Flyers Change Alternate Numbers

First, let me apologize for the lack of updates this past week or so. I've been enjoying a little bit of a break. Third jersey coverage nearly killed me last month. Rest assured I'm not abandoning Icethetics, merely trying to regain my sanity — like I ever had it.
Now onto the news of the day. Evidently, the Philadelphia Flyers weren't happy with the retro-style numbers in use on their new third jersey. Why do I assume that? Because they've changed them. The following graphic provides an excellent representation of what I'm talking about.
Notice specifically the 1s and 2s — even the alternate captain's A has been changed to the style used on the home and road sweaters. The pictures at the top are from the Flyers-Lightning game and on the bottom are from the Flyers-Devils game, two nights later.
So did they not like style or was there some other reason that forced the change? It's nothing major but it is interesting. The original numbers had a very distinct vintage look. And the 1 was just weird-looking — cool, in its own special way.
If you've got any answers or speculation, feel free to provide it in the comments.
Thanks to Glenn for pointing out this change and making the above graphic.
By the way, look for a new Concept Collage this week as well some other updates and a cool new project I'm working on. Well, "cool" is subjective. Stay tuned. I'm looking forward to providing more frequent updates this week.
Reader Comments (6)
is it possible to make a comments section for the ICEHL, because that is looking kind of bare and it only gets changed once a week. I hate to sound like i'm complaining but I just think that it is kind of not getting much attention
Also, is the way you have set up the concepts going to stay like that or are you going to try something else
great job on the new site
- marc
I hope the something cool has to do with the IceHL because I wanna know what it's going to be used for... and I hope it's something cool.
This might be a long shot because the heavy black outline on the originals seems pretty easy to read... but it could be something to do with the broadcasters having trouble reading it from the press box. my jersey looks like the ones on the ice, instead of looking like a knock-off.
I like the new Captain/Alternate letters, but like the old numbers.
Its classier looking in a way. Not that the flyers show any class. ;-) ;-) hehe