
Ducks Finally Fixing the Logo?

Are the Anaheim Ducks finally fixing their logo? Several clues are leading me to think the "ucks" is out and the webbed "D" will finally stand alone!

I wrote a post like this a few weeks ago when I examined the possibility that the Florida Panthers are changing their logo. Unfortunately, the Panthers were the one team that didn't need it. The Ducks, however, are a different story.

From the day they introduced that wordmark trying to pass itself off as a logo three years ago, many of us have been annoyed. Looking back, I do understand the purpose. They were changing the name and marketing had a big role to play. They needed to let everyone know that the team was "Mighty" no more.

Still, from the beginning I said they should just go with the big webbed "D" on its own — especially on the jerseys. So it's encouraging to see the "ucks" starting to disappear. For instance, the Ducks recently launched their redesigned web site and the webbed "D" is by itself in the banner.

Even their Twitter page features the standalone "D."

If the web change alone isn't enough to bring you some relief, Ducks PR guy Adam Brady wrote a new blog post yesterday with some pictures of the freshly painted ice at the Honda Center.

Anaheim Ducks' newly painted center ice

It still bugs me that the team's own public relations guy has a redundant logo at the top of his blog. But hopefully that will be fixed in time as well. These things don't happen overnight.

It's the Anaheim Ducks Ducks Blog. But I digress. Here's what he wrote about the newly painted center ice logo.

As a follow-up to yesterday's photos of the Honda Center ice being painted, here's a look at the completed project. Notice the new Ducks "D" at center ice, in addition to a slick new look for the red line. 

The "D" isn't new, the center ice design is. But we know what he meant. Still, as I said, it's encouraging to see these small but significant changes coming about. The next big change, which needs to happen sooner rather than later, is to have the webbed "D" get the star treatment on the front of those jerseys.

Only then can we truly be optimistic about the look of the Ducks.

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Reader Comments (26)

I'm still not a fan of the Ducks logo (probably because I'm irritated by the team in general,) but this is a definite improvement.

Also, is it just me or does the "slick new look for the red line" look pretty awful?

Sep 2 · 8:50 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterJoe

yeah i dont understand the red line design but thats whatever,who cares haha. I love the D logo and im pumped its finally being put at center ice. You have no idea how annoying it was seeing the script on ice. Even my mom was like,what does that say!?!!..hopefully the next step is the jersey!

Sep 2 · 9:10 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterFlaDucksFan

just thought i'd add a little fact
the "d" logo is also the one used on the site

Sep 2 · 9:22 AM PDT | Unregistered Commenterfraser40

The only thing now is to put a bit more orange on those jerseys, then you've got some personality. There's way to much black. Good news thus far!

Sep 2 · 9:22 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterLeafers LP

I don't know why, but that center ice picture looks almost fake, it's too glossy for some reason. I'm not doubting that it's real, but it just LOOKS funny.

But more to the point, it's a long time coming for the "D"ucks to change their...wait...can they change a logo if they don't have one in the first place?

Anyways, can we please see them completely overhaul their jerseys and logo? There is nothing even remotely appealing about the look of the team. A wordmark as a logo, workmark front and center on both jerseys, and plain black and white jerseys. There might be a splash of colour in there, but it's not nearly enough to even matter.

Sure Eggplant and Jade weren't exactly the colours of the future, but at least there was some originality in there.

Sep 2 · 9:43 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterIan

Ian, i think it's glossy because it's freshly painted, and they haven't put the icy overcoat on yet, so the paint is right on top, rather than buried below a layer or two of ice.

Sep 2 · 9:46 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterBill

I think its a fair assumption that the ducks are gona come out with a 3rd this year and will have the D on it.

Dont get to excited ha ha

Sep 2 · 10:24 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterMarty

Gold jersey, no black, white and orange accents, vertical stripes everywhere, D as the crest.

Sep 2 · 10:46 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterBill

Really? Just put a big fat "D" on the front of their jerseys? You must be out of your mind, how lame!

Sep 2 · 10:53 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterBrianB23

I think it's nice they finally realized the Ducks word mark wasn't really a logo and are now going with the webbed D as a formal logo. With that being said, it's lame. It's so easy to use that as the logo and I'm so frustrated with the Ducks organization for half-assing this logo. I'm a huge fan and the team, from the top down is well run, well organized and since being sold to the Samueli's, have been poised to be post-season contenders.

However, that logo or whatever you want to call it, is still lame and a week attempt to capitalize on something marginally called a logo.

Sep 2 · 11:07 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterHarvey

Me on August 30:
@icethetics ANA sure seems to be using the D-only-logo a decent amount now, think a sweater change is in the works...?

Sep 2 · 11:24 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterNHLJeff

As I said over on PuckDrawn, I think going with a D in the middle of the jersey is a poor idea. The Webbed foot is painfully simple and is going to get lost on their jerseys. The upper part of the jerseys are basically solid black and its going to wash out the D.

