconic, and brings an all-to-overlooked part of the game to the front-all characteristics a good hockey logo needs).
Winnipeg Winterhawks - 2 (Shields rule!)
Wait a minute! Calgary's #1 was ripped off from the top of the Bismarck Roughriders indoor football team's logo!
Just so ya know.
Wow! Great catch mburmy.
Revised Pick:
Winterhawks: 1
Definitely meant to say logo. WHOOPS.
I like Edmonton #8. very catching even at a small size. The Calvary logos look kiddie to me. The Sharpshooters logos look really dated. Renegades logos are decent, but not that exciting. The Winterhawks set reminds me a lot of the Huskies set; Lots of potential, no home runs. That said, I think #1 could look cool on a jersey, and #8 has the makings of a good mark.
However, I wanna give the designers some credit, I'm sure you all spent a lot of time on your submissions. Just wishing there were some stronger finished pieces.
The #1 Cavalry logo looks a lot like the Denver Broncos logo.
The #2 Sharpshooters logo looks a lot like the Seattle Supersonics' logo before this year.
The #7 Winterhawks logo looks a lot like a concept post for the Chicago Blackhawks from some time back.
The #2 Cavalry logo also looks like a rotation of the Calgary Flames' old third logo, minus the flames.
Be nice if when they got to the final 3, the logos got placed on a jersey to see what they look like. Even if it was a generic jersey you could see if the logo works or not. ie. the Anaheim Ducks logo looks alright on its own but lousy on the jersey.
#7 Winterhawks is similar and I give the credit to 'Ivall' who did the original.
For the record every single logo on here was inspired by something the artist saw. That doesn't mean the artist was trying to get away with anything.
Cavalry 2
Kodiaks 5 (Really nice logo)
Renegades 3 I guess
Sharpshooters either 1 or 2
Winterhawks 2 (Would be 3 if it didn't have 'Winnipeg' up top.)
Yeah i was just about to say thats my Blackhawks logo. I could have did that but i didnt think i would be alowed to.
all these comments about "rip off" logos has ruined this for me... no more logos coming from me.
Chris feel free to take down the Winterhawks logo.
I know what you mean by people getting way to anal about logos "ripping off" other logos roccot, people are more concerned about catching any plagiarism then actually just looking at the logo. But quit being a baby about it.
not sure how removing a logo and not submitting any new ones makes me a baby but you are entitled to your opinion.
I recognized the Blackhawks/Winterhawks logo, and assumed it was submitted by the same guy. I mean, why not? It's sharp and suits both and its his artwork! At least thats what I thought.
And now someone else has submitted it and called it their own! Whats the first rule? Don't rip off art!
Yeah a lot of people here police this, and they should! People who plagarize undermine the creative process, and insult those who demonstrate creativity, ingenuity, and talent.
And if you all read Chris's instructions. he wants Orginal logos. And to send in a logo that has been made by someone that comes on here everyday. even though you have made colour changes to it its still was pointed out to be the logo. if this was the real deal the people ripping off the logo would be fired and be in court for plagiarism.
Chris is trying to keep this one orginal with new fresh ideas. and if people keep ripping off logos where is the Orginality in that? This is how we get projects like this take away from us.
who posted ALL the pictures again? oh right Chris did.
in general, there are minute instances where the logo submitted is a blatant ripoff but the majority, however, are trying way too hard to discredit or identify the logos that were submitted to a specified sports team in a different sports league. simply put, if Chris thought that the logos submitted were ripoffs then he wouldn't post them. so how bout we all just let the voting do all the talking?
and thats my .02
roccot means:
Did my comment get taken off? I didn't swear or say anything offensive or anything.
Uh, Mike Phoenix, are you an actual designer or are you just repeating something you heard someone say? First off designers that "ripp off" as you call it wouldn't have a legit design job to begin with. Second of all there are very few plagiarism cases that actually see a court room.
Ya'll need to chill on this "ripp off" crap. You insult the designer and you remove the enjoyment of these "exercises". As a designer I can say that these are enjoyable and I welcome constructive criticism but it seems like most of the comments are to ridicule. Most of you are basing a judgment before even seeing the logos in detail.
I'll site my Regina logo as a classic example. Mine is the first one and all I've read is how the Regina logos are disappointing. If any of you would take an intelligent look at the logo and research the city of Regina you'd find out that there is a buffalo on the city crest, the colors of the city are Royal and Yellow and that a "Renegade" bison is not something to be trifled with.
But, no ya'll try to make an impulsive judgment based on what other existing logos in the world it might look like.
