
Sens Hint at New 3rd Jersey?

An Ottawa Senators-centric blog called The 6th Sens picked up on a story tonight I'm sure a lot of Icethetics readers will be interested in. It has to do with the question of whether the club is contemplating a new third jersey for the near future.

The Sens introduced their infamous "Sens" jersey just last season, marketing themselves as "Back in Black," but recent renovations at ScotiaBank Place have us wondering whether that particular sweater is long for this world.

Instead, what about this?

It's a concept that has been floating around the web ever since the Senators introduced the new "O" logo in 2007 — maybe even before that.

I think at one point there was even a petition on behalf of Senators fans to get the team to adopt this jersey. Could their wish be coming true?

In an interview with SensTV's Gord Wilson, COO Cyril Leeder talked about a new addition to the arena called The O Store — he said it's a nod to the old days when the Sens wore that big O on their chest.

But it's not so much what he said in the video as it was the artist renderings that were shown. They depicted this very jersey design on the shelves of the new store.

Previewing the new O Store at ScotiaBank Place

As you can see, not only is that exact jersey on the self, but also the vintage "barber-pole" style similar to one of the classic sweaters the Canadiens wore last season. Here's another shot.

That awesome O jersey is all over the place

It makes you wonder whether this was some secret plan all along. But that's for conspiracy theorists. For the rest of us, it's a nod toward a very exciting possibility that Ottawa might at last have one of the best jerseys in the NHL — not long after unleashing one of the worst on us.

Here's the video in case you're interested in seeing some of the other renderings.

If for some reason that doesn't work for you, here's a direct link.

This isn't official and it may turn out to be nothing at all, but it's sure interesting to think about nonetheless. Thanks to Paul for the tip.

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Reader Comments (17)

Well seeing as they showed the whte current but not the red maybe that black jersey becomes the home and then barber pole turns 3rd... Also the current third is no where in this picture either

Aug 9 · 6:42 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterNick may

if the Sens put their alternate Senator head logo on the new black jersey it'd look sweet. although, i do like the O jersey!

Aug 9 · 7:01 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterIceman


The O Store


Aug 9 · 7:09 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterLink

Wow. I didn't hate the "SENS" jersey...but this one is SO much better.I wouldn't be sad to see them wear that. Heck, I may even like it better than they're main home jersey...

Aug 9 · 7:36 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterMellowYellow

By the way Chris. I never welcomed you back! I have to say, I missed the site during it's hiatus. I was very excited to learn that it was back in business.

Aug 9 · 7:38 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterMellowYellow

that is a beautiful Jersey. It should've been the 3rd jersey last year.

This may very well be the nicest jersey in all of hockey

Aug 9 · 7:42 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterDude

I think the sens would be making a good choice if they made that there home jersey

Aug 9 · 8:22 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterMcElroy919

Oh thank god! I'm so glad they're pointing away from SENS. One of the worst third Jerseys after Dallas IMO. If they went with the concept in this post, it would be perfect. Though they should keep the Black O jersey as a third. Pull out the red vintage O jersey for a Winter Classic Game.

Though I think since they're redoing their third, they should redo their home/away jerseys to include a new stripe pattern and the 2-D Sens Logo. Simplicity is a good thing when it comes to jerseys. Lets hope we can check the Senators off the list of teams doing their jerseys wrong.

Aug 9 · 8:57 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterCurtis

it better be! ill b first ln line to buy it

Aug 9 · 9:00 PM PDT | Unregistered Commentersledgehammerr

so the rumor apparently is that the NHL apparently was going to provide for teams to have 4 jerseys all along: home, away, third/alternate, and retro. Knowing this, some teams designed their third/alternate last year and waited for the opportunity to unveil a retro, and others introduced a retro as their third (eg pittsburgh) and will introduce another design in the next year or two.

As we all know, new jersey designs are all about making more money by selling more jerseys. Not that surprising to hear a rumor like this then, is it?

Also, chris, credit HFboards poster Jerk Store with the design. He worked hard on it, and deserves a mention.

Aug 9 · 9:24 PM PDT | Unregistered Commenterdanishh

The Barber Pole sweater is probably just this

Which has been available for years.

Aug 9 · 9:43 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterThomas

"im gonna let her see my 'o' face "OH! OH! OH!""

looks cool though. i hate the red jersey and the 'sens'. the white is okay. what if they made the black one with the O the new home jersey, and the barberpole the 3rd?

Aug 9 · 9:47 PM PDT | Unregistered Commenterpotvin sucks!

i'm skeptical since the video says the O store has a "vintage theme" so they would probably just sell old retro mock ups of their old sweaters anyway.
I do hope they get rid of the "sens" third. That looks awful.

Aug 9 · 11:35 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterEric R

Thanks for posting this Chris.

Aug 10 · 7:59 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterJerk Store

I love stuff like this. Great post, and great eye by the guy who first noticed it on the vid.

Aug 10 · 8:18 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterFranco

It also appears that the black t-shirt in the second picture uses the older "front profile" senators logo...wouldn't look too much into this...

Aug 10 · 11:18 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterAnon

Hope it's true, fear it's just an artist who googled "Senators jersey," the concept came up, didn't know any better and used it.

Aug 10 · 12:08 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterJason
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