Sep 2 · 11:39 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterLink

Re: redundancy, they do play across the street from The The Angels Angels of Anaheim.... Maybe it's an OC thing. Either way, I think there uni's, with or without the "D" or "ucks" are atrocious.

Sep 2 · 12:31 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterBuck

They could come up with the greatest logo ever and it would still get lost in the ugliness that is the Ducks uniform. This team desperately needs some distinct colors; their own identity.

Sep 2 · 12:42 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterG-Man

God, that red line is hideous. Do we need the arrows? "Look guys, center ice is right over here!" It looks tremendously ugly, and they should get rid of it and go back to... well, whatever it was that they had last year.

Oh wait, that's not what this post was about? My bad.... It's about time they update the center ice logo. It looks so much better front-and-center than the wordmark, and if this is at all possible, makes a duck actually look somewhat fearsome.

You know what, I'm sure this was all a very smart plan by the Samuelis. When they first took over the team, they changed the look to not only get away from the Disney era, but to represent all of Orange County, which I really like. I was actually eating breakfast at a Denny's in Irvine (about 5 miles or so away from Anaheim, on my way to Phoenix/Las Vegas) and saw the new jerseys and logo in the OC Register. I liked the idea, but thought the jerseys were lacking. But still, everybody went out in droves to buy these jerseys.

The next year, they went to the Rbk-Edge uniform, and everybody wanted to buy those uniforms. Now, this is their fourth season since the name/uniform change, and there are all these rumors that they'll adopt a third jersey this year, one that should be miles better than their current jersey of three years. I think they will because of the $$ factor. I think this whole thing was all about getting the most moeny as possible, and a very smart move by the PR/design guys.

Sep 2 · 1:10 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterKevin Y

I think that the Ducks should look at what the Quad City Mallards have done, lots of color and a nice logo. The center line is also looking more 21st century.

Sep 2 · 1:24 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterMike

As a born-and-bred resident of Anaheim, I am appalled at both our professional teams. Since the ever since the Angels went the way of the "LA" Rams and changed their name, it has been a huge slap in the face to our citizens. And what's worse, our hockey team (as much as I love them) has the WORST logo in the NHL (I'd say in ALL of sports - but the OKC Blunder is worse.) The Ducks need to step it up... because there's nothing worse than paying $200 for the eyesore of a sweater that Ducks have been sporting for the past 3 seasons.

Sep 2 · 1:37 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterTrevor

A step in the right direction, now all they have to do is change the rest of it.

Sep 2 · 2:50 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterDan

The worst part about the Ducks' rebrand was that it was clear as day that their jerseys were designed with the webbed D foot as the crest, and some higher-ups had a different plan. Keep the jersey design, go Dark Green, Orange, Gold, and White, and put the webbed D foot on the sweaters as the crest...then add a new flying duck logo and put it on the shoulders. Brilliant.

Sep 2 · 4:57 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterEddieRayDesign

I'm betting the D will only appear on the supposed third jerseys next year but one can hope!

Sep 2 · 8:07 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterJames

Wow, anyone calling the Ducks uniforms atrocious have no taste. They may not be the best, but they're not bad at all. And I saw somone post something about getting distinct colors? Are you serious? Why don't you rethink that bud, they're one of the few teams in the league with orange, and the only team with gold and orange. Anyway, I've said it before, and I'll say it again....the uniforms will look terrible if they switch to the lone D logo.

Sep 3 · 3:23 AM PDT | Unregistered Commenteralx83


Yep, they're one of only 3 teams with orange. But you gotta make sure you look REALLY close if you want to see it. And they are one of only....eight teams that wear black at home. Those guys are pretty distinct.

Sep 3 · 6:05 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterIan

Only three teams wear orange? I can think of more: Ducks, Flyers, The Oil, The Islanders, Sharks, Thrashers... Of course, each team has varying degrees of subtlety - they all incorporate orange nonetheless.

Sep 3 · 2:41 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterTrevor

I honestly thought they had the big-ass D there last year. I checked on YouTube and I was wrong. Huh.

Anyway, good move. I've always assumed that the webbed-D alone was or would become the true logo. The wordmark is just too unwieldy.

Sep 4 · 10:22 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterDoogie2K

WHY not just have a stylized mallard duck as the primary crest? There is more to a duck's gracefulness than just its webbed feet. And black. (YAWNING!!!) There was nothing wrong with eggplant and jade. Or what about having dark green with burnt orange? Something original. And with horizontal stripes and block numerals. This hockey, not lacrosse.

Sep 4 · 11:47 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterAndre

Never liked any of the uni's the Ducks created, but even worse is that retarded red line!!
Arrows pointing to center ice? Are you serious? Is that for all the lame-brain NEW hockey fans that
Bettman expects to bring on board?
First they try the lit-up blue puck - what a joke that was. Then they take away the 2 line pass, followed by a huge 1/2 circle goal crease. Then the worst change of all - the ugly,tight fitting RBK Edge jersey with no more hem stripes.
What's happening to professional hockey??

Sep 8 · 7:04 PM PDT | Unregistered Commenterbwayblueshirt

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