SPHL Logo Map

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As its name would suggest, the pint-sized, 8-team Southern Professional Hockey League lives entirely in the southeastern United States. And, if I may say, the SPHL has some of the most wretched nicknames and logos in all of pro and junior hockey. FireAntz? Havoc? And I've never felt so much contempt for a logo as I do for the Pensacola Ice Flyers.
But I digress.
The Augusta River Hawks are the newest addition to the league and will begin play in the fall. Their location made me take note of something. I don't know what it is about this league — perhaps the small market nature — but it seems none of the SPHL's cities are far from a state border. Both Augusta and Columbus sit right on the edge of Georgia. Pensacola is practically on the Alabama line while the Surge and IceGators are nearly in the Gulf of Mexico. Fayetteville, N.C. is actually the farthest from a state boundary. Just an odd observation.
Thinking the USHL probably set to go next. And at some point, maybe Heritage Maps for the old IHL and other minor leagues. Certainly the WHA.
Reader Comments (16)
I certainly miss the Jacksonville Barracudas.
Also, it seems this league thrives mostly on its fans being transplants from the north. I can't tell you how many games I've gone to and seen NHL jerseys from Colorado or Detroit.
as you stated that the chl map fills out the echl map the sphl map fills in the good bit thats left out by both of those in the south. i understand your hate of the iceflyers logo but the fireantz and havoc arnt that bad of names.
If its any consolation I caught a few Ice Flyers games last year...and they were horrible.
Also the league with the highest percentage of team names starting with "Ice____." Why do franchises think that is a good idea? seriously, why? I wouldn't mind the FireAntz so much if it was spelled correctly.
...that Surge logo is suprisingly nice :P
i bet this would make an interesting TOL
Richmond Renegades would've been on here a year and a half ago... but no, we don't allow our hockey teams to last more than a few seasons.
Cottonmouths is a great name. One of the best in minor league hockey, IMHO. Decent logo too.
I don't understand the need to spell an "s" with a "z". Fail.
I work for the Huntsville Havoc. And it's certainly a better name than the ones this team has had before: Huntsville Channel Cats & Huntsville Tornado.
I love these maps! Any plans to do foreign leagues? Elitserien? KHL?
I didn't even realize there was a pro team in knoxville. They would have been my closest team to watch when i was living in KY.
Which vintage of the WHA? Or are you doing all half-a-billion franchise locations? (Paging the Miami Screaming Eagles...)
How about a map for the Saskatchewan Junior Hockey League? Or a ToL of the SJHL? The kind of hockey seen in the SJHL is at par with the Western Hockey League, and many of its players end up playing for NCAA Div I teams.
Hey..... I just got a crazy idea..... how about a KHL map?
likin that riverhawks logo, cool look.