NHL Recycling 2011 All-Star Jerseys?

Sens Town posts photo of apparently leaked 2012 All-Star jerseys — which look quite familiar
According to Ottawa-based blog Sens Town, the 2012 NHL All-Stars will wear the same uniforms they donned in 2011 in Raleigh. The blog claims to have "gotten ahold" of photos that prove this. The shot above shows the old jerseys with the 2012 All-Star Game logo on the shoulders.
In the blog post, Stephen Smith writes: "It appears the only difference is a few minor touches on the sides."
2011 NHL All-Star jerseysI'm not sure what he means by that unless he has other photos he didn't publish. From what I can see here, the design of both jerseys appear to be exactly the same as last year's — sides and all.
While the sweaters were highly unpopular with readers last year, personally, I was a fan. I love seeing the league try new things. It annoys me that ultra-traditionalists think every hockey uniform should look exactly like it did in 1960s. How perfectly dull. There's a time and place for it — the Winter Classic, for example.
So we'll see if this turns out to be true. I have no reason to believe it won't. In fact, in my Nov. 28 post about the Rangers' Winter Classic jersey unveiling, I flat out said I wouldn't be surprised if the league just recycled last year's All-Star look. It's a good one. It deserves to stick around another year or two.
That brings me to one last thought. Despite the NHL realigning next year, there won't be any need to reformat the Fantasy Draft/All-Star Game since players aren't divided up by conference anymore anyway. Having said that, I'm sure not everyone would agree. So after realignment in 2012, should the 2013 All-Star Game be reformatted? And if so, how?

Late to the party on this, but just so you know, Sens Town confirmed last week that these jerseys are on the shelf at the Sens Store inside Scotiabank Place in Ottawa. Looks like we're definitely getting a rerun of the 2011 NHL All-Star uniforms. No complaints here. Bravo!
Reader Comments (33)
I thought they would make the red jersey the solid colour and the blue jersey white, but eh. Cost-cutting at its finest.
Also, I agree. I like the jerseys. They are extravagant for a reason; it's the All-Star game.
I'm with you Chris. I liked these sweaters last year as well. However, I was sort of hoping they would try something new for this years All-Star game... Oh well.
I also enjoy it when teams try something new! As long as it isn't completely boring (i.e: Dallas) or butt ugly (i.e: Atlanta or Isles 3rd), lol.
I'm not a fan of the recycled All Star jerseys (I wasn't a fan last year either). I just seems that very little effort is put into jersey design these days. Quite frankly, some of the best designs are mockups posted on this site or elsewhere. The reason I love the "vintage" sweaters so much is because of the lack of creativity in today's models.
Why change a good design? Allthough a new pair of All-star jerseys inspired by Ottawa would be nice to see.
Like you i like those all star jerseys and with the new 4 conference system coming next season who knows what the all star jerseys will look like next year who knows what the all star game will even look like ,, Could be a all star tournament by then lol imagine Conference A vs B and C vs D winners go to the final all star game lol adds a little competition of course it would be no body contact hockey just pure skill like pond hockey,.
I noticed the small picture of the all-star game logo under the jersey picture. The logo has changed (a Canadian flag has been added to the top of the Peace Tower).
With the NHL going to 4 Conferences next year, how about a radical change that would involve 4 All-Star teams comrpised of the best players from each conference. They could play a series of mini games in a playoff style format to determine the winning Conference for the All-Star game.
I don't mind recycling the jerseys from last year either. It might be nice to have a standard all star jersey for awhile after all the jersey switches from year to year. If I were going to design all star jerseys though, I would personally take the cut of the host teams jersey and just change the crest logo and colors, as to pay homage to the city hosting. Example: Philadelphia would be the same jersey just drop the flyers logo for the NHL shield, and drop the orange and black for blue or red.
I stopped watching the all-star games back in the mid 90's. Boring Stuff!!! Most of the ASG Jerseys suck also.I wish they would wear their team jersey, then I might watch just to see.
The jerseys are fine with me, they'd be gaudy for a real team, but with an all-star game, go all out. As someone else mentioned, making the home jersey red and road white with blue trim might have been nice, but oh well. The only thing I really hope they change is the number system with the all-star game. Seeing Brad Richards and Steven Stamkos on the same line just got confusing, although they probably won't so they can hand out the player's actual jersey at the draft.
I think each year the All-Star jersey colors should be based on the host team. Especially now with the Eastern and Western Conferences gone, they should really make the event for the home town crowd. Make a home team player the team captain to pick first and in the case of this season in Ottawa they should have a red or black jersey to go along with a white one.
Does anyone know, are they doing the same style all-star game as last year? (Fantasy Draft Style)
My only qualm with these is (and always has been) the pin stripes on the sleeves. I like them, but wish they went all the way up, or had a more natural end. The way they are now is sort of...abrupt? They just end, and it looks weird. Other than that they are stylish, and I would probably buy one if I wasn't a poor student at the moment. I would love to see the NHL move away from red and blue though. Go somewhere different with these, and don't be shy.
Rob. S - They do wear their team jersey, for the All Star Skills Competition. If every individual plaeyer were to wear their team jersey for the All Star Game it would make it way too confusing for the viewers to discern exactly which players were playing for which All Star Team.
As for the jersey leak, the league has recycled All Star jerseys in the past, what makes you think they wouldn't do it again? I'm not surprised one bit by it. They don't have to have brand new All Star jerseys every single All Star Game. sure It would make it much more interesting for us jersey and design enthusiasts, but really it's not neccessary. I actually do like the unis they wore at the last ASG, it's very unique compared to anything we'ver ever seen before. I really liked the addition of primarily white with red gloves to the white and red uniforms that Team Staal wore.
