Sens Offer Glimpse of Heritage Jersey

Sneak peek at new Sens sweater / SenatorsThe Ottawa Senators have offered fans a glimpse at their new Heritage Jersey, set to replace the current alternate sweater in 2011.
These screenshots (right) were taken from a video posted on the Sens' website. The club was hosting a Hot Stove event this past Saturday, in which season ticket holders get access to team bigwigs to ask questions and share comments.
In a modest PowerPoint slideshow at the event, the team displayed this sneak peek of the new sweater. Sales VP Mark Bonneau was keen to point out the cleverness of the marketing team, showing the jersey without giving away the farm.
It's folded up in such a way that we really can't get an idea of what the overall jersey actually looks like. But there are a few things we can tell from the image the team provided:
- The Heritage Jersey will primarily be black.
- There will be no "vintage white." (Long live actual white!)
- It will not feature the full barber-pole striping as some suspected.
- There will be a new logo of some kind.
Also appearing in this modest PowerPoint presentation seems to be the Senators' 20th anniversary logo.
While we may not be able to see it very clearly, we can tell that they're using the same font as the Vancouver Canucks have used on their uniforms since 2007. Weird.
By the way, it may be nothing, but of the three logos in use on the Heritage Jersey slide, none of them is the current primary mark.
They've got the 2012 All-Star Game logo (they're hosting), their 20th anniversary mark, and the secondary "O" logo. Perhaps a hint as to what logo we might find on the front of this new uniform? Time will tell.
Speaking of logos, note the bottom still in the image to the right. Notice it has all of the logos that the franchise has used since being awarded in 1990 — including the "Ottawa" wordmark. Just a nod to their history or something more?
What do you guys think of what we see here? What are you envisioning for this new alternate uniform?
Reader Comments (48)
What's wrong with the "O" jersey. Seriously. Just give the fans what they want.
It seems clearly the new logo is going to be the wordmark "OTTAWA" on a shield of some sort. Beyond that, looks like something totally new.
That looks mighty similar to a big black "O" in my opinion.
Yeah, that little black strip with the white edge on each side that is on the red part looks like the corner of the "O" from the heritage logo, like the top-right corner of it. I'm not sure what part of the jersey it's on, though; is it the shoulder patch, maybe?
Anyway, I sense some disappointment on the horizon...
My guess is that's the Alternate Captain's "A" on a shield since it's near the NHL shield. And I agree with the person above, it seems like a big black O.
What is this new logo they have? Just stick with the black design that we have seen in the numerous concepts on this site. I will say that seeing those original white jerseys on that power point (Tugnutt and Boschman) really make we wish and hope that they return to those one day! Those were/are gorgeous!
The 'Ottawa' on shield logo is just going to be a secondary patch though, maybe an anniversary logo different from the one we see the whole of in the powerpoint. 'O' logo could still be the main crest.
That is the O logo, you can tell. It couldn't be anything else
It looks like there is going to be 'OTTAWA' in a shield. Also I can't tell if that's an 'O' being mostly covered by a sleeve, or a band on the sleeve itself...
Just a wonky angle and teaser image to look at... Good find though since the page won't reload again.
I think it is going to be some version of the original Ottawa Senators logo from when they won the Cup in 1921. Check out this sweater from the following season
It looks pretty similar!
The Ottawa "wordmark" is actually one of the unused logos that the club came up with when they were first awarded an expansion franchise. If you look carefully you'll notice that the two t's form the Peace Tower from the Canadian Parliament buildings in Ottawa.
Please, Ottawa, toss the Roman head that looks like a bad high school art project and always go with the 'O'. It's sound and sharp. And it allows a popping three-colour combo, without that cheap yellow.
While I'm incredibly happy they aren't going with the full barberpoles, all I can really discern from this image is that their marketing group may be evil. I guess I've been let down enough times that even the knowledge that they're not going full barberpoles isn't enough to boost my confidence. I still wear the previous, pre-Edge red jersey to games.
As before, fingers crossed for a quality jersey I guess. I'm really hoping it's not too busy with logos and/or stripes plastered everywhere. A 20th Anniversary patch on one shoulder and the all-star logo (which I love) on the other is fine. Hopefully that shield is the 20th Anniversary patch rather than another patch that might get put on the chest somewhere opposite the Captain or Alternate.
It's seemingly so easy to do the Senators uni's right...a simple colour scheme, lots of great, interesting and unique historical jerseys to pull from...yet my first reaction on seeing this glimpse is that they may be going off in a direction they don't need to once again. I'm hopeful that what's throwing us off is the fold here, and how it all fits together. Use of the 'O' logo is a good sign.
Sadly - as we full barber poles. Guess that would've been too simple to do - and do right. Potentially there's copyright issues with the 67's, I don't know, but they would've been great.
