Wenatchee Wild Contest Winners!

The NAHL's Wenatchee Wild have decided the winners of their Icethetics logo design contest. Dozens of talented artists tried their hand at creating a new logo for the junior team. Now it's time for the big announcement!
Logo by Gary Cekus / winnerCompleting his trifecta, the winner of the third Icethetics logo design contest is Gary Cekus!
Unfortunately, the Wild were not satisfied with any of the submissions becoming their new primary logo. However, they did find a new secondary mark (left) which will be featured as a shoulder patch on the uniforms beginning next season.
Since the team did not select a new primary logo, Gary will be awarded the grand prize for his secondary mark. He gets a $200 cash prize along with a jersey and T-shirt featuring his logo.
But wait, there's more! The Wenatchee Wild will leave the door open for the rest of Gary's logo set by creating a specialty jersey that will be worn and auctioned off during the season. You can see all of his work here.
Logo by Ryan Muraro / runner-upIn addition, the Wild will award a runner-up prize to Ryan Muraro, whose logo designs may also be featured on a specialty jersey next season.
I'll keep you apprised of the team's plans to wear any special sweaters throughout the 2010-11 campaign.
Congratulations to both Gary and Ryan on their outstanding efforts! And a big pat on the back to everyone who took the time to submit artwork in this contest.
Reader Comments (8)
Good, none of the submissions were as good as their current logo.
so their keeping their primary the same?
Congratulations, fellas. Both well deserving.
We should have a followup poll comparing what they do eventually select vs these two great logos.
As a fellow designer in this contest, I just want to extend my congratulations to both winners and ALL of the designers. Great job, guys!
I was really hoping Ryans logo would win it. I think its better than the current. They should really leave it up to the fans though. Garys design makes a great shoulder patch. Congrats to both!
I liked a lot of the submissions, but too many X-TREME fonts for my liking. It's not 1993 anymore.
Hooray, I think? :P Congrats to Gary and everybody else, rather amazed they felt that nobody's work was better then their current (and rather curious as to the fate of my design)