
Comparing The Old With The New

I got an interesting email a couple days ago from a reader who just bought a new Toronto Maple Leafs Rbk EDGE jersey. Matt compared the old sweater with the new one the old-fashioned way — laying one on top of the other. His pictures offer a great look at the differences between the two uniforms.

This shot shows the overall difference in the cut of the sweater itself. The biggest differences are shapes of the sleeves and the hem line across the waist.

Both are authentic jerseys. More photos can be found in the Rbk EDGE gallery.

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Reader Comments (6)

What are the sizes on each jersey? Curious if he bought a size bigger on the EDGE jersey...

Sep 18 · 1:11 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterKooshball

God those EDGE jerseys look like Women's jerseys. I don't like the thinned out sleeves and the raised/rounded bottom hem line.

RBK screwed the pooch by destroying a classic look.

Sep 18 · 2:47 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterKindred

I watched two pre-season games on TV and it seems that players still wear loose jerseys.

The new Rbk Edge is suppose to be form-fitting. I think players prefer to wear a larger jersey to have better movements.

Sep 18 · 6:30 PM PDT | Unregistered Commenterdovi0917

If I ever get a RBK EDGE Jersey, I'm ordering a XXXL to make up for the crappy smaller sleeves and tighter fit. That's so lame.

Sep 18 · 7:47 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterMasik

Is there anyone else who's purchased the RBK jersey? I have a Large CCM jersey that fits me perfectly. Should I bump up to an XL for the RBK so it's not a muscle/emo jersey?

Sep 18 · 7:51 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterStlBlues1967

Wow, those differences are pretty stark! It's going to be tough determining what size to buy when I get my hands on the new Canucks' jerseys....

Sep 18 · 11:20 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterJohnny

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