Islanders GM Talks Jerseys, Logo

How about a little news that's not about Dallas or Carolina? On Monday, New York Islanders general manager Garth Snow spoke with members of the Islanders Booster Club as part of a Q&A session. Jesse from IslesNation wrote up a piece detailing the discussion, which included some jersey and logo talk.
Special sweaters to be worn for all Stadium Series games
Snow confirmed that all teams participating in next winter's Stadium Series, including the Islanders, will all have specially designed jerseys for their outdoor games. (We've already seen the uniforms that will be worn by Detroit and Toronto for the actual Winter Classic.)
"Our focus regarding jerseys has been to come up with an outdoor jersey," Snow said, according to IslesNation. "It won’t be too much different than what we wear now but every team has a different jersey that they wear for it."
It even sounds like the design is done and a prototype has been produced. Snow went on to say he's seen it: "I can say from the pictures of it, it’s a sharp jersey. I think everybody will like it, but it won’t be drastically different from what we wear now."
Does that mean we'll get a standard Isles jersey with retro beige replacing white? I hope not. Or is it possible we'll get a "fauxback" style design instead?
For a recap, click here to see the six outdoor match-ups we're supposed to get in 2014. The NHL has confirmed all but the Senators-Canucks game in Vancouver.
Isles may get new third jersey in Brooklyn
Snow was also asked about whether the Islanders' regular uniforms would change when the club moves to Brooklyn to play at the Barclays Center in the next couple years.
"I'm not gonna get into the whole Brooklyn situation," Snow said. "To my knowledge, it'll be all the same jerseys and colors. Will there be a new third jersey? Probably."
That's a new one but not altogether surprising. The black jersey has not been received well by fans. I can only imagine that's translating to lousy sales. But I'm only guessing. If the Isles debut a new third when they move, that opens the door for a lot of possibilities. What would you like to see?
Snow ended the jersey/logo conversation by saying: "The information I have is that we’re going to keep the same logo, the same history."
True, you can't get rid of your history. But it's good to hear they're not planning to change the logo — though I wouldn't mind seeing a new crest on a Brooklyn third jersey.
Lots to discuss. Now that we know we're getting outdoor jerseys for everybody, what do you hope to see? And how can the Isles come up with a new third that everyone will like? Is that even possible?

Islanders CEO Brett Yormark on Prime Time Russia (via YouTube)
CEO also speaks on potential Brooklyn rebranding
A few readers pointed out an interested interview given by Islanders CEO Brett Yormark a couple weeks ago. Yormark was interviewed by Neil Harvey on an English-speaking Russian news program called Prime Time Russia on June 3.
You can watch the full 16-minute interview on YouTube or allow me to summarize the salient parts. Harvey asked Yormark asked about a possible rebranding of the Isles after the club moves to Brooklyn in 2015. Here's his response:
They don't have a lot to do with the Nets. Although in many respects, we will apply some of the same branding models. With the relocation of the Nets from Jersey to Brooklyn, to what we're gonna look to do with the Islanders when they come to Brooklyn. That will happen for the 2015-16 season.
So over the course of the next couple years we'll start that effort of transitioning the brand to Brooklyn. And to the extent that we can look to "Brooklyn-ize" them, which is certainly something that we will consider.
But that was rather general. What does "Brooklyn-ize" mean anyway?
Neil Harvey interviews Isles CEO Brett Yormark on Prime Time Russia
So Harvey got a little more specific.
Harvey: That's a lot for you to oversee. Is that definite that the branding will carry through to the hockey team? So you'll be looking to bring in the Brooklyn colors, the black and white?
Yormark: It's something that we're considering. We've engaged in some meaningful research. Focus groups, both in Brooklyn and Long Island to understand the desires of the hardcore fan that's been with the Islanders for many, many years. But we also need to understand what the new fan base for the Islanders would like to see in Brooklyn. And my job is to make sure that we can marry the hardcore fan base and the new fan base and to do appropriate branding that speaks to both.
We haven't made any decisions yet but I think it's fair to say that black and white are the colors of Brooklyn. So to the extent that we can weave those colors into the current color scheme of the Islanders, I think that might make some sense.
Harvey: To what extent will these be separate entities? Or is this basically going to be one sporting organization with a basketball team and a hockey team as well?
Yormark: We aspire to be a sports entertainment company so we will not look at the Islanders or the Barclays Center or the Nets as separate and apart from each other. The question is how to we create synergies? How do we create scale? How do we establish some influence in the marketplace that's different than today?
So we're gonna look at it from one big lens versus three different lenses and I think that's the best way to approach it.
He wasn't just implying a change to black and white, he practically said it outright. Naturally, that's the kind of notion that can create a lot of angst within the Islanders' existing fan base. Angst which manifested itself in the form of angry tweets.
To which Yormark replied:
@mselss @IslesFan_Ben @JKLUBER @islandermania I promise you we will do the right thing. Islanders fans will be happy. I am listening.
— Brett Yormark (@brettyormark) June 8, 2013
What he means by the "right thing" is unclear. But this is a point at which being vague makes sense. He's not going to come out and say they're not changing anything if they focus groups could end up recommending otherwise. But what Long Island-based focus group would suggest a change?
I'm curious to see where all this goes. I really hope they don't go the Kings' route.
Reader Comments (21)
Hmm, so the Devils will have a special jersey? Interesting that he didn't necessarily say they would be new. Could just be the red and greens with a different yoke or a shoulder patch. We all know how much Lou hates alts.
I'm hoping that the Islanders will wear the Royal Blue jersey from the dynasty years with the different striping than their current ones. Now that would be awesome.
Brett Yormark COO of Barkley center and Head of marketing of the Islanders will change the the team logo and uniform to match the Brooklyn Nets and Brooklyn to Black and White . Brooklyn will be the marketing point.
