Is This the Best Winter Classic Leak Yet?

All right, I know a few days ago I posted a rendering of what I thought to be the Philadelphia Flyers' Winter Classic jersey — and it looks nothing like this. But if this one is a fake, it's the best I've ever seen.
Could this really be the Flyers' 2012 Winter Classic jersey?
A reader named Joshua Smith emailed in this morning with a link to an ebay posting. (In case that posting disappears, I've posted all the photos to our Facebook page.) At first glance, I assumed it was another knock-off based on a fan concept. However... There are some details of this jersey that have me convinced it's a legitmate Reebok product.
It doesn't appear to be based on any jersey the Flyers have previously worn. Perhaps that's why it's been so hard to predict. The tags... the stitching... even the detail in the collar, which has become a new trend since the Blue Jckets did it on their third jersey. But when you get down to it, you just don't see this kind of quality on Chinese counterfeits.
So I'm amending Monday's graphic to look like this:
And actually, the black numbers make a lot more sense now.
Reader Comments (55)
The fact that the bottom half of the jersey doesn't look like the edge style doesn't throw you off? Or that the collar does not look like material that Reebok/NHL uses?
I've never really liked the different nameplate colour on a jersey, but otherwise it's nice enough as a throwback jersey. Looks like vintage white again, which is growing on me more and more as it's used properly and in moderation.
not good at all it ***
The vintage white doesn't look to bad on these. I would like to see another black stripe added to the hem, so that the hem and sleeves match, but otherwise pretty good. Looking forward to seeing the captain's letters.
On another note, it is a shame that the flyers are not drawing on any specific sweater from their history for the Classic (I thought the quakers style leak that was out there was awesome!). This is a function of having a strong brand, and consistent look throughout their history. This is also a function of them being involved in multiple WC's. There are plenty of teams with loads of history that have not participated in an outdoor game. Putting the flyers in the classic for a second time, and creating an entirely new faux-back jersey for the event seems really poor form on behalf of the NHL.
Although it may seem somewhat legit, I still believe it's a knock-off. If you notice, the back of the jersey does not have the typical "curved" bottom, as a normal Reebok Edge jersey would have. The shoulder stitching also does not seem like it would on a normal Edge jersey, and the collar looks all twisted. Also, it is also missing the Reebok tag with the size at the bottom. While this could be the actual design of the jersey, I believe the one pictured was not officially produced by Reebok. Just my two cents.
Paul: It did, initially. But there are so many more things that indicate its legitimacy. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. I may be wrong. But for now, I say it's the best rumor we have.
Bryan: I was thinking same as you at first. However, those tags are only on the Premier replicas, not the authentics, and maybe the straight hem is an optical illusion. Or maybe it's Reebok hearing the complaints of the many on the matter? Guess we'll see soon enough.
The mock-up at the top, the yokes are black on the front but not on the back. I had this image, along with a few others, on my computer for a while and dismissed this as a legitimate concept because of that. I guess the egg is on my face now!
It looks like the Bruins or Rangers jerseys. Just swap out black and orange for the other teams colors. Great. Just what everyone in Philadelphia wants the Flyers to look like, the Bruins or Rangers.
could be a fake, but it is a beautiful jersey !! you have to remember the flyers now have a retro jersey, so to have another retro look for the classic was quite a challenge for the designers. this is classic and strong. 9/10.
I sure hope these are the real things! Beautiful and the perfect addition to the Flyers' set, making one of the best sets in the league even better.
nothing special. yawn
I really hope these are legit, that's a very nice jersey.
Hah, I'd be annoyed if Reebok has "heard the complaints" and dropped the curved bottom of the jerseys just after the Sens' heritage jersey got released, as not having a curved bottom of those would have been a tiny improvement. I still bought one, of course...just saying.
The part that gets me about these is the inside collar that says "Winter Classic, January 2nd, 2012". If it turns out there's that kind of detail in a knock off? Bravo, sirs or madams.
Not saying its fake or not, but I have the capitals WC from last year that I got from and I don't believe it had the jock tag and I think it may have even had a straight hem line on it. Have to double-check when I get home.
