Icethetics Is Not Dead

Hi there. Nice to see you're still with us. Icethetics is not dead.
I really want to apologize for the total lack of updates to the site lately. Frankly, there hasn't been an awful lot going on and I've been extremely busy working on other things. I'm hoping to be able to devote more of my time back to Icethetics and improve things very soon.
I'm working with an artist right now to set up the beginnings of the Logo & Uniform History section of the site. I hope to be able to launch that soon and then get back into the swing of things. New tournaments, Featured Artist pages, that blasted third jersey ranking I've been promising for months, and so on.
Quick bit of news. A reader sent in this image of the Houston Aeros' new green third jersey.
He wonders whether we might see the Wild in something similar next season. It's certainly possible. From what we've heard, they have been talking about adding a green sweater to the collection.
By the way, if you plan on watching the Winter Classic tomorrow, don't forget about the Lost Logo Challenge.

Sorry, Chris, but I've gotta correct an AHL post again. That Aeros jersey is neither new nor a third jersey, It's their away jersey, as it has been since 2005-06 (only the cut has changed to Edge).
Hope you aren't insulted by this, but I think you should do some more research about AHL-realted things before you post them. You seem to frequently get things incorrect when you post about the AHL.
—Alex Gerwitz
Fair enough! No, I'm not insulted. In fact I'm not even surprised. While the jersey may neither be new nor a third, my point still stands in suggesting it would make a nice addition to the Wild's set.
Thanks for checking my facts. At least somebody here pays attention to what's going on in the AHL. Anyone, insterested in being an AHL correspondent? ECHL correspondent?
If so, email me (don't leave a comment or I may not see it). Let me know why you're qualified to report on the minor leagues and what sort of writing/blogging experience you have. Obviously, I could use some new team members to keep Icethetics fresh!
Reader Comments (47)
have they changed their minds to let canadians in on the challenge?
Good to see a new post.
omg a new i dreaming or has the new years booze kicked in a few hours early?
Sorry, Chris, but I've gotta correct an AHL post again. That Aeros jersey is neither new nor a third jersey, It's their away jersey, as it has been since 2005-06 (only the cut has changed to Edge).
Hope you aren't insulted by this, but I think you should do some more research about AHL-realted things before you post them. You seem to frequently get things incorrect when you post about the AHL.
Since minor leagues are a discussion, two teams in the ECHL just folded mid-season, first in ECHL history. First were the Augusta Lynx at the beginning of December, and the second were the Fresno Falcons on December the 23rd.
i think everyones a little bit rude. it's chris' site he can post what and when he wants
Dustin Byfuglien
Yes, Byfuglien is the one without the Reebok logo.
Glad to see you posting again!
Icethetics just keeps getting better and better, as we start the new year!
please tell me there'll be a winter classic post. i don't know that there was anything uniform related that we didn't already know, but getting some good discussion between hockey fans would be nice
John, see my posts under this topic (Avs' 3rd jerseys). I'm all for it. Anytime you'd like to discuss the Winter Classic, I'm in! Talk has been dormant for a while, but after today's game, I think we have loads to discuss. I also have a question about one of the uniforms today.....
finally a post..
there was a lot of good stuff with the game, especially from a uniform perspective (loved detroit's socks and chicago's pants), but overall, i was disappointed compared to last year. I hope the league, as bettman mentioned right after last year's game, doesn't do this yearly to keep it special...though i don't have my hopes up.
So what happened to ghettofarmboy? is he still with the site? he, or someone else, needs to become your assistant or intern or something Chris, that way they can do posts from time-to-time that don't have any new groundbreaking information...but keep the site interesting and the readers from getting restless
This site is dying right now. The Winter Classic happened 2 days ago and still not a post. C'mon Chris, you gotta get the ball rolling again. It would be a shame to see a site as good as this one die out so quickly.
Agree /\
I love this site, but no when we are getting three posts every three weeks.
Chris if it's not dead then why are their no new posts
Agreed. I hate to pile on, but I feel that the site is becoming an afterthought to a lot of us who have been frequent readers back to the old tournament of logos site, due to the lack of updates. Since Icethetics got its own domain, I feel like the wheels have sort of come off, and I think it's a shame.
Don't worry, Chris, I'm not complaining. Just hoping that the site can get back to being the great place it was before. We all miss seeing posts here, even if its just random concept art and the like.
Chris! wake up! we need so more posts! Id like to see some winter classic coverage!
Joseph Lee,
"finally a post.."?
more like
"the final post..."
Come on Chris.
At least some concept work.
