Uniform Design Process

The next step in the IceHL project is practically upon us. And I'll try to keep this as brief as possible.
Today, the official logo of the Boston Colonials was unveiled on their team page. (All team pages will be accessible from the sidebar.) Eric Poole's logo designs snuck by with 38% the vote and will now represent this team.
Now that the Colonials have a logo, the next thing will be creating uniforms for them. It's going to mean running two parts of this project at the same time — logo voting and uniform submissions. To ease things on my end while we're still getting the logo voting underway, I won't begin taking submissions just yet.
We need to decide a couple of things as a group first. I'm hoping for your feedback in the comments in order to get some kind of consensus. Take a look at these bullet points and then weigh in below.
- Jersey Format: Do we use the new Reebok Edge uniforms or stick with the traditional sweaters of the past? I can't decide and I'm open to going either way.
- Uniform Design: Obviously, NHL templates for teams in the same geographical region should be off limits. Outside of that, what other restrictions might we need to put in place?
- Uniform Template: We will need a template on which to build these jersey designs so that everything can be voted on uniformly. Point us to some of the better templates out there. Or maybe you've you designed one of your own that you think we should use.
If there's anything else I haven't thought of here, don't hesitate to ask. I'll take suggestions/questions both by comment below and by email.

Based on some of the comments, I think there's been a misunderstanding with regard to the Jersey Format. I'm not talking about templates (i.e.: Lightning, Penguins, Senators, etc.). I'm talking about the cut of the sweater. The traditional air knit sweater is looser while the Reebok Edge jersey is more form-fitting. I know you guys know the difference. This will not be an artist decision. We need to have uniform uniforms. (And so far it sounds like we're going with the Edge style.)
Reader Comments (22)
Are we going to create home, away, and alternate uniforms? I would sure hope so.
I think the beauty of uniform design is the creativity put into the designs. Because of that, I think that we should be open to using either traditional or Edge based designs. That way some teams may look like the present Buffalo Sabres, while others may look like the old Buffalo Sabres. Some brands may need an old-school look while others may be very modern. The jersey is an extension of the brand, and the brand must tell a consistent story. I know that Edge templates can accomodate most any designs, but some just look nicer without seams and inserts breaking up the construction. As far as the template goes, I would be open to working on one along with whoever else would want to help. A group effort to make it easy to use and universally effective might be the best approach.
1. I'm for Reebok Jersey's. It's just easier with the different things we can do with them.
2. Can't really say other than to try to stay away from any of the current teams designs.
3. I'm putting a template together right now based off of the Hurricanes 3rd jersey concept sheet from last year. I'll let you know when I'm done.
Can't wait to see what people come up with!
I don't care much for the Boston team's logo, but that's how it goes when it's unbiased, right Chris!
Hey, i think we should really stick to the new Reebok Edge uniforms. I just believe they look wayy betterrr!!
I think they should be in the RBK Edge format.
I am no artist, but I enjoy this project and would enjoy entering some jersey ideas. They are quite easy to do using the jersey customisers on the net (Athletic Knit). I vote for the Reebok Edge style, I think it looks nicer.
I think the answer to your third question will help with your first question. Meaning, I don't think we need to use the Reebok Edge platform unless we feel it works as the best template available. Maybe we should have a template vote off??
Also, as one of the designers in this project, I think the winning logo designer should have first crack at the uniform design. I think it would be a reward in a sense for being the successful logo designer. Either that or they would automatically make the finals of the uniform submissions??
I think we should definitely stay away from the Edge templates. We don't need even MORE teams that look like the Pens/Sens/Lightning, Panthers/Predators/Avalanche, etc.
Go with the traditional sweaters. With the RBK Edge there are too many jerseys that look alike but with just different colours.
1. I'm gonna suggest using traditional jerseys as they allow for more creativity
2. We should disallow any NHL jerseys (maybe we could allow the striping patterns, just not in the same colours, for example, if your gonna use the Sharks jersey, it cant be in the Sharks colours)
3. I think the best template out there is GFBs template
Should be fun!
can you post who was 2nd and 3rd? and by what percentage?
All your questions answered:
To SodaPop: I would suggest we start with home and road only and allow thirds to be a future part of the process — once we know what each team's standard uniforms look like. But everything will go up for a vote.
To JFred: A template poll is a great idea. We'll get together all the best ones and vote for which will be the standard.
As far as the logo designers, they can certainly contribute sweater designs. And I would agree with you that they should be an automatic finalist if for no other reason than design continuity. But I certainly think other artists could bring something new to the table. This project is meant to be a community effort.
To matt: Maybe at some point in the future. Right now, I'll give you the winner's percentage. See the Twitter post from earlier today.
Template vote-off is the way to go.
I won't know till I see a few options. I dislike the Edge, but on the other hand I think it would be more realistic to use the most modern design. On the other other hand, I agree with Ben about traditional jerseys allowing for more creativity, which I think maybe trumps realism in this project.
Definitely think we should use the Edge jerseys.
Btw, still loving this project (other than the lack of a Bay Area team...)
1) Edge it is!
2) Stay away from NHL team's designs.
3) I think Reebok has an official one.
BTW, Chris, how do you sign in? I can't find the sign-in page, since the redesign.
Go edge. It looks so much better. You can still make the jerseys retro, for example the Winter Classic unis or the Flyers 3rd. I just wish there was a team in Buffalo!
One of the drawbacks of my lengthy hiatus earlier this year was that I've had to make a few downgrades to save money. That included the removal of member accounts. I hope to bring that feature back in the near future.
I think the Edge template is fine. You can use the modern Edge designs or go traditional.
Shouldn't the team pages have the secondary logo and wordmark too? For me, those play a big role in which one I vote for.
I'm a big fan of seeing what the entire uniform looks like (including helmet, etc.), so for 3. I'd vote for the "St. Patty's Vector Hockey Template" over at PuckDrawn