
Dave's 4th Cartoon

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Reader Comments (55)

meh. not his best. still funny though

Sep 28 · 9:01 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterWatermelon

I'm sorry, but those oilers things are still worse.

Sep 28 · 9:04 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterJeff P

Honestly, I'm not sure I get it. Does it have to do with all the flags on their jersey? That's my only guess.

Not the best of the four, but any chance this could be a more regular feature?

Sep 28 · 9:14 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterKevin y

Hahaha actually I find that pretty funny

Sep 28 · 9:18 PM PDT | Unregistered Commenternnd332

@ Kevin...when the inspiration strikes. I could do lots of cartoons, but they wouldn't be jersey-related. I can do Hockey ones. Who knows?

The gist is poor Iggy is being compared to a Nascar driver, who are covered in patches. To add salt to the wound, he is mocked by a very plain Oiler. The Oiler is very effeminate as well, as I was trying to make this realistic (Yes I am a Flames fan).

Sep 28 · 9:21 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterDave Delisle

feh, the oilers' road unis are just as bad as the flames. Just a reebokified mess.

Sep 28 · 10:01 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterEric R

Can definitely tell you're a Flames fan. Good thing you didn't draw Iginla in his dress.

Sep 28 · 10:12 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterCanucks4Life

As a flyers fan I feel I have a neutral view on the west, that being said Vancouver is going to dominate the northwest this year.

Sep 28 · 10:15 PM PDT | Unregistered Commenternnd332

I agree with the flyers fan

Go canucks go

Sep 28 · 10:45 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterRK

I think the Oilers uniforms would actually be pretty decent if only those damn stripes went all the way around the sleeves.

Sep 29 · 12:43 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterRyan

I know there lots of patches on this jersey, but have you ever seen Jerseys of the league inmy homecountry Germany?

I´ve two examples for you: The championschip winners Eisbären Berlin (Berlin Polar Bears) :

And my favourite team, the Düsseldorfer EG (Metro Stars):

And actually, we change the Jersey-Design every season :)

Greetings from Germany

and please forgive me for my bad english :)

Sep 29 · 12:49 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterSteffen

The Oilers Uniform is straight up Horrible, as is the canucks, like we need to know what city you play in? That Whale is ugly enough. What a DISASTER! They should have just stuck with their retro jersey. I think Calgary has one of the BEST jerseys in the whole NHL. And as for the Northwest, Calgary is the hands down favorite to dominate that division. The game will be close with the canucks but they will still dominate the rest. God save the Oilers, cuz everyone knows they are going nowhere.


Sep 29 · 12:54 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterChara33

Honestly, he's right. Anyone who doesn't see the two flags on the shoulders of the Flames' Jersey, and the city skyline symbol as advertisements for the three levels of government to which the Calgary Flames are subject is not paying attention.

Also, anyone who doesn't like the Oilers' jersey has no appreciation for aesthetic simplicity.

Recognizeable logo, CONSISTENT 4-colour pattern (blue, bronze, white, orange), and arm stripes that match the waist stripe are all marks of a great uniform.

Meanwhile the Flames' unifroms are way too busy, have too many intersecting lines, and nobody wants to see political symbols on a hockey jersey (except for fans of national teams), seriously.

Sep 29 · 1:01 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterTorontoSharksFan

The Oilers jerseys are terrible with the exception of their vintage homes, the Broken stripes on the elbows, the piping down the front - as an Oiler fan I think they are horrendous and hope they're changed soon. As for the Flames jerseys I never did like them using the Canadian Flag or Alberta Flag - because there are multiple canadian teams, and the Blue from the Alberta flag is very out of place.

For those who don't get it, The comic is referring to the fact that Calgary has Three different patches, along with various stripes making the uniform look like a Nascar plastered with various stickers/logos.

Sep 29 · 6:09 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterBryan

Ah, okay, now it makes plenty sense to me. Since I haven't seen a Flames jersey this year, with the 30th anniversary patch on it, I don't know what it looks like, but at least by this comic, it certainly looks quite busy. It did even without the '30th' patch.

While most teams do have shoulder patches, whether it's an alternate logo or whatnot, the fact that the Flames' shoulder patches are such contrasting colors is what makes it seem like it doesn't belong. The light-blue flag on a red uniform looks absolutely horrendous. It's a mess. Take all the patches off (or put the flaming horse head back on) and I like it.

In fact, I'd like to see the Oilers come out with a jersey with the Alberta and Canada flags on their shoulders also. Not permanent, but just to wear a couple times against Calgary, just to say "Hey, we play here too!!"

Sep 29 · 8:00 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterKevin y

Want simplicity? Go look at the leafs, now THAT is simplistic.