I know u have plenty to post - at least 5 of my designs that u havent posted :P
WHERE IS CHRIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think that its hard to take on a project like this by ones self.
Now i'll admit when Chris made such a big deal out of the new i thought he was going to be able to accept the responsibility but obviously it is to big of a project.
I am going to come to the website less now because honestly I donated way WAY to much time to this blog. Chris my advice to you is ask for help because if you don't this websites hits will soon decrease to nothing. And Icethetics is amazing, I love it and always will. I came religiously and understand that this website is hard work but when you advertise is as this big thing people are going to expect big things.
Chris ask for help man.
Chris i know of course you deserve a break but after you post that everything is normal again then going a week without a post (or more) it gets rediculous. ecspecially with .info i feel the same as other once icethetics got its own domain there were less posts and less concepts
I keep thinking of this scene from Monty Python...
Bring out your dead!
Bring out your dead!
Bring out...
...your dead!
Bring out your dead!
Here's one.
I'm not dead!
Nothing. Here's your ninepence.
I'm not dead!
'Ere. He says he's not dead!
Yes, he is.
I'm not!
He isn't?
Well, he will be soon. He's very ill.
I'm getting better!
No, you're not. You'll be stone dead in a moment.
Oh, I can't take him like that. It's against regulations.
I don't want to go on the cart!
Oh, don't be such a baby.
I can't take him.
I feel fine!
Well, do us a favour.
I can't.
Well, can you hang around a couple of minutes? He won't be long.
No, I've got to go to the Robinsons'. They've lost nine today.
Well, when's your next round?
I think I'll go for a walk.
You're not fooling anyone, you know. Look. Isn't there something you can do?
DEAD PERSON: [singing]
I feel happy. I feel happy.
[smacks Dead Person over head]
Ah, thanks very much.
Not at all. See you on Thursday.
No offense, really, i do mean it, but I'm starting to realize that the owner of the site has the attention span of a gnat. Everytime the site changed domains or locations there was a lot of buzz built around it, then it would die off till the next big change. This site is either all about new changes coming to it, or nothing at all. it's quite unfortunate seeing as there was a fast growing and serious interest by community members into the growth of this site.
With that said, here's some thoughts.
1) allow other writers to the site, just one blogger who is inconsistent at best doesn't do much.
2) change the way the concept page is done. as much as those slides are nice and all, they're inefficient and not inviting to the idea of just posting one or two good concepts when you get them. it seems you wait for a bunch of them at a time, thus making postings rather sparse.
3) allow other writers to the site!
4) i know, it's not your source of income, but damnit make it A source of income. the amount of traffic you had was obviously a good amount since it had you complaining. put ads already and make some revenue on it.
4 a) i know that since it's not your income, the idea of spending hours on hours here doesn't always seem appealing, so instead of spending hours on it, spend 10-15 minutes every day/second day posting SOMETHING. something is better then nothing, it's been a week now with not a single thing..
4 b) concider telling loyal visitors that you're actually not up to par with posting on a regular basis instead of swearing up and down that you'll get better at it and have nothing happen.
5) get other writers
just my 2 cents...
My only complaint is that the simple things aren't getting cleaned up BEFORE new projects get started. Tidy up the loose ends then do whatever. I really hope this site isn't being dragged down in an effort to make a history of each teams jersey, there is already a site that has done that.
my thoughts exactly Rob Grant. i dont even really come here that much anymore because i know not to really expect much which is unfortunate because i used to be able to see something new everytime i came here.
3 weeks 3 posts this is like a new record
Where is the f'in Message board?!!!
Icethetics IS Dead
Icethetics IS Dead
Icethetics IS Dead
Icethetics IS Dead
Icethetics IS Dead
Icethetics IS Dead!!!
I've been a reader of this site since the Rbk Edge unveiling days, and NHLToL, then Icethetics.blogspot, then have become a daily staple of mine. Chris, your humorous posts, unfailing coverage of 3rd jersey news, and excellent concept art was amazing. I was really excited by the move to a real website as opposed to simply a blog.
But now, with this unexplained lack of posts and general downgrade in quality, I'm questioning that move. The featured artists idea is a good one, as is the IceHL. But the new concept format is nowhere near as good as the ones that would come almost daily with great commentary.
And now, with three posts in three weeks (and counting), it seems like Icethetics is, if not dead, at least dying.
I understand that you have a life outside Icethetics, and appreciate all the work you've put into it. But I'm sorry, this is really disappointing. Here's to a return to the glory days!
