Sabres New Third Leaked?

Apparently, the Buffalo Sabres' new third jersey has been leaked! Or so it would seem. I first revealed the image in today's Live Chat which went exceptionally well.
But I thought you guys might like it in blog form for anyone who was unable to participate live.
The image was sent to me anonymously. I don't know if it's appeared anywhere else.
Interesting striping along the sides and arms. I like the addition of silver. It looks classy but not dated. What do you guys think? Comment away!
Reader Comments (47)
I'm a bit color-blind: is that blue or black? Either way I think the stripes are too complicated.
That dont look like a RBK Edge Jersey. it looks to Heavy.
That's blue.
And I like it personally. The silver on the stripes and logo adds a bit of depth and elegance to what I've always thought to be crude logo. Something like the Habs logo says refined class to me, partially because they've touched it up over the years to make it look nicer. The old Sabres logo to me looked like something that was cut out of felt- not professionally made. This has the nice design while looking professional.
Sorry to go on so long, and sorry if it pisses off any of the Buffalo Cult.
My only question with this is why the hell does it have the armpit piping?
it's not too bad, but the piping coming up the sides, like how calgary's is, is pointless. no need for it there at all.
everything else is alright. i would have expected the silver outlines to outline the larger stripes in the middle of the patterns
Oh, I like it. Very old school. Though I agree the armpit piping is odd.
I'm disappointed by this. I don't care for the aditional white or silver striping. But I do appreciate the navy blue and the modified original logo.
i love how this jersey looks. its got the old school but modernized look that we have all been wanting. the piping is weird but i will have to see it on a player or w/e before i judge. the striping isnt what i expected but its still sweet.
That's a bit disappointing...
THAT... is a phenominal jersey. I would buy that in a heartbeat.
overall nice, but could be made a lot better by 1) getting rid of the side piping and 2) making sure the blue colour is the same on the jersey AND the logo BUT ALSO on the helmet and the pants. all these shades of blue will be different and the overall look's quality will pay the price.
(note that the pants-jersey shade difference is a problem for many teams)
SUCKS. God when is RBK/NHL gonna get over this uniform makeover crap. THIS IS NOT FOOTBALL PEOPLE, hockey jersey's DO NOT need vertical striping! Could you see DET,MTL,CHI adding a vertical stripe to their TRADITIONAL uniform??? Please bring back the CCM jersey's.
Not a fan. I loved the simple striping of the original jersey. Simple is good.
This is awful. That thin vertical piping is superfluous, ugly, and has no place in hockey. the dark blue is much uglier than the regular blue.
But there's something fishy about this photo, it doesn't look like a rbk edge, or it's doctored in some manner.
While there are a few small details that could be changed, it's not bad at all.
I'd like to see a full view to figure out where the piping goes - it appears to just end at the shoulder seam. I also wonder what the color of the logo really is, since the flash can make them look lighter/brighter. Finally, where are the shoulder patches (small version of the main logo)?
I do like the navy as opposed to the royal. Royal has tradition on its side, but navy is stronger and more modern. I also like the addition of the silver, though not necessarily the exact way it was added to the stripes and piping.
Overall, I'd rather have this than the current slug jersey as my primary home jersey (with a similarly updated version of the Winter Classic jersey as the corresponding away jersey.)
I think its great. Like others have said, the silver addition adds depth to an old boring jersey. The armpit is unnecessary though but I guess it fits with their current jersey style. I still wish the "Sabers" were larger with a more updated logo like but it works. "Thumbs Up"
Much better than the slug unis, but the extra silver stripes and the piping just seem unnecessary and obtrusive. The silver accents around the most important thing, the logo, don't bother me at all. The logo is as sharp and perfect as ever.
But there's some red flags about this picture. The quality for one. But I guess that would be the average camera phone quality. But the next thing that is suspect is the total lack of secondary markers. I mean, none? Really? That's disappointing. Then again, I'd happily take none over the slug leeching its way onto the shoulders of those jerseys.
Guess we'll see officially soon enough.
Still much better than our current pajamas, despite not being exactly what I'd hoped it would be.
Why ruin a great design with that stupid piping? It's better than their regular set, at least.
Too. Many. Stripes.
I this this is a very good update to the classic jersey. Excellent? no, but good. I'm not a fan of that piping, but i suppse it can be overlooked.
Hopefully, this is the main jersey in two seasons.
Only a true Sabres fan would notice that the logo is different. I'm as big a hockey fan there is, and I can't recognize any difference.
