Pink in the Rink

I've had a few days to recover from my awesome trip to Las Vegas last weekend. Wish I didn't have to come back. Ever. The sooner I can get out of Florida, the better.
In going through my email this week, I noticed a couple of notes regarding "pink in the rink" events going on throughout the hockey world. Traditionally, we see this most heavily in October, as that is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. But maybe it's January in Canada? I don't know.
The ECHL's Victoria Salmon Kings and WHL's Lethbridge Hurricanes (and possibly others) will be wearing pink-infused jerseys in action tonight which will later be auctioned to support breast cancer research. Yay for good causes!
Icethetics reader Stuart writes in about the Salmon Kings, providing a link to details of the jersey auction. The highest bidders will be winning the sweaters right off the players' backs — well in at least one case.
Salmon Kings' pink jersey
Only one live auction will take place tonight in Victoria. The winner of that will take goalie David Shantz's pink jersey.
Two silent auctions will kick off tonight at 6 PM (Pacific time) for jerseys being worn by Patrick Coulombe and Wes Goldie. Bidding closes when the second intermission ends and winners get their due right after the game.
Two online auctions, which began on Tuesday and end tomorrow, will see the winners cash in on sweaters worn by Olivier Latendresse and Jimmy Sharrow.
The team's web site is quick to point out that this is the first time in the team's six-year history that the players will skate in pink. Money raised from the event tonight goes to the B.C. Cancer Foundation. More photos are available by clicking here.
But wait, there's more. The Lethbridge Hurricanes, a junior club in the Western Hockey League, are also doing a Pink in the Rink event for the first time this weekend.
Hurricanes' pink jerseyThe two-night event began last night and continues tonight. Fans can bid on the pink-infused sweaters in a silent auction. The jerseys will be distributed to the winners following tonight's game.
More details are available on the team's official web site.
Proceeds from the jerseys will support the Canadian Cancer Society and the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation. Along with the proceeds from the jersey auction, funds will also be raised through the intermission promotions and donations.
Also, in a player-driven initiative, a number of the Lethbridge Hurricanes have stepped forward and volunteered to have their heads shaven at the end of the second game to show their support and commitment to this cause.
The head-shaving thing is a nice touch.
My thanks to Joshua for providing the tip and the link to Canes broadcaster Pat Siedlecki's blog, from where I nabbed the above photo. Joshua also said he'd send along some pictures from tonight's game. If he does, I'll be sure post them right here. (Scroll down.)

Nearly missed this one. As Fraser52 points out in the comments, the Tampa Bay Lightning-affiliated Norfolk Admirals held their third annual Pink in the Rink night this evening. The AHL club played on a literal rink of pink tonight against the Adirondack Phantoms.
Admirals' pink rinkDetails are available on the team's web site.
Events leading up to and during the game include a breast cancer informational session, survivor participation during game night, "Hockey 101: A Clinic for Women" and a silent auction for player-autographed Tampa Bay Lightning items. Even the ice will be pink.
The "Hockey 101: A Clinic for Women" will be held starting at 6:15 p.m. Seating is based on a first-come, first-served basis.
Admirals' pink rink nightHere you can see Ryan Craig in action on the pink ice as the Ads faced the Phantoms.
I like the pink tape on the stick of the Phantoms' Stefan Regein. That was nice of him to participate in the night's cause.
If you're dying for more photos of the pink-tinted hockey rink, the Admirals posted a bunch more on their Facebook page from this morning's practice.
Any others I'm missing this weekend? Drop me a line.

Mitch Maxwell #6As promised, Joshua Schroeder of CanesCast has provided a ton of photos from the Lethbridge game via his Flickr account today.
This shot of Mitch Maxwell gives you a pretty good overall look at the uniform from pink tape on the socks and stick to pink laces on the skates.
And sure enough a bunch of players even got their heads shaved right there on the ice after being shut out 3-0 by the Calgary Hitmen. Joshua has pictures of that too.
He also tells me that $23,000 was raised for the Canadian Cancer Society this weekend. Go Hurricanes!
Reader Comments (8)
Went to the game on Friday in Lethbridge and the Canes went all out; pink tape on the socks and stick to the pink laces on all the skates. They really orchestrated it very well.
The AHL's Norfolk Admirals hosted their 4th annual 'pink in the rink' game against the Adorondac Phantoms tonight by painting the ice pink.
RIT will also be wearing pink jerseys sometime in the near future.
I was at that Salmon Kings game. I picked up a pink toque as well, it's good to support the cause. I kept thinking of bubblegum the entire game...
This is great to see/ read. Glad to note that hockey is out there fighting and doing what it can for cancer.
In a jersey-related take on this , why can't pink appear on a major sports team's jersey? I can't think of one team that employs pink...Even as an accent color. Black and pink could be really interesting.
Black/ White and Pink can really be sharp...
Who will be the first to dare? Anyone?
Whenever I look at that pink Ice all I can smell is Bubblegum haha, and when i saw that yellow rink last year...well...Asparagus...that is all.
makes sense, salmons pink so is the team
Isn't that Stefan LEGEIN?