
Tracking Summer Moves

The Summer Moves Tracker is up and running tonight. Since we're all very visual people here at Icethetics, I thought it might help to have a quick reference guide to all the players who have changed teams this summer, either through trade or free agency. That's what the Tracker is for. I'll be updating it until the new season begins. Hope you guys enjoy it.

I've been talking about getting a new logo tournament going. My aim is to have it launched by the weekend. We'll see how that goes. Like I said, it's taking on a new format so we'll be kicking this off with none other than the NHL — exactly where we started two years ago as NHLToL (for those of you who can remember).

What else does Icethetics have in store? As you can tell, we've been light on jersey/logo news lately, so I've been kind of going for anything that doesn't get mainstream coverage on the likes of ESPN, TSN and NHL.com. I'm currently working on a post about the many minor league teams that have been forced to shut down due to economic struggles and such. I'll try to keep it interesting.

Any suggestions? You know how to reach me.

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Reader Comments (9)

Great work with the tracker! I would probably add Francois Beauchemin and Samuel Pahlsson (Påhlsson) to the list.

Jul 8 · 12:08 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterPetter

How about either finishing up old projects in these slow times like the Icehl or telling us that that will never happen. I think there are enough of us interested in the fantasy concept art projects that we would like to if they have gone the way of MJ.

Jul 8 · 5:39 AM PDT | Unregistered Commenterroccot

i agree with roccot. besides, alot of us are frequent visitors of HockeyBuzz, so we already know who got traded, who signed. Icethetics should stick with the art.

no offence.

Jul 8 · 6:12 AM PDT | Unregistered Commentersledgehammerr

The IceHL is not dead. It's definitely something I'm planning to bring back. But I hope you guys understand that my reason for waiting is that we need to rebuild the audience. A lot of folks who used to frequent Icethetics don't know that it's back. I'd hate to restart such a great project too soon and have so many people miss out. I'm holding out for a certain number in terms of site traffic. Then we'll get back to business. I just ask a little patience in the meantime.

Jul 8 · 7:56 AM PDT | Registered CommenterChris

Personally I'd like to see this return a lot more to the logo's and jersey's and concepts side of the spectrum again. I love what you're doing here Chris, but I can get my news on the suspended teams from the league websites.

Speaking of, according to the newspapers in Des Moines, the Chops were shut down because the owners used the franchise as collatoral in a bank loan.

Jul 8 · 8:22 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterIan

You don't have Mikael Samuellson and Andrew Raycroft to the list.

Jul 8 · 8:22 AM PDT | Unregistered Commentercanucksfan

answers my question, thanks. Look forward to it all getting completed and new projects starting.

Jul 8 · 8:26 AM PDT | Unregistered Commenterroccot

Any clues on the new Team Canada 2010 logo and jerseys? They are unveiling new ones in August, since they are not allowed to use the current ones in competition.

Jul 8 · 1:47 PM PDT | Unregistered Commentermike

Thanks for keeping us up to date Chris, as mike said you should have a good story in August when Team Canada unveils their Olympics uniforms. I'll be patient to wait for the IceHL to return in the meantime...

Jul 8 · 3:54 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterEvan

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