Hope for Haiti

While we're on the topic of charity today, one of the worst natural disasters in history happened on Tuesday. I can't begin to imagine the devastation and despair in Haiti right now. That being said, Icethetics is making a modest donation to the recovery efforts in the island nation. I'd encourage you to do the same if you haven't already.
I also figured that one way we can keep Haiti in the thoughts of Icethetics readers is by putting together some kind of design contest. There'd be no prize (so "contest" may be misleading). It would just be a way to bring continued awareness to the tragedy.
So if you're an Icethetics concept artist (or not), think about designing a Haitian national hockey team jersey. Obviously, the country's never fielded an actual team, so you'd have to start from scratch. It would be like the Jamaicans having a bobsled team— Wait...
Anyway, I just thought this would be something nice to do for a good reason. Send in your concepts by email and I'll add them to this post. Here's a graphic that might help you get started.
For a better look at the seal that adorns it, click here.

Just posted a handful of the Haiti concept art I've received on the Concepts page.
Reader Comments (5)
Great idea and a classy move Chris.
Ditto, agreed with Conner.
It might be an idea to try and get an actual jersey into the hands of George Laraques, maybe he can wear it or even have the Habs wear it for a warmup on Hockey Night In Canada. Try contacting the Habs, CBC, Don Cherry, Ron McLean, the NHL, etc.
I agree with Tom's post. If an NHL or AHL team were to wear Haiti jerseys, even for warmups, they could easily be auctioned off. Currently this is just not enough, keeping them in your thoughts is great and all, but there is much more that can be done. Contacting anyone possible to pitch this idea would be great.
It looks like someone over at icejerseys.com came up with a similar idea.