
Poll: Luongo vs Fleury


Place your vote and then feel free to leave a comment about how you came to your decision. Tell all your friends to drop in and vote! The more voices heard, the more accurate the results!

Poll opening date
Tue May 27
Poll closing date
Sat May 31

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Reader Comments (32)

I mean 700 votes. :]

May 29 · 8:02 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterZach

opposing players don't jugdge goalies by there mask, that would be just stupid
They know goalie's weaknesses and that's how they take advantage of them.
And Toskala's mask isn't that bad, Luongo's is just better.

May 29 · 9:06 PM PDT | Unregistered Commenterali

Hey canucklehead
the jerseys that won actually won because they were good not beacuse they were popular

Thank you, that was my point. If Luongo winning is simply a popularity contest from the all the canucks fans colluding to vote him to victory, then Vancouver should have won each and every tournament bracket this website has had since the claim from the beginning has been that we outnumber all others.

In the end, is it really worth getting worked up over? It's just a poll of personal preference on goalie masks, for crying out loud.

RIP Bourdon

May 29 · 10:07 PM PDT | Unregistered Commentercanucklehead

Good point canucklehead

RIP Bourdon

May 30 · 8:05 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterZach

oh I see your point now.
Makes sense

May 30 · 2:23 PM PDT | Unregistered Commenterali

ali, I think it's safe to say you missed the entire meaning of my post. Anyone implying that players judge a goaltender's talent by his mask is an idiot. Sorry if that wasn't clear.

I was talking about first impressions. Personally, when I look at Toskala's mask, the first word that comes to mind is "badass." When I look at Luongo's, the first word that comes to mind is "cartoon." I don't care about the deeper meanings or whatever. I just think that Toskala's mask is vastly superior to Luongo's.

The best early masks were the ones that were the most intimidating (see: Gilles Gratton, Gary Bromley, or even Denis Lemieux from Slapshot). So, even by using the most classic of standards, Toskala's mask still sweeps the ice with Luongo's. But that round is over. The point is moot.

May 30 · 3:06 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterDaneykoIsGod

I understand
But I dont think that badass is better than cartoon.

This is my sixth post, i need to find something to do.

May 30 · 3:52 PM PDT | Unregistered Commenterali

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