
NHL 09 Had Chops Jerseys Right

Time for me to eat my words. Looks like NHL 09 did have the Iowa Chops' jerseys right after all.

For some reason, I completely missed the press conference where the Chops announced their logos and jerseys. Apparently their web site has a whole gallery — which features the following picture.

The jersey mockups on those boards look an awful lot like what the Ducks wear. Thanks to everybody who pointed out my failure on this. I really should pay more attention to the minor leagues, you know.

In fact, I should mention that this jersey looks an awful lot like the Augusta Lynx — with one color swapped. Right down to the numbers on the sleeves.

Yeah, now I'm starting to question everything.

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Reader Comments (6)

Someone's messing with you here. That Chops' image has the exact jersey pattern as this goalie shot...

Sep 18 · 3:50 PM PDT | Unregistered Commenter*dL~
Sep 18 · 5:19 PM PDT | Unregistered Commentercarpandean

Hey, looks like the bottom stripes stop at the side just like the Ducks'. Didn't know the AHL was on the Rbk Edge system. What other excuse is there?

Sep 18 · 5:30 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterKsy92003

No offense, but how could you doubt NHL 09. They are fully licensed and everything, so why would they do a jersey wrong? Besides that, its an amazing game.

Sep 18 · 7:10 PM PDT | Unregistered Commentersnyperp

KSY....the AHL is on the RBK edge system too

Sep 18 · 7:25 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterBill

the AHL has been with the RBK edge system since the NHL did i believe. where have you been KSY? lol im just kidding. oh yea. NHL 09 is an amazing game.

Sep 18 · 8:47 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterGoSabres21

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