Chris, I dont know if you've seen what RBK is calling the EDGE 2 jerseys or not, but the new EDGE style is a perforated fabric as you'll see on any Jets jerseys, this clearly doesn't have that style, so I say fake.
why does it look like the edge 2.0 fabric?
OK. For all of you who are sounding off about the stitching not being Reebok EDGE form, you are sadly mistaken!
I have purchased every LEGIT Winter Classic Jersey from the NHL and ALL Winter Classic jerseys are made by Reebok, but not produced/fitted the same as the EDGE uniforms. They have more of the vintage wide fit and are purposely done that way to reflect the whole "classic" theme.
Also, the material/stitching and detail of this jersey looks exactly like every other Winter Classic uniform to date!
Again, it's not meant to have the same materials as the "EDGE" system!
It's pretty legit to me!
OH and one thing I forgot to mention.
The collar of this jersey resembles the new Toronto Maple leafs 3RD Jersey. The tie-up collar lacing with the copper holes are exactly the same!
I work for the Maple Leafs merchandising/apparel stores within the building!
Love the look. I'm excited to see what the Rangers come up with.
great jersey! but i have some thing to say to Bryan and Paul: the bottom always looks straight when you lay a jersey on table like that. so there. i think this is somewhat legit, but the C might change and the numbers may be different. it looks like its based off the Philly Ramblers, an old school hockey team.
That's the real deal. Notice the felt chest logo on the second photo and the real NHL badge below the neck, not to mention the quality/finish of the Winter Classic shoulder patch.
I believe the straight bottom is a feature to add to the vintage feel (old jerseys were a straight hem.)
The shiny/spandex like material on the collar is also authentic, the Ottawa Senators, amongst other teams, use this material in their jerseys.
The wide and squared stitched frame around the laces is also another authentic feature that all past Winter Classic uniforms have featured, with the exception of the Flyers in 2010 and the Capitals in 2011.
I think it would be better if the hem stipes were the same as the arm stripes. Still a nice jersey though.
The replica Bruins Winter Classic jerseys weren't the edge cut completely either. Looked exactly like these ones do. they have the side panels and the collar insert but is still like the old jerseys in material and how they fit. The ones the Bruins actually wore in the game were all Edge.
The straight hem (don't think it's an illusion) and the tag inside the collar looking like it's "letter sizing" (a feature of Reebok Premier replicas) but a lack of jock-tag on the front of the jersey (also on Premier replicas) makes me think fake.
In any case I'm disapointed that we didn't get a version of the Quakers jersey as seen in that concept posted in the summer.
@Paul and Bryan - The Bruins WC sweater didn't have a curved bottom or a jock tag on the replicas, either. They were made exactly like the old CCM replicas (straight bottom, no jock tag, old material, etc.)
Seeing this jersey without the new Edge design wouldn't signal any alarms for me knowing that the Bruins sweater was exactly the same.
If this is what we will see on ice at Winter Classic ... I'm going to order it right away .. so far the best what I've seen as a Flyers Jersey and I love it :-) ....
Oh well would you look at that? Now that we all see that it looks good and that this is most likely legitimate, can we give a round of applause to all the naysayers who got their panties in a bunch when they saw the "leak" prior? You know what I love? Speculation.
I think its the nicest flyers jersey i have ever seen. I like the current road whites, but i am tired of the 70s throwbacks. I love the fact that its unlike any flyers jersey they have ever worn. An A+ from me.
Thanks for all the comments, I'm happy I could lead to the debate of the Winter Classic sweaters. I was just at work cruising around eBay stumbled upon it and just ran with it. Thanks especially to Chris for throwing it out there for your enjoyment. I am a long time reader of the site and enjoy it very much as do the rest of you.
I hope this is legit. As a Flyer fan I would buy it in a heartbeat.
God those are just so predictable. Vintage white? Why not do something like the "Flyers" script that was kicking around with lots of stripes. This to me has no history. It is just a fad.
Also can some please please rip that ugly C off an put a normal one there!?!?!