The man you should do a story on about this is Brett. Yormark the head of marketing and COO for Barkley center and Brooklyn nets and head of marketing the Brooklyn Islanders
I think the 3rd jersey as a new look with the Brooklyn flavor is acceptable. I'm glad the company line is no changes. They have a simple, clean, and historic look.
As an Islanders fan, I'm ardently against the Brooklyn move in general, but at this point acceptance is kicking in. What I won't accept is any change to the main logo/colors. In reality I wouldn't even want to see a Brookyln themed third jersey because at that point it could be a slippery slope till it becomes our main jersey and our colors are replaced.
Six matchups with the Rangers playing twice. That means 11 new custom outdoor jersey's! This is completely ridiculous. I love Hockey Jersey's and own hundreds, but I am beginning to think that most of you that think this is a good thing are complete jersey geeks! This is so overkill!! Most of the jersey's used in the outdoor games , except for a few are substandard to the regular jersey the teams already have. Plus just about all are not historically accurate. The 2 Penguin jersey's were ok ,because their current jersey's suck. The only other one's that were cool were the Bruins and the Sabres early on in the series. The rest looked pretty cheap and just thrown together. I can't bear to think the Devils will have some cheap looking jersey. Hope they just go with the green alt's.
For the sake of both the hardcore Isles fans, and their new home in Brooklyn, I would like to see the Isles keep their primary blue and white uniforms, toss their current black jersey (because it's horrendous) and make a new black and white Brooklyn-themed third uniform.
@Al - Charles Wang still owns the team and all decisions about uniforms, logos, colors etc have to be approved by him. Just because Brett Yormark's title is COO and "head of marketing" for the Islanders once they move to Brooklyn doesn't mean squat. It's a title, that's all it is, he can easily be replaced as "head of marketing". Charles Wang still gets final approval over any changes and there's no way he's going to approve the same look as the Nets, and I imagine the NHL will never allow it either.
Charles Wang (OWNER of the Islanders) has gone on record numerous times, stating that as long as he owns the team the logo and colors will not change. Brett Yormark is trying to incorporate the Brooklyn "colors" and marry the Nets and Islanders, but ultimately it is not his final decision. I think what Garth Snow said is correct, primary jerseys will be the same and we will have new Brooklyn third jersey.
It should be noted that all the Isles jersey talk started with a Russian interview with Brett Yormark that stated that they're looking to add B&W to the color palette. Isles fans quickly took to his personal twitter account with their displeasure, and he responded saying that they'll "do the right thing" and "Islander fans will be happy". General consensus from most Isles fans is a third jersey would be acceptable, but nothing else.
Ideal situation: Isles royal 80s unis vs. Devils white 80s unis with that unique shoulder treatment (white between the red yoke and the green piping), and no antique white. Then the Rangers could bring back the Liberty logo for their game.
Black and white third to tie in to Nets. Or Blue and Red for the Brooklyn Americans.
Hey Chris, are we getting a June "Jersey watch" ? Just curious. :)
uh, first, the Rangers will be playing in both outdoor games at Yankee Stadium, once against the Isles and once against the Devils. I personally hope that they give us the white version of the red and green jersey as it's a gaping hole in my collection.
The move to Brookyln will only last until the lease expires, or until Wang realizes that this was a horrible decision. Barclays Center was not built with hockey in mind, even seeing the arena layout, I still have a hard time believing that they'll actually be able to shoehorn a rink in there.
Also, who knows, they could bring back the fisherman jersey for the outdoor game? [/joke]
There is absolutely no way the Islanders should change their identity ever again, unless it's a subtle change, like the shade of blue and orange they used from the late 90's-2010. I don't mind that teams like the Oilers and Islanders have been going back to their roots, but rather, the 90's-00's jerseys are the ones I grew up with (playing hockey video games games, watching live games, etc.), and I wouldn't mind seeing back.
The logo, first of all, has to stay for the rest of eternity. Changing is a bad idea, and I'm sure the Islanders organization learned their lesson. They should join the ranks of the Canadiens, Red Wings, Blackhawks, etc., in that it is a team that should never change its identity, as it's just too classic and the fans love it. The logo is one of the best in hockey, and in sports in general.
As for the fact that all teams will have unique uniforms in the outdoor games, I'm really excited. We'll get to see some creative minds at work. The Islanders' one might just be like the ones they wore from 1998-2007. Their classic/current design, albeit navy blue and orange, unlike the royal blue and different shade of orange they wear today. The only presence the 98-07 color scheme has on the Edge template are their questionable jerseys they wore from 07-10. I'd like to see what the colors look like on Edge, minus the miscellaneous colorings and piping.
I'm predicting a spectacular fail for hockey in Brooklyn. No one will want to watch the Islanders in a non-hockey arena with terrible sight lines.
why is it that so many's people hopes and dreams of how they identify themselves with their team often times fall in the hands of people who are not hockey people and not worthy of shaping their brand? like why is this guy in charge of making so many feel sad when they goto a black and white jersey
I would love to see the Rangers wear their old Statue of Liberty jersey against the Devils and their 2012 Winter Classic jersey against the Islanders. Rangers have the best uniform set in NHL history.
frustrating to hear so much corporate talk about "understanding what the new fan base wants" when we haven't had more than a marginally competitive team in a few decades. I'm pretty sure both the new and the old fan bases will be interested in winning hockey.
Their watering down a good thing with these additional outdoor games.. The NHL WC novelty will be ruined with all these additional games.. And of course they are going to wear special jerseys for the outdoor games... More $$$ to be made.. Steiner will release 6 sets of game worn jerseys 1 for each period played at Yankee Stadium.. And charge well over 1k per jersey.. ARRGH!!