Half A Million!

Just thought I'd mention that today the blog surpassed the half-million hit mark. Quite a feat! I can't believe how popular this site has become. When I started it, I was lucky to have 100 hits in a day. Now I'm averaging well over 20,000. I'm glad you guys are enjoying the content and I hope I can continue to provide it. As of the time of this post, I've had 515,589 hits since mid-May. A very nice milestone, to be sure. If I had a bottle of champagne, I'd crack it over all of your noses. Thanks so much for visiting!
Reader Comments (19)
You deserve it, this site is awesome
this is a awesome site
It probably helps that you stay so involved. There's always something new to read here, and always on the topic of jerseys. Even people who make comments can expect fairly quick responses, and that keeps people feeling like participants instead of just readers.
Keep up the good work, mate. For those of us far overseas this is one of the sites that makes us feel like we're closer to home.
Congrats man, it's a great site and the first i chek every morning when i come home from work
Congrats Chris. You deserve it. Your way of writing is awesome. Mee too I check this site about 3-4 times a day. You help me get through summer.
You have a lot of ideas, and count on me to be on your side all this year. Except when you bash the Canadiens. You are welcome at my house anytime during the hard cold Canadian winter for some great hockey night in Canada, with my listening room at the colors of the flames.
Congrats Chris!! I check the site multiple times through my day as well. Half the time I log on I find something new....and that keeps me coming back. I've got some friends over at the TEAM 1040 Sports Radio in Vancouver and even they are checking your site for updates now. Keep up the great work!
I have never seen such an organized site about the new NHL jerseys. I no longer have to look all over the web for new information. Good work Chris!
yay us! i mean... yay chris! grats man, this site is awesome! i read it every day when i wake up in the morning.
i have to agree. this site is awesome. i check it several times daily and there is always new info. keep up the good work.
Your site is excellent, Chris. Any succes you have is well deserved.
What'll happen once all the new jerseys and logos are in the world? :)
Well done man, you deserve it. Just recently been visiting the site but always new stuff popping up. When all the jerseys are said and done what then? Any expanding horizons ahead?
By the way Chris, my invitation was a real one. If you want to enjoy Canada this winter, my house is really open to you.
Congratulations Chris! You work really hard on this site and all the people enjoy your work. I thought sometimes in the last years that it would be cool that people could vote for the best uni's and logos and finally we have one! We discuss often between friends which one is better than the others but it's really cool now to see what people think all around the North America and maybe another countries in the world.
Congrats! This is truly a great idea for a site. The question is, what will you do once the competition is over? Mini-competitions per division?
cheers chris for coming up with a geniune website. i say this with adoration, but you have the best site dedicated to the reebok initiated new NHL. I cannot wait for all the logos and jersey to be released or in some cases, actually become valid. By the way, the Avs will win your tournament!!
I was thinking, once the tournament is over, maybe start one for the AHL? Could be interesting on that one. GO MOOSE GO! ha
i was also thinking the AHL, but why not include the ECHL, CHL, and IHL too? OR you could create tournaments for each league and in the end have a massive hockey tournament, even including the NHL, and all the leagues in Canada! Up for the challenge Chris?
You people are really my heroes! I can't believe how much you like the site... or how much we think alike! I think I've mentioned this before, but after the this tournaments ends, there will certainly be others to follow but I'm going to let you guys decide how we do it. We can do secondary logos, vintage logos or even uniforms. And that's just the NHL.
As far as other leagues, I'm already ahead of you guys on those ideas. It's weird how we all seem to be on the same wavelength here. In fact, I'm probably going to start with the ECHL because the closest hockey team to where I live is the Florida Everblades. But I'd certainly love to do the AHL and the Canadian leagues too. We'll see if this popularity continues here and if so, I'll definitely branch out.
Thanks for all the amazing support! You guys rock! (You really do.)