And why not using long pants (Cooperall) like they did in the early 80s? I know they mentioned "security" reason to remove these but I don't believe this much... was just changing the look of the game too much. But for a Winter Classic, it would be classic!
Looks great, and looks legit. Just bothers me a little there's not that repeated thinner stripe at the bottom of the jersey. Otherwise, very sharp!
The ebay Flyers jersey pic definately looks legit. I hope all these early jersey leaks will force teams to unviel their jerseys much earlier in the future. Lightning managment were smart with that, just not smart with the logo and uniform choice.
With Orange being the unique color that it is would the NHL ever allow the Ranges to wear a Blue WC jersey? I doubt any playesrs would confuse each other on the ice since the tow colors are so different. But does the NHL have a rule that forbids something like this?
its a fake. no size jock tag on the front, or slits on the side at the bottom, and it is obviously not authentic since the tag says L and not a number. FAKE!!
The design is the best that Philly has ever come up with in my opinion.
But the sweater type looks like the ones used from the 1990s, not the newer Reebok Edges.
This seems to be the giveaway that it isn't authentic.
@ Bob: Slits and size tags at the bottom are only found on replicas. The premiers don't have them. Furthermore, when collars are two tones, the replicas use 2 pieces of fabric, one for each colour whereas the premiers' use one piece. It's a comfort thing. The size would appear on the tag that is flipped over. The laces are the same as on premiers and from the angle of the jersey on the table, you can see it tapper towards the rib cage.
Also, the details on the winterclassic patch is pristine. If I were a betting man, I'd put all that I have in saying this is it folks :)
when the Flyers officially anounce the new jerseys, please write "worst kept secret" as the headline, i know a lof of readers of your blog will get a kick out of that.
I hope this is the jersey! This is the best flyers jersey I have ever seen!
Aw, man. This is gorgeous. I hope it's the real deal. Even as a Canucks fan I wouldn't mind owning one.
zdaddy: That would be quite funny, actually. However, I have to say these WC jerseys have been one of the BEST kept secrets. I still can't believe it's taken this long for one of them to surface.
I suspect this image (not the photograph) because when you look at the front of the jersey, the shoulders are black. When you look at the back, the shoulders are orange.
I would be very surprised if this inconsistency existed in anything official.
This would be very disappointing if they turn out to be true. I never want to see black replace orange again for Philly, but to have a second, slightly-different jersey is just bad (see: Boston home/alt). Why not capitalize on the Winter Classic "fauxback" them by creating a retro-styled black jersey to complete the set? I just can't see the team taking the ice with this as a new alternate and fans being able to tell the difference.
Not a fan of the Shoulder Yokes or the Tiedown collar. It just doesn't have the 'look' of a Flyers' jersey.
Hey Chris, was browsing in a Source for Hockey store in Toronto tonight and there was 2 of these jerseys for sales. These were not knock-off jerseys as I've seen several knock-offs before and these 2 jerseys quality were way above.
I have to say that these look awesome and I'm a Bruins fan! I think they should make this the new home jersey, but make it regular white, not vintage.I love the "C" on the jersey! This is definitely the real deal!
Borrrringgggg. Looks like they took a Devils jersey and swapped out the colors. Makes no sense as a Flyers jersey.
Also am I seeing things or are the 2 A's in Philadelphia different on the WC patch (one uppercase, one lower)?
as a flyers fan i'd love if this turns out to be the winter classic jersey. only think i wisht they would fix like many previously mentioned was the hem stripe patterns to patch those on the sleeves. however im very happy that its a jersey design that has never been seen b4 by the flyers. I was hoping that one day we'd do something like this tie down with yokes and if those pants are true id be happy too b/c i always wanted a pair with a stripe on them instead of the boaring all black pants. I wuldnt have minded the quakers concept that floated the net either, but if this is true and they become our alternates it'd be nice if they would fill in the shoulder yokes with one of 3 possible patches; a liberty bell, liberty bell in a circle with the words "Philadelphia Flyers est. 1967 going around it, or the word "Flyers" in the style of the old Quakers script. Also i like the logo on the pants as well, adds a nice touch. (not too mention how awesome the WC patch is itself).