NHL Logos Get Minimalist Treatment

This is simply too cool not to share.
Icethetics reader James T. pointed me the way of this unique piece of artwork by Segments Design. It was posted on the company's Facebook page last Friday. It's what the designer calls a "minimalist redesign" of all 30 NHL team logos. And it's pretty darn cool.
And if you really like it, you can even purchase a print.
Reader Comments (31)
When I have a kid, I want to use this as the quilt for his/her bed......actually......screw the kid, I want it for my bed!!
These are beautiful. Some of them don't focus on the team's main logo (Nashville, Columbus, Chicago), but still, these are great. Some teams would look better adopting the simplified version of their logo, in my opinion.
Brilliant. Wish I did it.
Eh... I guess the good Pens logo would've been harder to render into minimalist form...
whats the one under buffalo and in between the islanders and tampa
How can I not buy a print of this for my hockey den... SO COOL!
The only one I don't like is the Avalanche.. Doesn't fit really..
These are all amazing.
this is awesome! so simple yet so creative!
Red and green Devils?
This was already done a few months back, but done a little better by someone on Tumblr/Flickr. It seems to me this guy took the idea and "minimalized it more" to make the idea unique again.
This is awesome!!! I absolutely love simplified designs like this. Thanks for sharing!
very cool. super striking and drew me in right away. although the islanders needs work. at first i thought it was the old winnipeg jets.
Very cool! But that's all they had for the Avs?
Super cool.
I couldn't figure out the Preds one, had to go through all the teams in my head and figure out who was left. Very nice work though
I want to see more stuff like this, I like cartoon/simple designs
Yeah, this is cool...except for the Triangle Piegeon - I mean Penguin. I just can't support that logo in any fashion. Even this one as cool as it looks.
@Me, the one between the Islanders' and the Lightning logo below the Sabres logo is the Ottawa Senators logo on here. I think this looks amazing, even though the Blue Jackets' flag logo threw me off. Anyway, I really like the Jets, Blackhawks, and Devils logos. Those are awesome as well as the Bolts and Red Wings logos and that Islander logo, as plain as it is, it would be interesting to see a concept with it.
I'm confused... the first column is the Atlantic Division, the second is the Northeast Division with Florida instead of Montreal, and the third is the Southeast Division with Montreal instead of Florida.
The situation is similar with the western conference teams. It's driving me crazy!
What's important to notice about this is that, for the most part, the most timeless logos and the ones that people might consider the "best", at least from a good design point of view, are the logos that still look nearly exactly like the original when minimalized.
Notice Philadelphia, St. Louis, Montreal, New York, Detroit, Toronto, and New Jersey. Good designs should allow you to remove all detail, color, and shading and still make sense. Like good direction in movies should allow you to mute the sound and still tell the story.
This is very well done and a good lesson for designers.
i wish teams like Carolina and Winnipeg would switch to these
Most are pretty good. As for the Avalanche, he should've maybe used the "Big Foot" logo or something.
It's not organized into divisions or anything because they needed to keep similar shades away from one another - reds, blues, blacks, etc.
I don't get it.
Looks ugly to me.
Nice, but the Nashville logo is completely non-identifiable.
I think the Rangers should use red on the shield, the white look odd..
Red Wings look like its belong to Target.
Took me awhile to figure out where the 3 stars are from.
I agree with others about the Avs, use the yeti's footprint instead.
I think Florida should use the Panther's face, the palm tree is not a panther...
Chicago should be a tomahawk...
You ever think you guys complain too much. The artist was having fun creating something clever and stylistic, and the majority of responses are, "you should've done this instead of that."
The Nashville logo is their new shoulder patch kinda. Looks great.
This looks like the pictures from an app called 'Icon Pop Quiz'. Great idea, awesome look. Only wish my Pens werent the "Robo-Pen"
This looks like the pictures from an app called 'Icon Pop Quiz'. Great idea, awesome look. Only wish my Pens werent the "Robo-Pen"