
Dallas Stars Owner Wants New Look

If you're a regular reader, you know that Icethetics has been closely following the Dallas Stars rebrand slated for 2013. We got another little nugget yesterday straight from team owner Tom Gagliardi. And it's safe to say this new look is definitely happening.

Gagliardi spoke with Norm Hitzges on The Ticket 1310 AM in Dallas. He expressed his dislike of the team's current uniforms and logos. You can listen to the full interview on the Stars' website. Or read an excerpt here:

NH: There are rumors about the Stars might be designing a new uniform. True?

TG: It's true, yes.

NH: Any tips?

TG: Yeah, I think that it's been speculated that we're doing that. We've been an interesting team because I guess we've changed our jerseys quite often. And we end up in a place now with our current jerseys, which I quite like. I think they're very simple and attractive and modern.

But a couple things bother me. And one is the fact that we're the only team of 30 teams* that don't wear their primary logo on their chest. So I don't like that. I'm a bit of a hockey purist. And so that would be the one criticism I have of our current jersey. And I think a bit of a lack of color with our current kit. So we're looking at all those things up to and including whether we want to modify our primary logo as well.

Everything's in play right now. It's not something that's around the corner in terms of a solution or where we're going. And the earliest that you might see something is in the '13-14 season. So we might get something done for then or we might not, but it's a process that actually the franchise was going through before I even came. And so we're visiting with that right now.

But I'm a purist as I say and I'd like to see us with really a timeless, classic jersey. With timeless, classic colors. And again, that may feature a logo that's different from our current logo today. That's all in play right now, but those are my preferences for where I'd like to see the team end up. Doesn't mean that's where we're going to end up. We've got some nice history here in Dallas with some of the older jerseys that I think are really quite attractive. So we're visiting with all that stuff and our roots and trying to figure out what the best thing is for our franchise going forward.

* He's forgetting the New York Rangers, who haven't worn their logo on their chest since 1978. And even then, that was only for a few years.

It's nice to finally here the Stars talking like this somewhat officially. I know he kept hedging in that interview by saying it may or may not happen, but I can't see them pouring a bunch of money into research and development only to throw it all away in the end. I think it's safe to say the Dallas Stars will look completely different in 2013.

By the way, next year will be the club's 20th anniversary in Dallas. Can you believe it's been 20 years since the North Stars left Minnesota? How time flies.

On Tuesday, Stars Inside Edge blogger Mark Stepneski tweeted that the team was looking at new designs.

If you're curious what some Icethetics readers think the Stars should look like, check out our Concept Archive (and scroll down because the first two are Freak Out Friday posts). Also, be sure to check back on the Concepts page this coming Monday for a brand new Dallas Stars concept that involves a play on the team's own history.

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Reader Comments (12)

This is the time to re-brand them as the Lone Stars. I have no idea why they didn't do that when they moved.

Nov 9 · 10:51 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterBluesFan44

Thank God, the current Stars uni's are the blandest, least creative jerseys in pro sports today

Nov 9 · 10:57 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterP Max

Good. Couldn't have come soon enough.

Nov 9 · 12:57 PM PST | Unregistered CommenterJD

How about the original white jersey and the origianl black jersey along with the green star design jersey as the 3rd jersey for ol time sake.

Nov 9 · 2:35 PM PST | Unregistered Commenterlw

This is great news. I would like to see a primarily green uniform at Home, similar to the cup jerseys but without the wild striping. THis talk of a new primary logo is worrysome though. The logo hasn't changed since the team's second year in dallas and even then it was just the green that was darkened.

Nov 9 · 5:10 PM PST | Unregistered CommenterMorgo

I'd like to see a revival of the 90's uniforms, but I'm perfectly happy with their logo as it is. I'm afraid if they alter it, it would end up worse.

Nov 9 · 7:10 PM PST | Unregistered CommenterRandy

looking back at the other (non freak out) concepts, the jerseys are all ok, but the logos aren't great or that much different, if the new owner wants a complete new look then they need a new logo as well. i'm thinking of a wild west sheriff's star maybe as something that could be worked with.

Nov 11 · 7:28 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterJerseyman

THANK YOU for echoing my thoughts on a Lone Stars re-brand. Or even if the club were re-named the Texans for that matter. The Stars' name is way too generic. Furthermore, it would be great if Gaglardi lets Minnesota have the North Stars' name and brand back as well as share the old North Stars' history ( '67-'93).

The NHL needs a lot more owners like Gaglardi. Too bad he didn't get the Canucks. Otherwise, the constipated orca would have been harpooned.

Nov 11 · 4:11 PM PST | Unregistered CommenterAndre

I'd love to see the primary logo get modernized. They've had the same logo for 15 years. Although it should not change, a tweak here and there would do the logo alot of good. We know that a green jersey is coming back. I'm eager to find out what the other details will be.

Nov 11 · 6:45 PM PST | Unregistered CommenterBrian Brideau

New logos, new uniforms, new colours.

Navy, Silver, and Kelly Green.

book it.

Nov 11 · 8:49 PM PST | Unregistered Commenterstars insider

if Gagliardi wants to go the whole way and get a new name as well, looking at the IceHL for potential names, i like the sound of any of these.....Outlaws, Renegades, Pioneers, Scorpions, Cavalry.

Nov 12 · 7:11 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterJerseyman


What do you guys not get about a TEAM named the LONE stars??? It's been considered and they didn't choose it. Get over it.

Dec 9 · 7:33 PM PST | Unregistered CommenterFrank Garrett

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