All in all, this is a pretty sharp jersey. I love the introduction of silver into the pattern, and I love the navy blue. The old jersey, a predominantly bright blue jersey with three bright yellow stripes was just an eyesore for me (loved the logo, always have, always will). Now that they've made the blue darker, to match their current dark blue, the yellow compliments it so much more and actually looks like it belongs.
The introduction of silver into the stripes is an improvement as well. Basically, the silver makes it seem like the yellow isn't trying to take over the jersey with those crazy stripes.
Artistically speaking, navy blue, yellow and silver are a very sharp color combination. It's hard to go wrong with using those colors (they managed to do it with the piping, but I'm willing to ignore that for now). I've been a fan of that combination my whole life; those were the colors of my elementary school, which was my brother's elementary school since I was born, which is also a couple blocks from my house, so I've seen it a lot. They simply go well together.
I noticed something, however, in the picture that Drew Celestino pointed out earlier. The "leaked" jersey doesn't have any shoulder patches. Whether that's because the original 70s jersey didn't have any or because it's a fake image, I don't know. It wouldn't surprise me if they threw the Buffaslug on the shoulder, if this is the alternate.
One other thing, about the franchise in general: this is the fourth consecutive season where they've added or modified a jersey. The first year after the lockout, there was the black/silver buffalo with the red alternate.. with SABRES!!. The next year, they went to the Buffaslug look, with the old 70s jersey as the alternate and home playoff jerseys. Last year, they adopted that look to the RBK Edge style, as well as used an RBK Edge-fit 70s jersey for the Winter Classic. Now, they've got this alternate.
Just one year, I'd like to see them keep a jersey set entirely intact for more than one season.
Back to the jersey, I'm a huge fan. The piping is questionable, but as I've said many times, mostly about the Dallas Stars' current home jersey, these things look a hell of a lot better in person than they do in pictures. So I'm not going to write this jersey off because of the piping yet. When I see it in person, then I'll judge.
i like this, mixing old school, with new school
i just wanted to point something else out about this
is it just me or does that logo look really fake??
it doesnt seem to follow the folds above the logo that seem to go through to the bottom. it may be just me though.
What are they doing here? They are taking the colors of the Preds...why not get go back to the originals? They were classic! Can the silver and the armpit piping, and bring back the royal blue in place of the navy.
I don't mind the upgrades. Sure, the striping is a little awkward to my eye, but it's hardly the deal-breaker that the slug is. I plan on buying one of these. In fact, if you really want the Sabres to embrace their vintage unis and maybe even make this their home primary jersey, you should buy these up like generators during the October Surprise. And then from there, maybe we can get our truly class original whites back as well.
Wishful thinking? Of course. But we have to start somewhere.
I love the new dark blue. The yellow on the crest looks a little brighter than the yellow stripes. May just be the lighting in the room. It doesn't need the gray vertical piping, but it doesn't bother me. Overall, I like the jersey. Would love to see a white version.
the armpit piping is VERY calgary flames new sweaters
I still dont think this is a real Jersey. It dont look like a EDGE Jersey. It look like a CCM one.
looks like the crest was cut out and photo shopped onto the jersey. look at the jersey then the logo doesnt fit. i hate the silver and the piping jsut keep the stripes and the new logo. also! where are the buffalo logos on the sholders? please lets hoep this is a HOEX and that some idiot made it themselves!!!!
i agree: SIMPLE IS GOOD!!!
and why cant we have an online poll and let the fans pick the logo or jersey look?
~Joe from Buffalo.
god that's terrible.
why must the sabres follow the bills and add unnecessary striping everywhere? do stripes automatically make things better??
the swooshes next to the front logo look out of place
plus its an ugly shade of blue.
wow i'm bitter. but that uni really sux.
That piping is awful. If this is real, way to screw it up again, Sabres.
I like the sweater. Better than the slug. Can't anybody be satisfied that the classy original logo is back? Stop complaing about everything....jeeze lol
Reebok piping...HORRIBLE!!!!!! That Buffaslug will still be on the side of the helmet...HORRIBLE!!!!!!
I think that the sabres are converting to the NFL... unnessecary striping, logo on the side of the helmet...
the jersey would be perfect IMO if it didn't have the side piping
thats definately it theres a teaser on the sabres opening page
not bad
i want to see a rangers alternate
Very Nice. A good clash of old and new. Now if the Canucks would do the same and put some silver in the Jersey. If they use the Modified Stick in Rink Logo introduced last year, they should.
