Reebok Fixing EDGE Issues

An article on TSN's web site was emailed to me and I thought it would be worth sharing. Apparently, Reebok is responding to the moisture issue players are having with the new EDGE jerseys. In short, the wick-away technology is doing a fantastic job of keeping water out of the uniform, but also trapping sweat inside which results in very wet skates and gear.
October 2, 2007
New sweaters here to stay
Darren Dreger
TSN.caNHL players will tell you the practice and preseason version of Reebok's sweater design needs work.
The NHL has recognized the issues and Tuesday morning in a conference call with Reebok the league was assured alterations will be made.
The biggest issue focused on the water resistant coating on the fabric of the sweaters. It was designed to keep moisture out.
It did that, but also trapped the moisture in which led to soggy equipment and unhappy hockey players.
To correct that problem Reebok says it has developed a treatment that permits sweat to escape through the fibers, yet still manages to stay reasonably dry.
This new sweater is being shipped to teams around the league, with the Pittsburgh Penguins and Reebok's spokesman Sidney Crosby likely to debut the modifications as early as Friday.Despite the public outcry from the game's fighters, the NHL doesn't see the need to alter the design to accommodate their needs, other than to further investigate whether the sweater's tie-downs have to be improved.
The belief is most fighters cheated in the past, utilizing the loose fit to get their arms free, or to shake-off binding elbow pads.
That can't happen anymore and the NHL has no intention of changing how the sweater is tailored.
The coordinating socks on the other hand have been replaced in hopes the issue of tearing that some players experienced in the preseason, has been corrected.
The message to all players from the league and the manufacturer is, it's a work in progress and patience is required.
Further modifications are likely, what isn't likely is the NHL turning back and abandoning a deal that pours millions into league coffers.
Very interesting. I think it's great that they're addressing this problem so quickly. What do you guys think about Reebok now? At least they're listening to the players.
Reader Comments (10)
I think it's great that they reacted so quickly. I wasn't against the new EDGE uniforms in the first place, then turned against it when i heard about the players complaints but now i think it'll be fine soon and hopefully the players will be happy too, because that's what uniforms and every part of the equipement should be about: to fit the players needs!
they may have responded quickly, but they still bastardized damn near every jersey in the league. For my money rbk still gets a big ol' thumbs down.
They had to react quickly - or else potentially endure the same fate as Spalding, the NBA and the synthetic basketball fiasco of a couple of years ago. "Moisture management system" could become a four-letter word in pro sports.
I have seen a number of the Edge jerseys up close and my general complaint is that they just look damn cheap. The photos may accurately show poor design, but don't do justice to just how flimsy and poorly done the fabric and shoulder patches are. Considering the cost (even of the semi-pro models) it's a real departure from the models on sale last year - and not a good one, at that.
Many stores in Calgary still have last year's models, (at low prices) and I am seriously considering just getting another one of those. Never thought I would say that, especially since I am such a fan of the provincial and Canada flags.
I just don't see how these complaints weren't heard and rectified BEFORE making every team switch over.
Oh wait. This is the NHL. Foresight and common sense aren't exactly their forte.
Sack these crummy unis and take the Bettman Stripes with them.
yeah ... i love reebok now (sarcasm)
these jerseys are super ugly ... why did they need to change ... another dumb gimmick from the nhl front office? get rid of 'em
Too little too late. Fixing moisture issues isn't going to stop half the league from looking ugly as sin.
And I agree with Dave. I've yet to see an authentic jersey first-hand, but the replicas feel incredibly flimsy and cheap. The worst are those printed leatheresque shoulder patches. Thankfully it's a non-issue on the Wings jersey but it's downright lazy for a product that costs 130 dollars, let alone paying another 70 just to get then to get their act together, or even worse that you can get last year's better-quality replica jerseys for considerably less. What a huge slap in the face to the fans, and what's worse is that most of them are going to buy right into it. I was sitting on the edge about it earlier, but after taking a look at these jerseys in person I'm definitely opting for a vintage jersey instead of an EDGE one (and save 30 bucks in the process). RBK really dosen't deserve my money at this point.
The Reebok EDGE jerseys still suck no matter what they do with them.'re buying into it too...RBK will be making that vintage jersey you plan on purchasing. But not buying the Edge variety sends a monetary message at a retail level, these jerseys suck.
Deep down RBK I don't think really cares what the players think about their uniform's performance, they generate more revenue from fans. The marketing cry saying this jeresy system helps the players is only designed to appeal to the fans' wallets. Smoke and mirrors to get your sale.
I love capitalism...just don't try and sell me crappy goods.
Charlie - actually, they don't. The vintage jersey I'm looking at is made by CCM, not RBK.
It's too bad the "work in progress" wasn't perfected in the three years it took them to debut these monstrosities.
That said, at least they got San Jose to finally wear some cool looking sweaters.