Entries in hiatus (1)


Brief Hiatus for the Blog

I'm taking some much needed R&R this week — both from work and Icethetics. I'll be heading to Iceland for some glacier hiking and aurora gawking. While I'm there, I fully intend to keep email checking to a minimum. And I have no plans to update the blog at all.

But that doesn't mean Icethetics will be stagnant. Keep an eye on the Concepts page for new work daily. In fact, for the next week, logging onto Icethetics will automatically redirect you to the Concepts page. And the recently revamped Uniform & Logo Gallery will get an update on Thursday with our next AHL team. (Just added the Grand Rapids Griffins today.)

In the meantime, if you're at all interested to see what Iceland is like, you're welcome to follow my personal Instagram account (@csbolt84), which I update frequently. Just don't expect anything related to Icethetics. This will be my third time visiting Iceland. In the past, I've been during the spring and summer months but never the winter. Should be quite an adventure. Got plenty of warm clothes packed.

I'll be back in time for the start of the NHL season — finally! If any big jersey or logo news breaks while I'm gone, it may have to wait until I'm home again. Regular blog updates resume next week.