Flyers Revealing New Sweater 11/21

The wait is almost over for the official unveiling of the Philadelphia Flyers' 2012 Winter Classic jersey. According to the NHL, it's happening in just three days.
On Monday, Nov. 21 at 11:30 AM ET, last week's leak will either be proven right or wrong. (But I'm pretty sure it'll be right.) The uniforms will be modeled by players at Citizens Bank Park, home of the outdoor game on Jan. 2, 2012.
Personally, I'm steadfastly standing by this design, which surfaced last Thursday:
We're still waiting on something solid from the Flyer's Winter Classic opponent, the New York Rangers. It doesn't seem like they'll be ready to unveil in time for the Black Friday shopping rush. However, earlier rumors are still holding up, based on T-shirt designs available in the NHL's online store.
Winter Classic T-shirts on sale look a lot like the leaks /
Some people refer to these types of tees as "shirseys" — as in a shirt that's meant to resemble a jersey. It doesn't have any of the striping, so it's nothing definitive, but so far the Flyers leaks have been a match.
I wouldn't think the Rangers would wait until game day to unveil the jersey as they'll want to get the word out so fans can buy them before the Winter Classic. But we'll keep waiting. This is actually the longest we've had to wait. In the past, Winter Classic jerseys have been unveiled over the summer at the press announcement, or before the first week of the hockey season.
Reader Comments (14)
The NYR WC jerseys better be the Mona Lisa of hockey jerseys because this wait is rediculous. It is so typical for the Rangers Organization to draw everything out. Why does it have to be such a dramatic mystery all the time in New York!?
wow i was juat about to email you a pic of these shirts chris, but then i was like he most def has it on his site already lol. well from the looks of the shirts the i feel like theres now a 99% chance the leaked flyers jersey will be the real deal. i really likem, for both teams. especially how the flyers did somethin a little different with the "Keystone state" shaped patches to put behind the Cap and asist captain patches. the only thing i dont like is how similar both jerseys look. theyre both tie downs with the exact same style stripes on the arms and wasit (if both leaked pics stand true). other than that they look nice, cant wait to see'em in a couile days
Thats the real jersey, I saw that at the store
Considering the ebay listing is a legit jersey...the unavailing will not be shocking.
Its not the best winter classic concept I have seen but I like it. Just please get the patch off the shoulder!
I'm expecting to see a remake of the New York alternate jersey from last season for the WC jersey.. With that awful 'vintage' white used instead of navy blue of course.
Not sure I like it. It's vintage looking for vintage's sake and was never worn in thier history, It's like they are trying too hard
Idk if i like it. Its kinda...... plain. there was amockup that a site did that was black with the 45 year circle crest that looked good. anyways how much will shop nhl want for these? hopefully no more than 150 - the same price as any other premier jersey.
So no Quakers vs Americans??? Would have been better than this. Oh well, I hate the Rangers anyways. Rooting for a Isles vs Rangers, (North)Stars, Oilers or Bruins classic at Citi Field.
It kills me that the NHL makes a logo for everything!!! Winter Classic™, Heritage Classic™, Stanley Cup Playoffs™, Super Skills Competition™, Entry Draft 2011™, NHL Fan Fair™, NHL Face Off 2011™, NHL Commercial Break™! Whydo they even have a special branding for the first month of the season? "FACE OFF 2011!" like we are somehow watching the game, and didn't realize that hockey had started back up....
From my perspective, all of these microbrands dilute the NHL branding overall. A new fan could conceivably view an NHL event and only see the logo for said event. How would the NHL have remained in their mind? The busy event logo will be forgotten, I can assure you. I would unify everything with the NHL shield as the primary element followed by text only. I'm sick of the patches, decals, and temporary logos cluttering up the game on the ice, and on uniforms. This fragmented overbranding creates clutter, dilutes the parent brand, and quite frankly is an eyesore when conflicting designs are forced together.
Most especially this is an issue for the Winter Classic uniforms. If the classic uniforms are meant to invoke the spirit of old-time hockey, then these ridiculous shoulder & chest patches run counter the the whole look & feel. The slick, modern, fast-looking logos don't have any place on a heritage uniform. As for TV & Web branding for events, how about the NHL Crest followed by "Winter Classic" in the NHL typeface. This would be simple, would reinforce the NHL brand strongly, instead of obfuscating it within a busy logo that has a shelf-life of only a few months.
What an opportunity for the Flyers to do something more original and outside the norm of their current sweaters. Too bad what they came up with looks pretty much like what they currently wear. The beauty of the Winter Classic comes from with seeing unique and inspired jerseys. Consider me a bit underwhelmed by the Flyers' jerseys. Good looking? Of course! Just too normal. I like the "C" and "A" patches but unless you purchase a Pronger jersey or alternate captain jersey, too bad you won't be seeing one on your sweater.
These leaks were spot on. I like the new duds. Classic Flyers Orange and black. I think it would have been interesting if the Rangers brought out a modernized version of the Lady Liberty jersey and the Flyers had the retro look. But it looks like the Rangers will have the old style shield logo if these leaks are as accurate as they seem.
That pseudo-neon Flyers shade of orange is godawful, vintage or no.
Chicago-Detroit still firmly holds the crown of best outdoor game jersey tandem.
The Quakers revival concept would have been so much better. I agree with a previous post; the Quakers/Americans idea would have been sweet. The Flyers came in to the league in '67 wearing something that had never been worn before, and now they choose the typical shoulder yoke and stripes format for their heritage look? And the striping recalls the look of their previous ... socks?!? Okay then.