Are you people joking? This jersey is probably the best Sabres jersey in history. The silver lining is awesome and the dark blue is sick. I honestly don't see a thing wrong with it except that the piping in the armpit is pointless. But it's not like it makes it look any worse.
I'm really surprised by some responses here. I am as much of a traditionalist when it comes to Sabres' jerseys as anyone, but I can't believe how negative some people are being about it.
On a scale of 0 (Slug) to 10 (the ideal updated classic jersey that we've all been calling for), I'd give it an 8. Are there some small thing that aren't perfect? Sure, but we got the classic logo (updated only slightly with silver details) on a navy version of the classic jersey (again updated with some silver.)
very cool, modern, sleek. however, it reminds me of a college jersey. it looks like some random college up north should wear it.
As a Sabre fan I hate it.
The crest however, is fine; in fact I like it. The silver accenting gives it an embossed look.
The jersey, imo, is crap. I don't like the old school logo on a navy blue jersey; it just shouldn't be. And the striping... disgusting... as is the piping. In my book this is a huge failure and if real, the worst jersey in the league.
I wasnt a fan at first, but looking at some NHL08 footage of the team wearing this, it has grown alot on me. I'm still gonna get one. i'll love anything the Sabres will wear, besides the slug...
Ogre, "The worst jersey in the league."
Wow, what are they feeding you.
This is the jersey all of us Sabres fans have been asking for.
Updated retro jersey.
Boom, we got it.
The worst in the league though, hahaha, look at our current uniforms.
Some people are just impossible to please, but for those of us who can enjoy what this team is trying to do for the REAL loyal fanbase.
You're probably a 'goathead' fan, but to each his own.
And this isn't the old school logo, its been updated, made fresh.
I'll call the 'waaaammmbulance' for all you haters out there.
@ Dave180
First of all, their is a separate reader with the name "Ogre"; I'm Ogre39666.
Second, wow, you're calling me a non-loyal Sabres fan? I've been a Sabres fan since I was 7 (I'm 20 now) from about 300+ miles away with 3 local market, home-town teams (Rangers, Islanders, and Devils). I followed the playoff run in 97-98 and then cup run in 98-99 as a 10/11 yr old with limited viewing capability (and shouted "no goal" whenever I got the chance). I still hate the Stars and now the Hurricanes. I was crushed when Dom left and again when Danny and Dru left even though I could see it happening months in advance. I can't wait till Vanek shows us what he's really capable of and lights up the league. I never wanted an "updated retro jersey"; you can hold the updated, I'll just take the retro. While I know the rest of Pominville and Sabre-land are not in agreement with me I happen to be fine with the "buffa-slug"; and you know what? That's their right as Sabres Fans as it is mine.
to everyone else: sorry for the rant but I've had to defend my love of the Sabres for years from the attacks of Rangers, Islanders, and Devils fans, but for it to come from a fellow Sabres fan - that pisses me off.
Ogre39666: I wouldn't question your fanhood, as you post clearly shows that you are passionate about the Sabres (as I am), but if you like the slug, I may have to question your taste. ;-p
Sorry, couldn't resist. I actually like the slug jersey except for the logo itself. I have a concept jersey that I am hoping Chris will post, which incorporates many of the sharp features of the new jersey with some of the classic elements of the original.
i agree that the current jersey is awesome minus the logo. and this is what people wanted. everyone complained sayin they want the old logo. well we got it. now people are complaining about the jersey. sure you all can have your opinion on it, BUT ITS SHIT LIKE THIS THAT MADE CHRIS WANT TO NOT DO THIS. yes leave your opinion, just dont bitch so much out of respect for the person running this whole thing.
as for going straight back to the retro jerseys, that would be the best thing but it wont happen. im probably wrong but i think i heard somewhere that you arent allowed to just do that. please dont quote me on that cuz its probably wrong. its something i heard.
sure you all can have your opinion on it, BUT ITS SHIT LIKE THIS THAT MADE CHRIS WANT TO NOT DO THIS. yes leave your opinion, just dont bitch so much out of respect for the person running this whole thing.
When did Chris ever have a problem with people giving their opinions on a jersey? I thought the issues were with the complaints about the logo designing thingymobile? Maybe I missed something.
Personally, I like the new jersey. Sure the piping is not the greatest, but overall the jersey looks great. You old die hards need to get over not having the original anymore. That was over 12 years ago. I'll agree, during the winter classic they looked great, but thats an appropriate time to use them. Now its time to move forward. Get with the present and deal with it.