Tournament of Hockey Logos

Entries in qmjhl (2)


QMJHL Logo Pool

The London Knights won the OHL Tournament of Logos so it's on to the Quebec Major Junior Hockey League to complete the trifecta. Once we determine the best of the QMJHL, we'll have the champions from each of the CHL leagues compete for the Memorial Cup of logos, if you will. Below are the 18 logos that will be used in this tournament, which kicks off tomorrow.

There they are. I believe they're all accurate with one minor exception. I need an updated version of the new Montreal Junior logo. If you see any mistakes, let me know and I'll get my graphics updated. Enjoy the QMJHL Tournament of Logos!


Vote For CHL Tourney Order

Just a brief note here. We've got three leagues to cover with the CHL so you can help decide in what order we do them. In the sidebar is a poll that will be open for two weeks. Cast a vote for the league of your choice. The league with the most votes will go first. The league with the fewest will go last. Your choices are OHL, QMJHL and WHL. Vote now!