Tell ya what, do the designers a favor and save your comments until you see the entire work. Chris has put them up for a "preview". Nothing more, nothing less.
anybody else think the Kodiak logo on the far right, top line looks a bit like a bear wearing a turban?
took me a second glance to figure it out.
i like at least one logo for each team except the Sharpshooters
As a winnipeg native, born and raised, and still here, I think my vote should count for more, and that 7th Winterhawks logo is awesome even if it is similar to the Blackhawks concept, I think that's ok considering how close the names are....
Canis I AM! the one that made the Blackhawks Concept that the WinterHawks logo #7 everyone is talking about. Like i said befor i could have done that my self, had i not felt that it was a logo that i could not use. Becasue i had sent it in as a concept, and didnt think it now met the ORGINAL LOGO requirement.
It's nice to see that at least everybody is passionate about this. You know, we are going to get to vote on these. If you think something is copied, then don't vote for it. It's just that simple. I'm sure the best logos will rise to the top, no worries. Roccot, I hope you keep designing. You've had some really nice designs and you've been a consistent contributor. One logo is not worth the fuss, especially when this is a made up league and there's no money on the line.
@ Raccot:
I think we all generally appreciate the effort you put into your logos; and that goes for any one who submits logos. However, when you use what is essentially the outline of an existing logo and with that outline, make something with the same theme or feel of the original logo, I think you cross the line from simply being "inspired" by a logo and "ripping-off" one.
With that said I think all the over-criticism that goes on in these previews is getting to be too much. Comment on your first impression; fine. Give your favorites; ok. But you don't have to say how some logo looks like a bear wearing a turban or anything like that.
I think there's a difference between my saying "That looks a lot like the Broncos logo" and "NUMBER ONE SHOULD BE DQED IT LOOKS LIKE THE BRONCOS LOGO!"
It might make me like it less, but it might make someone else like it more.
Criticism is different than bashing.
And for the record Kodiak logo #5 is not mine.
@ Ogre
I agree, it just seems that most of the comments are "logo #_ looks amazing" or "logo #_ looks really weird" or "the logos for (team) are lack-luster". I didn't say we should stop commenting on logos that we feel are "rip-offs" if there is a legitimate claim; just exercise caution, that's all.
Yeah. I mean, for the most part, there's some awesome stuff there. By all means it's hard to put together some work, and then have it displayed where hundreds or thousands of people see it.
The issue at hand is most hockey fans just care if it looks cool or if it doesn't, and a lot of us, myself included at times, would just say "Hey, that looks cool" "That doesn't" yadda yadda.
I'll offer more detailed criticisms when we get closer to voting. It's hard to do *anything* but first glances at that size.
And I was by NO MEANS trying to call it a blatant ripoff of the Broncos jersey, in the case of what I originally said. I was just trying to say "Hey, look, they're similar, that's interesting."
I'd be curious about the legalities of it, since I've seen the Broncos go after the Baltimore CFL team, as well as the Eagles go after the Ravens for logos being too similar. That's my only concern with that logo.
So it's still cool to post our picks?
Calgary #2
Edmonton #5
Regina #1 or 2
Saskatoon #1
Winnipeg #7
To everyone getting into an argument over being offended by the comments; take everything as constructive criticism. Ifsomebody's first reaction is to say it is horrible, or it looks too similar to something else then maybe we need to take a step back and look at our work from that angle next time we start to work on something. If you look past the way they say something, there is still something to be taken from their post. My only logo in this post has been mentioned as looking too similar to something. I know next time I see something like that in my own work I will try to set it apart from similar designs.
Do not let your ego get in the way, take every comment as constructive criticism and let it help you be successful next time around. Trust me, thats the best way to go. Even if you really did rip something off, that is your criticism, you should never do it again because you have nothing to gain from it.
I could make a case for every logo on this page and where it was derived from. Actual logo, clip art whatever.
As for Dave Fan Toy.... where was this wit while I was winning 7 IHA logos?
I only see 8 Kodiak logos. Where is no. 9???
@ roccot
Don't stop posting art cause people have said that your Winterhawks logo is a rip off. Ya I see how it can be annoying, but if you stop submitting you are admitting that your talent only comes from borrowing ideas, sure I wouldn't mind less competition but I'm not submitting enough that I would care if your in or not. When I first saw your logo for the winterhawks I admit I did think that it was a rip off, but looking at the original piece and yours I see that the general layout is borrowed but I like what you did to it... I still say its border line but if Chris let it slide, so will I. Oh, and no you could not make a case for every logo in the voting, well maybe you could but not valid ones, which this case it is... So that being said, Chris let your logo through, stop your whining about the people calling "rip off" because the claims have some merit, and go out design some more wicked awesome logos man.
@Everyone Else
Stop calling "rip off" if Chris agrees he'll take it down if he doesn't then it'll stay. So get of his case and let Chris do what he has been doing so well, judging on what passes and what doesn't. Stop echoing what 5 people in front of you have said... it only needs to be stated 2-3 times max.