I was at the Sens game tonight, and these exact jerseys (complete with Ottawa All-Star Game patch) are already for sale in the arena's main store.
Hopefully they will drop the dumb collar numbers...
Matt, what would be so confusing? It would be light vs. dark. Have you never seen a men's league game?
Mens league games usually have somewhat consistant uniforms. Old guys with some cash in their pockets like to dick around and be funny with uniforms. I play in one with cartoon mug of beer playing hockey on the front. Oddly enough, that sort of thing is a common theme.
You're thinking of pickup games, where it's white v. darks.
I'm pretty sure he means the shoulder patches when he's referring to the sides.
Why would they change the game format next year when there's a draft? It doesn't matter what conference they're in this year, and it won't matter what conference next year. A tournament would be so long drawn out and convoluted, it would lose interest.
The best All-Star Jerseys were the ones used in Minnesota a while back. The one was olive green with cream accents and said "WESTERN" diagonally across it while the other was cream with red accents and said "EASTERN" across the chest. They were a simple, clean design that looked nice.
Of course, they could change the color coding every year depending on which team/conference was hosting the game. Which, in my alternate universe, would make it a red & bronze team versus a white & bronze team this year.
Here's a link: http://www.nhluniforms.com/AllStar/Images/AllStar04.png
(Though, with the new conference-less setup, they would have to say something else, or just have a color coded NHL logo on the front.)
Keith I completely agree with you total lack of creativity these days. my fav jersey's are fomr the 70s-90s and some early 00's. Not even the quality is as nice as the old CCM's, Nike's and Starter jersey's were. I dont mind Reebok making them lighter for the players but put a lil more quality in2 giving it a more sweater feel instead of a football jersey feel (the rbk edge template originally looked). Theyre doing alot better now for many teams imo now that retros are back or cross betweens like the flyers isles, oilers, nucks throwbacks, maple leafs, etc.
and as for these i thought it was cool how the league tried something diff though i agree with chris cant all look like the 60s but recycling the looks just dumb, like the mid-late 90s teal and purple which were later changed to maroon and navy. I actually liked thos crazy teal and purples but for like 4-5 yrs it got kinda boaring. hopefully theyll have something that we've never seen for next yr.
This would never fly, but it'd be great to see the ASG matter like it does in MLB (or at least it did when I last watched MLB, years ago).
1. Make the skills competition a four-way competition.
2. Have a mini-tournament where "home ice" is determined by skills comp results.
3. Have the results of the mini-tournament determine playoff semi-final match-ups and home ice advantage in that round.
This would not only mean the game would have a real effect on the rest of the season, but so much of an effect that it would break up the pre-determined semi-finals match-ups, so you could theoretically get a west-west final or an east-east final.
It's pretty radical and it would never happen but I think it'd be interesting.
Hi everyone, was at the Scotiabank Place yesterday to watch the Ottawa Senators LOSE to the Vancouver Canucks (whooo hooo!) and saw the NHL All-Star jerseys.
Chris, the picture you posted is indeed the ones that they will be wearing for the 2012 All-Star game, as I saw them on the racks at The Sens Store. They're also at local sports retailers in Ottawa.
Maybe a recolored version of each players jersey. That would be kind of cool. You could have a red Maple Leafs jersey or a blue Canadiens jersey. That would turn some heads. Recoloring the logo would be a must too.If a team is those colors, they could just wear the same uniform as there normal one. Just a thought. Wondering what everyone thinks of it. You too Chris.
Those 04 all star jerseys were great. I loved them. Of course we all loved then back then. But if you look carefully they have vintage white, so now I hate it.
Well, I don't mind the idea of recycling the previous year's uniforms. It's a way to set a standard, just like the NBA did in the 80's, for example. I'm not a fan of this layout, but that's not so important (for the record: my favorite All-Star uniforms are the 1991/1993 ones, which may be recolored in red and blue to obtain a good mixture of classic and modern styles). The main issue for me is the All-Star Game being no longer a classic East vs West challenge, but basically a friendly pick-up game just for fun without any concept of "challenge" in it.
Take the 1991 jerseys, make a white "home" one, a dark "road" one; red for East (i.e. conferences C+D), blue for West (i.e. conferences A+B), NHL shield as crest, and you'll have a good blend of old and new.
I was at the Sens game tonight and I saw these jerseys. It will be there.
Ugh, I haven't been a fan of the All-Star jersey since 2007. The constant red, white, and blue colors are boring. I liked it when the jerseys changed ever two years and the colors changed with it. In recent memory my favorites have been 2000-2001 and 2004. I hope with realignment next year they go retro and wear orange, black, and white jerseys like one you would have seen in the 80's. Or maybe the colors for the jerseys should reflect the team that is hosting the event.
@Zeus - You play in a lot classier beer leagues than we have around here. It's usually white vs. skittles. If the team is well-run, they might even all have the same color, but different teams, like a team of blackhawks, red wings, panthers, etc.
I like what MLB does for their All Star Game Home Run Derby jerseys - the jerseys share a similar design and color scheme to that of the host city's team uniforms and a subtle design nod to a City's landmark, like the St. Louis arch ("Gateway to the West"). I'd really like to the see the NHL do the same thing with its ASG jerseys.
I totally agree with WestCoast Dave, Along with Hockey I'm a huge Baseball fan and love how they do the themed jerseys for the hrderby with American league and national league on the jerseys with the theme having to do with the city's landmark, and then how all players wear the jersey of their respected team while wearing an All-Star themed patch. I really liked how they wore 2 gold stars on the back collar next to the MLB logo this past season, that was pretty cool, oh and their caps as well.