Rbk EDGE Uniform Ranking

The ratings are in! Here is the official ranking for the new Rbk EDGE uniforms as decided by you, the readers, here at NHLToL.
This ranking was reached by averaging the ratings chosen by voters in each of the individual Rbk EDGE Review posts. I reviewed all 30 NHL uniforms and within each review was a poll where readers could rate the uniform. See all 30 reviews.
All 30 polls will remain open forever so folks can continue to keep casting votes. The above ranking is based on results as of this morning. Any changes after more votes are cast would be negligible and wouldn't count for this ranking.
One other note is that despite how it may appear above, there were no ties in the rankings. For the purposes of this post, each rating was rounded to the nearest tenth of a point. For example, while the Canadiens and Capitals each received a 4.1, if you look further beyond the decimal, you'd see that the Habs have 4.146 while the Caps have 4.089, which is why the Canadiens are ahead of the Capitals. Make sense?
Hope you guys enjoyed the reviews! Please leave your comments below.