NHLToL Fantasy Team Photo

I wrote up a short post earlier about NHLToL's fantasy hockey team and I just wanted to thank all of you who have been laying the advice on me. Definitely will be making use of it.
Anyway, before I call it a night, thought I'd post this. Got bored and started goofing around. Here's what my teams looks like in visual form.
Rarely do I post my own work here, but I thought this was pretty cool.
You might notice that Paul Mara and Steve Sullivan are not pictured. That's because they will soon no longer be part of my team. I need to upgrade my defense and Sullivan may be out for a very long time. Anyway, that's all. I'm going to bed now. Got a TV show to make in the morning!
Reader Comments (7)
hey is there any way i could enter this fantasy league? ive been wanting to try for a while now, yet most of the one i encounter either suck or cost money =(
Hi Kenneth. I'm part of a private league for hockey bloggers, but I'm pretty sure it's closed now anyway since the season has already begun.
But check again around November or December because there are usually mid-season leagues that crop up. I use Yahoo's fantasy sports leagues. It's free and doesn't suck.
alright thanks for the info chris.
Sweet montage. I have too many teams to be able to do something like that :).
Have you thought of designing a logo and uniform for your team and photoshopping that onto your players? Might be a fun way to kill some time. Hell, make up a few and put up a poll to pick the uniform!
I just visited cbs sportsline and you will never guess what i saw. A tournament of nhl logos. They pretty much just copied you. Just thought you would like to know.
why is there all the grey? i dun get it