Happy 5th Birthday to Us!

On May 9, 2007, I had the silly idea to start a blog about hockey logos. I logged on to Blogger and opened an account. Over the last five years, the site has expanded beyond anything I would've ever expected, averaging a half-million page views every month as more than 2,000 individual readers log on every day.
It's humbling, to say the least. So... thank you all.
The Icethetics Jersey Design Contest
To celebrate Icethetics' 5th birthday, let's do something quintessentially Icethetics. Let's design a jersey!
In March, I launched a contest to design an Icethetics jersey. If all goes as planned, the winning design will actually be available for you to purchase! I asked readers to make some suggestions for what elements should be included in the design. Now I'm ready to start taking your submissions.
If you already have an idea, get started! If you'd like some direction based on fan feedback, read on. Here are some of the suggestions you might consider:
- Modern, "out there" —black[box]
- Traditional feel with something that distinguishes it from any NHL jersey —Zack
- Twitter avatar as the shoulder patch; wordmark on the front —Ryan H.
- No wordmark on the front; Icethetics needs a mascot! —Sean
- No black, no baby blue, no lace-up collar, no circle logo —Brandon & Drew
Really just be creative! There are no rules to this contest. If you want a template, try this one, but you are free to submit your design in any format you desire. I think we all just want to see the best jersey design you could possibly create. If you care to read any of the other feedback, you're welcome to it.
But the best things aren't designed by committee. They're designed by an individual with a vision. The only thing I would suggest is that you stick with the existing color scheme of the website: teal, brown, orange and beige. Other than that, it's all up to you. If you want to redesign the logo or come up with an original crest, go for it!
Disclaimer: I do need to point out one thing from the start. If you submit a design to this competition, you are giving Icethetics permission to create and sell jerseys based upon it. More importantly, don't expect to get a cut of sales or anything like that. I won't even be taking anything from it. Think of it as a fun way of creating something that we can all share.
Since I don't want this competiton to take away from the IceHL North Division jersey design contest, I'm setting a long deadline. You have until June 17 to submit your work to me by email (there's a red Gmail button at the top of the page). That's nearly six weeks to come up with something awesome. And you may submit as many designs as you'd like. I can't guarantee they'll all be included in the voting process, but all will be considered.
I'm excited to see what you guys come up with to celebrate Icethetics' 5th anniversary.
Reader Comments (7)
Almost thought you forgot about this! I'm really excited about this one.
I have a jersey design to submit. How do I do so?
Sorry, forgot to mention you can submit your design by email. There's a red Gmail button at the top of the page.
Happy 5th Birthday Icethetics! I've been visiting this website for about a year now. One of my favorite sites and I come at least once a day to check for updates.
Could you make a script and a logo that we could use on the jerseys? The twitter logo and the script on the home page are both on that beveled shape, which makes it hard to use on a jersey. Also, do you have a preference if the jersey is white or colored?
Wow I can't believe its been 5 years! I remember when this site started as the NHL Tournament of Logos. I think it might be time for another logo tournament just like old times ;)
Chris, can you provide png. formated image downloads of your current IceThetics logos (wordmark + abbreviated version) for us to use on the jersey designs?
Also, I would be in favor of another logo tournament, as there's been some new logos intorduced to the league since the original tournamen took placet, but would like to suggest the idea that the tournament in the end determines the rank of each team's primary logo from 1-30 as voted on by IceThetics fans, so that everyone can view where their favorite team's logo ranks among the best and worst in the league. And maybe after that tournament wraps up, we could do a secondary/shoulder-patch logo ranking tournament. What do you think Chris?