Poll: Salmon Kings vs Bombers
Tuesday · Dec 4 · 2007 | 12:01 PM PST
Place your vote and then feel free to leave a comment as to how you came to your decision. Tell all your friends to drop in and vote! The more voices heard, the more accurate the results!
Poll opening date Tue Dec 4 | Poll closing date Sat Dec 8 |
07ECHL | #1H | VICvDAY
28 Comments // Email Article //
tagged 07echl // bombers // poll // salmon kings
Reader Comments (28)
By the way, Chris, I am still laughing at your responses to other posts!
Thanks for giving me a good chuckle man!
Chris, Yes the Bombers do have a new logo.
That is actually it. I'm a Bombers fan. I know these things.
Good point, that is a new logo. But that's a secondary logo. I've only ever seen it http://daytonbombers.com/images/6192007_120301_PMIMG_0383.JPG" REL="nofollow">on the shoulder of the jerseys.
It's funny you bring that up to because the Bombers' marketing director actually emailed me and asked if I would change the logo if she sent me a file. I said I'd consider it but she never sent the file. But maybe we can do a secondary ECHL logo tournament at some point in the future.
Well, this is certainly a miscarriage of justice! LONG LIVE THE BADLY DRAWN FISH WEARING A CROWN~!
You're the winner in my heart, Victoria.