I think the habs jerseys are a nice balance of simplicity, tradition and balance.

I'm biased as a habs fan though, but I still admit that the Hawks and Wings have the best jerseys in the NHL.

Sep 29 · 9:19 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterBill

The Flames captains would be screwed if they made the Final...where to put the Finals patch? Same goes for Buffalo and San Jose....teams that have a number on the chest-- think of the captains!!

Sep 29 · 10:46 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterDave Delisle

I thought it was hilarious. Business or not, the Flames jersey is still better than those Oilers jerseys.

Sep 29 · 11:53 AM PDT | Unregistered Commentercl525

hahahahah SO TRUE! This is exactly what I thought when I was watching one of the flames preseason games the other night. WAYYYYY to much going on there. Its either NASCAR, or we are playing over in Europe. It looks TERRIBLE!

God forbid someone in their organization dies, or they make the finals...where the hell is the next patch going to go??

Sep 29 · 12:17 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterTK

flames will win the northwest this year, just pointin that out. solid cartoon.

Sep 29 · 12:27 PM PDT | Unregistered Commenterphaneuf36

Just about any other combination of teams, and I'd find that a lot funnier, but I happen to like the extra patches on the Flames jerseys. They remind me of the old "world vs. north america" All-Star jerseys. Combine that with the fact I think the Oliers jerseys look like practice jerseys, I'm partial to the Flames in this match up.

Sep 29 · 12:45 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterJeffB

Hahaha love it, stupid Calgary! Go Oilers Go.

Sep 29 · 2:56 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterPedro

Calagy's Jersey Is'nt Right.

Sep 29 · 3:30 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterNoah Gretskey

Flames are better then oilers in everythng.

Sep 29 · 3:38 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterBrandon

Cartoon makes a lot of sense. Teams are getting too carried away with all the extra noise on the jersey's. I'll blame RBK for that...... cause they got this mess started with the form-fitting, piping, underarm spots, small #'s on front, ugly V collar w/nhl logo. I think you get the picture.

My collection is filled with vintage CCM jerseys and CCM Heritage sweaters. That's hockey.
This new stuff is HOPEFULLY a passing phase..... just like the blue-lite hockey puck for tv!
Heavens NHL, what are you thinking sometimes?

Sep 29 · 3:50 PM PDT | Unregistered Commenterbwayblueshirt

agreed 100%. Oilers jerseys are perfect.

Sep 29 · 4:03 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterPredNeck

Go Canucks Go

Sep 29 · 4:35 PM PDT | Unregistered

OK. I think the Oilers jerseys are OK, and the Flames unis are nice, but they do have too much striping and patches.

Sep 29 · 4:37 PM PDT | Unregistered Commentersharksfan12

Canucksforlife: how can you be saying iginla wears dresses and is a when we is obviously better and tougher than anyone on your team, any hockey expert would agree, wheres your toughness? is bieska, ya okay

Sep 29 · 4:46 PM PDT | Unregistered Commentertyler212

Iginla is a goof. We have the toughness that we need.

Toughness doesn't win cups, that's why Calgary will only ever have 1.

Sep 29 · 5:20 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterCanucks4Life

I love how this comic spurred a debate between western Canada's teams' fans. (wow, that sentence seems messed up, guess that's English for you.)

I think your comic is very clever Dave. The over-simplicity of the Oilers vs the crowdedness of the Flames is something we've all talked about on this website or over at the CCSLC.

By the way, if we're going to do this. I lived in Calgary for 2 years, Vancouver for a year and a half and the Toronto area for the rest of my life. Count your blessings that you don't just have a single colour jersey with 2 arm bands.....the Leafs are the Canadian team with the worst jersey, no question. But Go Leafs, Canucks, and Flames!

Sep 29 · 5:27 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterJer

What the Flames and Oilers had in the 80s were great uniforms. Colourful, yet simple and not overly done(current Flames) nor incomplete(current Oilers). Thank goodness the Oilers are wearing their classics full-time at home and hopefully, the Flames will follow suit.
As for the Canucks, if they made the current thirds the full-time sweater with the stick 'n rink or even Johnny Canuck on the front, the Vancouver uniform crisis would officially come to an end.

Sep 29 · 6:02 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterAndre

the black C is terrible, they should go retro with the colors, that would be beautiful. also GREAT to know that the oilers will wear their classic jerseys at home. it's bizarre what some of these teams wear...

Sep 29 · 7:02 PM PDT | Unregistered Commenterdave

Hm ... not that funny. But good attempt. It's hard to make jersey aesthetics jokes. Just sayin. :)

Sep 29 · 7:29 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterShootout Goals

haha, that's pretty funny, nice work!

