Design Firm Reveals Stars Concepts

Torch Creative releases concept logos designed for Dallas
What will the Dallas Stars look like next fall? That's still a big question mark. However, the design firm that's worked closely with the team in recent years has designed and released a pair of logo concepts via social media this past week.
Torch Creative is responsible for the logos above. After tweeting them out on Wednesday morning, the company posted more images — including the Stars' 20th anniversary logo — to their dribbble account the following day. As a reminder, here's that anniversary mark.
It's not clear from their tweets if Dallas-based Torch is working on the Stars' forthcoming rebranding or if those logos were just for fun. Have to think they put together a proposal at least.
In any case, Torch called the above logo concepts "the favorites." They don't specify whether it's their own favorites or the Stars'. Though presumably, if they were the team's favorites, they would've used them and we wouldn't be seeing them like this.
Torch Creative has done a lot of design work for the NHL, including the 2008 Winter Classic, the 2009 and 2011 All-Star Games, the Stanley Cup Playoffs logos, and much more. I recommend a trip to Torch's website to peruse some of their past work. It's very impressive.
What do you think of these logos? Could you see the Stars going with something like that next fall?

After getting a lot of feedback on their concept logos for the Dallas Stars, Torch Creative made some revisions and and posted the updated graphics to Twitter on Monday afternoon.
Reader Comments (36)
They'd work great as a shoulder patch, but I sure hope either of those aren't the primaries!
You never know though, the Mooterus made it through...
Utterly horrid.
Reminds me of Team Canada's maple leaf logo with the hockey player separating the background colors of red & black. Nonetheless I think both concepts are awesome, glad they're keeping the green, gold & black.
Not impressed with those logos at all! If that is the cream of the looks like the Stars' rebranding is going to suck.
I like the "D" logo, but the star looks a little bit too much like the old Astros design. Still, I think it's a pretty good effort.
They are both really nice shoulder patches but I don't know if I can see either being used as a main crest.
i like either of these for a secondary, but neither one screams "primary" logo at me. if i HAD to choose one for a primary, i'd use the texas state one. the "d" logo just really doesn't do anything for me.
I totally agree with all the claims that these feel like secondary logos. I don't get the feeling of a primary in either of these. I hope that they are showing them, just because they are secondary logos. Hopefully the primary is going to blow us away and be held onto until the last minute, but knowing how you work on this site Chris, I expect we will see it before it is released!
I like both concepts, but I feel like the "D" doesn't have enough presence in itself. It should be bigger, as in making it stand out more as an actual "D". As for the Texas logo, that should make its way to being a shoulder patch.
These logos are not working for me at all, especially not as primaries. I don't like the notch of gold into the right side of the star on each one nor do I like the inconsistency of the gold border thickness.
Another thing that looks weird to me is that is looks like the bottom-left on the star in the Texas-shaped logo is pointing toward (or shooting out of?) San Antonio even though the center of the star is on Dallas.
The D logo looks too similar to the Bridgestone logo. If they go with it, expect them to be renamed the Dallas Tires, followed with the ensuing "the Tires look exhausted," "the tires look worn out," and, "can someone check the Tires' pressure?"
Like most everyone else, I can see either of these being great shoulder patches, but not primary logos.
I'm not sure what to think about those logos. They're nothing special, but I would love to see the Stars retain their team colors. It would be a shame to the NHL lose their unique green, gold and black.
Also not a fan. I always liked the sharp lines the Stars have had, even going back to the North Stars. The 20th logo demonstrates this to me as well. The rounded edges in these 2 concepts soften the feel and seem completely out of place for this original 12 franchise.
just realized I can work at a design firm
To put it simply, too cartoonish for a professional logo
Use the Texas state shaped logo for the Texas Stars & the D for the Dallas Stars. Both in a shoulder patch capacity.
The "D" logo looks too much like the old Starter jacket company logo. I don't like these as primaries or alternates. So much more can be done with the Dallas Stars brand, think wild west Sheriff's badges, boot spurs, etc.
i kinda agree that these seems more like shoulder patches than primaries, but i'm not going to trash them though. logo design is moving in the direction of simplicity and what seems like an attempt to make something more iconic and less illustrative. seems pretty smart to me. look at so many of the old logos that people love so much. they're almost all really simple. keep on keepin on, torch creative.
I'm not really in favor of the Stars changing logos, but these aren't too terrible. I think they could do better, but they could also do a lot worse.
Just what we need, another "D" primary logo in the Pacific Division...Apparently Torch didn't learn from The Anaheim Ducks.
They're okay I guess, but I'd expect something a bit more impactful for a new logo.
disappointing, very disappointing
Dallas should just change their team name and be done with it. I think we've seen over the years every possible permutation of a 'D', a star, and the shape of the state of Texas. None pass.
The "North Stars" belong in Minnesota anyhow. Everything, including their once formidable sweaters, went south with the move to Dallas.
Massive downgrade
Looking at Torch Creative's portfolio, I was pretty unimpressed, really. Most of the stuff is very literal. Pretty uninspired. It's difficult work, to be sure, but it all looks pretty entry level.
I'd be very surprised if Torch's work was ever seriously considered for the Stars' new look.
not going to initial thought is that it looks a little lazy.
So they are going to use the "D" as a logo like the Ducks (If it weren't proposed)? That is all I'm getting out of this.
How is this better than the current one? I think both of these are utterly horrible.
A step in the right direction, but too rounded and quite frankly I hate the half black/half green, could be worked with if made more angular and sharper, with a better looking star
I am guessing that their logo did not make the cut. They are just releasing them for copyright reasons in case something similar is used.
This is only a concept. They clearly state on their twitter feed that they are NOT the ones doing the rebrand.
The revised logos are a slight improvement in my eyes. Still doesn't make them good logos though. Well, not for a primary anyway.
they aren't doing the rebrand see Nicky Santoro^ but the update looks slightly better with the black outlining the star, but the lines are too thick I believe. Thin out some of those lines and you probably have a pretty sharp idea.
No No No! IMO, these do not improve upon Dallas' existing design at all. The current Texas shape shoulder patch is 100% better than this one. These are too cartoon sporty looking. The strokes are way too wide. If the Stars are going to change their logo, it needs to be done with a more classic look in mind (something like calagary's flaming "C" or the philly "P"). I wouldn't mind taking a look at the current star symbol minus the type (and maybe add a thin stroke to it).