I definitely agree with everyone else about the O logo, it was definitely used for this jersey. Black O with a red and white stripe.
From they way it is folded though, that sheild logo is definitely on the shoulder. There is no way that it is on the front because of the way the black covers the O logo.
The folding is very simple...grab a point on the top of the O logo bring it up to the collar. Bring the sleeve over and lay it down vertically on top of that. And then grab a far right point of the crest (where the stripes continue) and bring it over the O a bit. Makes sense I think no? All in all if this is the case, I say its is going to be one of the best jerseys in the league barring any weird additions that we cannot see.
Ben G. is right on the shield. I do suspect this will be disappointing, though.
Oh and almost forgot, this jersey definitely has laces.
The only thing I am unsure on is you see a little red and white in the top right of the first pic. Not sure if that is a shoulder patch or even a yoke (although that would be a little weird since they have never wore one before).
I don't know, it doesn't look like I was thinking it would. Of course, it's all folded up, but I'm not sure. I have a feeling we're going to be a little disappointed with these.
I have to disagree with the conclusion that this jersey will be primarily black. What I get from the image is:
1) It will be primarily red.
2) The primary logo will be the O.
3) The sleeves will feature black and white length-wise stripes.
4) The right sleeve will feature a new secondary logo consisting of a crest split diagonally with red and black, and featuring the word "OTTAWA" in white.
Is that shield in the picture of 1 and 2 in the left corner on the actual jersey? it kinda look's like a shield with the Assistant "A" in it ?
Are you guys sure that what we see on the front is the crest? the first thing I thought of was that the sleeve was folded over twice, and that it reminded me a lot of the sleeves from the red sweaters that were the alternates and later the primary dark sweater
It looks to me like the shield in the upper left is mounted on the right shoulder, and the way it is folded is making it look like it's on the front. I could obviously be wrong, but that's what my first glance appeared to be.
You can definitely see the 'O' in the red there, and it looks way too big to be a shoulder patch, so I'd say it's fair to assume that's in the middle.
What I don't get is the pessimism around this thing. I, like many of you, believe that the 'SNES' logo was a horrid idea, but the rest of those shirts were actually ok.
I have no reason to believe that they got this wrong. I'm pumped for this, and barring an absolute train wreck of a shirt, this will be my next jersey purchase.
My first thought is that the shield thing was a shoulder patch in the same vein as what BenG posted. However, I don't think it could have "Ottawa" in it, wouldn't that be massive compared to the jersey? Or am I viewing it wrong and is that shield separate from the actual jersey portion of the picture? That picture is like a puzzle. It looks to me like the jersey would have to be mostly red of the "O" was black would it not? Or maybe just that portion is red and the whole thing barberpole not just the sleeve?
I think the Ottawa wordmark in the last slide is just a nod to history, it looks like a list of all the logos ever used, even the ones that didn't see the ice.
In the bottom right of the 3rd photo I see the NEW PROFILE LOGO! I hope that has some use in the future!
I'd be happy with a big "O" or simply the current shoulder patch on the chest. The photos are too unclear to infer much. I just hope it isn't too busy overall..
After looking at it at length, because apparently this is what I do in my breaks, I think the folding was just done in a very clever way. I think it is going to be like Barrette's jersey to some extent, only with the laces at the neck, this new Ottawa crest shoulder patch on one side, and the All Star patch on the other. Here's why:
Laces and the surrounding region is black = black base jersey
The top of the O is folded over, so you can't see the black that's behind it (either that or it's a red stripe behind the entire top half of the O), and the red is possibly folded up to make it look like the red extends up past the ties - I'm sure it doesn't (or I hope it doesn't).
The red/white fold over suggests that the bottom half of the O has the white stripe.
Maybe I'm stretching. Still, it could be as simple and clean as a black jersey, the O in the middle, and a red stripe and white stripe behind it.
Doolox, I agree on the profile logo, I've liked that since it came out. I have a hat with it. I don't know why they don't use it more but it's hard to find much with that logo.
I think there should definitely be some concepts made to try figure out what this thing looks like. Who's ready for some mockups?
It's definitely a big "O" logo. But is it just me, or does it look like two golf clubs criss-crossing in the "O"... It definitely looks like the grip handle, and shaft of a club...
What Carpandean said. The color looks to be predominantly red, with black and white sleeve-length stripes.
I'd use the word Ottawa, not a big "O"
Matt, I think those are the ends of the laces
@Matt. It's the ends of the jersey laces
Matt, lol, those are the ends of the laces. I read your post, looked back, and thought they were golf clubs or hockey sticks. Then, I thought, "wait, how did I miss those?" Finally, I focused out a bit and saw they were the laces.