Sep 30 · 4:31 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterA Thompson

Both of these uniforms are hideous; the Flames with their black-for-black's sake and all that busy-ness, and the Oilers for buying into Reebok's childish look with no horizontal striping, Bettman Stripes and incomplete arm stripes, hook line and sinker.

Both teams look far better in their "throwback" uniforms. Glad to see some sense may be returning to the NHL.

Sep 30 · 7:55 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterG-Man

I'm gonna have to agree with the first comment. The regular home and road Oilers jerseys aren't great. Plus I like the flags on the Calgary jersey. I think it's very classy and cultural.

Sep 30 · 8:22 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterFranco

both calgary's and edmontons pre rbk edge jersey's were classy and nice looking. blame the ugliness of the current jersey's on RBK edge!

Sep 30 · 2:43 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterLeafs Fan

Why's everyone talking about this "RBK Era" bullshit? Do they not remember the Vancouver Canucks garbage man jerseys? Or the California Seals, or those hideous yellow Kings unis, or any of the other god-awful uniforms from the past? Those were all made by your beloved CCM (a brand now owned by the company that owns Reebok by the way). Have you not seen the Dallas, Phoenix, San Jose, Toronto, Boston, Washington, or Vancouver's jerseys? All have full stripes and consistent aesthetic sensibilities. Yeah, some of you are talking shit about numbers on the chest, but they don't take up much space at all, you could put the Stanley Cup Final crest beside them without it looking as awful as Calgary's jerseys.

Also, the black 'C' is not the problem with the flames jerseys, it's the waist and hip areas (look closely, you'll see what I mean.)

Sep 30 · 4:48 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterTorontoSharksFan

canucks4 life, at least we have a cup, what do you have?

Sep 30 · 4:51 PM PDT | Unregistered Commentertyler212

...the have memories of Mike Richter. =)

Sep 30 · 5:03 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterFranco

@tyler212 one cup lol. We have 5!

Sep 30 · 5:20 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterPedro

"Boy"?! Racist.

Sep 30 · 6:23 PM PDT | Unregistered Commenteranswerman

These kind of threads always devolve into a flaming match which has nothing to do with the subject matter at hand (although Icethetics aren't as bad as other sites)

As a Canucks fan, and a hater of these teams, I have to go with the Oilers jersey. The Flames jersey IS a bit too busy for me, and the flags are annoying as hell...even their Abbotsford Heat affiliate has a BC flag on it. UGLY.

Now, since people have brought up the Canucks in this Edm/Cgy cartoon (sigh), I'll tell it like it is, the Canucks' jersey is ugly (I have one because I support the team), but the Orca, the wordmark...all ugly. I can't wait until after the fckn Olympics are over, then, HOPEFULLY, they'll stick with the rink, maybe a green third and definitely Johnny Canuck.

- Mike Bossy

Sep 30 · 7:05 PM PDT | Unregistered Commenterbossy22

Hey Pedro, only 5? We have 24 :) also, before I get the "HURR DURR 6 TEAMS" baloney....allow me to point out that Montreal won 10 cups after expansion. Far and away the most of any team post expansion. The Oilers are second with 5.

Sep 30 · 8:11 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterBill

Bossy22, as a fellow Canucks fan, I am TOTALLY with you regarding the Canucks' current uniforms. However, I do not and will not purchase any Canuck merchandise with an orca on it. I only purchase Johnny Canuck merchandise, both full-body and V logo versions. I also have the current third sweater. Here is what I am very sure about:
The Canucks HAD to keep the orca logo and they could not have the Johnny Canuck trademark due to the ownership trial. The Vancouver wordmark, I believe, was added to "dumb down" the orca. Now that the trial and the appeal against the Aquilini group has been dropped, the Canucks are now free to do whatever they want. I don't know if you live in Vancouver or not, but we saw a lot of Johnny Canuck merchandise last spring. I hear that in 2010-11, the team's 40th season, the Canucks might make the full-body Johnny Canuck logo as the full-time crest. What the Canucks have now are transitionary jerseys.

Sep 30 · 11:07 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterAndre

It is dizzying on how many potential cartoons I could make on Vancouver...I narrowed it down to one (for now) and sent it to Chris. I'll try to poke fun at all teams! Just like Reebok! ;)

Sep 30 · 11:47 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterDave Delisle

Currently Awaiting Habs as "The Smurfs" cartoon.

Oct 1 · 5:24 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterBill

Dave's Not Gonna Do It, Bill.

Oct 1 · 2:43 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterNoah Gretskey

new unis for the sabres next season including a new alternate according to larry quin

Oct 1 · 2:49 PM PDT | Unregistered Commenterderek

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