Chris, my man, where are you? As much as I hate to say it, you are alienating members of Icethetics with the little posts you have given us. I know you are working on that uniform history, but you need to keep readers occupied (I understand you have a life, but you should do this). You NEED to listen to Rob Grant's ideas, because you could learn something. Please read the comments above me, because sugarcoating the situation isn't going to work anymore.
If you don't come back soon, then obviously my fellow followers and I haven't been heard.
I think I'm gonna have to second Julian Grant on this one... I do miss the concept posts where you would have some humorous commentary on the concepts and those must be easier and take less time to make than the collages.
Also, I think it would be good if you teamed up with someone to make this work... maybe they could do some of the graphics building or even a few posts here and there to keep us updated when you aren't available. Just a quick thought, hope you put some consideration into it because I personally don't want to see this site fail after how far you've come since NHLToL.
to quote "A Christmas Story" :
"With as much dignity as he could muster, the Old Man gathered up the sad remains of his shattered Major Award. Later that night, alone in the backyard, he buried it next to the garage. Now I could never be sure, but I thought that I heard the sound of "Taps" being played. Gently."
8 days into the new year and still no new posts.
I have been going to this site ever since the NHLToL days, at the Start of the tournament.
This is the worst shape I have ever seen the blog.
I dont think chris reads the comments on here. I think you all need to e-mail him to get his attation.
I have done so but did not get a reply, and that was 2 weeks ago.
I lived for this site, i owe this site for my creative side coming back to life after almost 15 years!. It was fueling my fire to make more and get my work out there. To hope to one day see one of my designs on a jersey that people would love to wear, and have there fav player on it...
THANKS CHRIS for all that!.
I hope that we see this site come back to life soon................
Maybe he's dead now? Last time I predicted his death he made a post in like the next 20 minutes so here's hoping for the same outcome. I don't think the site has ever gone this long without a post or anything. If you're working on a project or something you have to leave an update or somethig saying you won't be posting for a few days or something.
I was thinking the same thing. Maybe he's laid up in some hospital, and we're all bashing him for no posts! If he isn't sick or dead, I'd love to know what his reasons are. I emailed him about a month ago, to suggest some logo talk for all the teams....... not a word.
Ronald! This is connor, and lets continue our winter classic conversation. Thinking about it, another great jersey would be the New York Americans for the rangers to wear. Or the Habs could wear Montreal Maroons jerseys. just some ideas.
To date the WC has been teams wearing classic versions of their teams uniforms. If the Rangers dressed as the Americans and the Habs as the Maroons... then its more of the Halloween Classic.
The problem with having Maroons and Americans jerseys is that the Americans' jerseys were pretty awful (before the 38-39 season, they wore these: I don't know if that's actually a problem. But those Maroons jerseys are beautiful.
Though I'd love to see a Rangers-Habs Winter Classic (with the uniforms mentioned), something tells me it'll be Rangers-Bruins...still a great matchup though, uni-wise.
Reading this blog is exactly the same as being a Leafs fan all my life...a slow and steady decline in quality until finally there is nothing left.
HockeyLister... then add something useful to it! Talking about the Winter Classic is a decline over endless 3rd jersey mumbo jumbo? At least a few here have picked up on a recent, quality hockey topic. It's better than waiting around for C to show up!
Hey Connor... great idea you have about the Americans and Maroons. But again, as Julian stated, they'd be playing 'dress up', cause like your post about Sharks wearing Seals, the Rangers were not the Americans and the Maroons weren't the Habs. They all played against each other! I gotta disagree with Julian in that I love those wild red, white, and blue Americans jerseys. Looked like the nhl's Globetrotters! The Maroons were a bit plain, but nice overall. As I told you.... my first choice would be Habs-Leafs, Habs-Rangers, or Leafs-Rangers in the dead of a chilly, cloudy day! Aahhhhhh, I could see it now.
Edit - Sorry.... 'as Link stated'..... not Julian!
I'm curious, how many people emailed Chris volunteering to help write posts?
as for the winter classic, as much as i'd love to see Maroons sweaters on the ice again (the amerks i could take or leave), it shouldn't happen. Those teams were once rivals (the americans owner cursed the rangers to add to the Curse of 1940, afterall) and it would be rather unholy. I WOULD like to see a Toronto Arenas or Toronto St. Pats jersey if they played, and any Bruins sweater better be brown and gold. How about Ottawa? old Sens barber pole jersey would be great
JB - Almost forgot about Ottawa! Yes, those striped 'O' jerseys would look so vintage it would be sick. Yes to the brown & gold Briuns as well.