Matt: The two golf clubs criss-crossing, which made me do a double take originally as well, are the ends of the collar ties hanging over the O. Maybe you just see golf clubs because the Sens are going to be golfing this summer instead of making the playoffs. Hey-oh! But no, seriously, I'm quite excited about the rebuild and the draft. I just wish they'd stop winning!
They found a way to mess up again, even if the =O= is the logo you can tell from the stitching its way to busy from the "Redge" template. Like the jersey center fabric "Y" shape will be black with the "M" segments being red and possibly a wrap around the elbows half way on the front from the Logo...
Why can't teams just go back to their original jersey's.. and I mean from birth to rebirth... No Ottawa sweater will ever be as good as their original 92-93 sweater. Some teams just don't need an "upgrade". They need a "down grade"
im sorry but I have to do this...
@Carpandean, @Tom, and @G-Man
How are you getting primarily red from that jersey? As MIke said it as well as I did, the whole top half of the jersey is black because or where the collar and the laces are. Ive never seen a jersey with only a black upper third. Just because you see a lot of red doesnt mean its a red jersey. Its just the same part of the jersey folded over itself.
I have no clue what youre talking about with Y's and M's but how can you possibly get that much info from a jersey (about complex stitching and the elbows and something about colors only being wrapped halfway) that is folded up in a way that you're lucky you can make out the collar and some of the crest.
Sorry I just had to vent...
@ Eddie: I was going to augment my statement by saying that there is a black yoke. I'm thinking something similar (in style, not color) to the yoke on the Flyers' jerseys from 1982-2007. My reasoning for saying that it is primarily red is that the big "O" logo, which I believe will be the primary one, seems like it is black and white surrounded by red. I realize that the red part of the sleeve is folded over, but I still seed red on both sides of the "O" even excluding that part. It's tough to really figure it out, right now, and I could be completely wrong. I'll mock up a concept and then we'll see who's closest when they're released.
I could also see it being four stripe barberpole - i.e. Black-Red-White-Black
Am I the only one that sees thin PIPING between the stripes? There is far too much red on that jersey to constitute a barberpole stripe as well. It looks like the arms are one colour and the body is another. I think this is going to be SNES part 2 : a weird hybrid barberpole jersey that few people will like. Oh well it's Ottawa. Every time they get it right they start over and mess it up. This is the same team that went bankrupt during a record winning season, fired a GM after a cup appearance, and dumped their original uniforms for a series of worse and worse designs.
The uniform that everyone wants is black with two big stripes on the mid section and arms. Too simple.
@ EL
Are you serious? Look harder, the left arm of the jersey is folded over the front. This jersey is all black with the two simple red and white bars/stripes spanning across the whole body and arms, like everyone wants. The O is black with a white outline. There is no piping people, jeez.
Looks like it will have the 20th patch on the right shoulder. Also, it's vintage white.
Some people need glasses.
To everyone saying "that's the alternate captain's A on a shield": it's not. That shield is on the right side of the jersey. The only team that puts its A's and C's on the right is Detroit, because the Red Wings logo is too wonky to put it on the left. I don't think this new logo is that wonky. Every other NHL team puts the A and C on the left side.
I believe the shield says "OTTAWA" on it, and it's a shoulder patch. The primary logo is very clearly going to be the big black O. I don't think that Ottawa lettermark logo you mentioned is going to be featured on this jersey.
I'm starting to get excited for this. Is that a white neck collar on the jersey or is the pic just cropped off at the top? BD, I'm not sure if that is vintage white, after watching the actual video source (which, itself, is merely a recording of a power point presentation; the colors will not be truly represented) I don't know if that is the case. Having said that, because the original jerseys were made from wool, wasn't it more likely that it would appear more cream-like rather than actual white?
Eddie, to me it I would assume it was mostly red because he "O", which is the main crest, is black. Therefore having it be balack on a black jersey would look strange. What seems more likely is that the barberpole design is not limited to the sleeves as I first imagined it would be.
We have not seen the bottom, which could feature the barber stripes.
How would it look strange? The concept of a black O on a black jersey has been around for the past year now and the majority have already agreed that it would be one of the best jerseys in the league. All you have to do is make sure that the red and white stripes are large enough to cover most of the O and that the O is outlined just as the concept's has been.
OK, perhaps that is an O but it looks pretty obvious that there is a red section folded over which could only be an arm because of where the white stripe is. And yes that does look like a red yolk on top. I just cant see this jersey looking good. It should just be all black with a band of stripes in the middle.
I have a feeling Ottawa will drop the ball on this one
for some reason I think it's a barberpole uniform, like the 67's but colours shifted, i know the 67s said they were coming back with their barberpoles this year so i'm just going to assume the shoulders will be black, then red, then white, alternating downwards.... just a gut feeling from the sleeve. the sleeve looks like a barberpole to me, big fat ones. anything else id say it might look horrid. give em 5-10 more years before the fans start screaming for the tugnutt day uniforms.