NHL to Announce 2012 Winter Classic

On Monday, Sept. 26 the NHL will make a major announcement from a ballpark in Philly. Why are they beating around the bush? It's the worst-kept secret in hockey.
The league will announce that Citizens Bank Park will play host to the Philadelphia Flyers and New York Rangers for the NHL Winter Classic on Jan. 2, 2012. I think this may be the longest we've had to wait for official word on the annual outdoor game. The press conference usually happens during the summer.
Before I go on, credit where it's due. The Philadelphia sports blog Crossing Broad seems to have been the first with details, such as the confirmation of the new Winter Classic logo and a number of other details.
Yesterday, they posted a logo found on a fan-operated Winter Classic Facebook page. While they couldn't initially confirm its legitimacy, it sure looked like the real thing. Later in the day more details started to emerge, including a YouTube video labeled as the "official teaser" for the 2012 Winter Classic. It featured the new logo at the end.
Winter Classic presser preview / Matt GelbThen came this photo of the Citizens Bank Park scoreboard from Philadelphia Inquirer writer Matt Gelb. I assume there was some testing being done in advance of Monday's press conference. Either that, or someone punched up a graphic they shouldn't have.
Either way, it proves the Winter Classic logo is legitimate while also giving us a sneak peek at the throwback logos to be used by each team. For the Flyers, no surprises. They haven't changed their logo since they joined the NHL in 1967. The Rangers, on the other hand, have gone through a number of iterations of their classic shield mark. This particular shield design was used by the Blueshirts between 1926 and 1947.
Now the jersey speculation can truly begin. There's almost no doubt in my mind the Flyers will stick with their current orange home sweater. It's based on their original look and it's as retro as they're going to get.
For the Rangers, there's a little wiggle room. According to NHLUniforms.com, the Rangers never wore a white jersey until 1951. And since then, the only one they've used that didn't resemble what's still worn to this day was in 1976 and 1977 when the shield was used as a crest. But I don't see them going that route.
Instead, may we'll see a break from tradition. The first Winter Classic in 2008 was the only time the home team has worn white out in the elements. Will the Flyers don white again in 2012, as they did in 2010 when they played the Bruins at Fenway? If so, it would allow the Rangers to simply use their current dark blue retro third jersey, meaning we wouldn't be treated to any new uniforms at all.
Of course, even if the Flyers wore their home orange, the Rangers could still sport their regular road whites. Either that or they could introduce a white version of their new third. It's hard to say for sure right now. We should know on Monday. But I don't imagine we'll be all that surprised.
Should we expect one or two of these jerseys to appear at the 2012 Winter Classic?
What do you guys think? Are my expectations too conservative? Think the Rangers and Flyers have something special in mind that we haven't thought of yet? Speculate away!
Reader Comments (40)
You know what I'd actually enjoy for a change?
"Classic" aside, drop the aged vintage look and shoot for something crisp and new to be unique for the event.
I'd go as far as to say that the Lady Liberty and 3D Flyers logos would fall under that category, and I think we can all agree how awesome that would be.
Even if current jerseys are used, you know what would sell like hot cakes?
Nameless, large number only jerseys.
And it'd be as easy as that.
I don't really know what to expect in terms of jerseys, but I would have to expect a change from one or both teams from their current threads. Not just because of what would look good, but because the Winter Classic is one of the biggest money makers the league has, and throwing out a one-time-only jersey for this game is instant revenue. But at the same time, neither team really has a varying jersey history to work with, so who knows.
Would love to see the Lady Liberty Head jerseys make an appearance again... Best logo the Rangers ever used
The Rangers have a couple options that come to mind. First is if the league doesn't go for the classic look, they could do a new third jersey: Lady Liberty on their standard blue, instead of the darker navy. They've worn white and navy LL jerseys, but never on the standard royal blue. Other options: as mentioned in the OP, the shield crest jersey (which seems unlikely, since the logo uses a different shield), the 46-47 jersey, with "RANGERS" arced over the player's number, or one of their very first jerseys, where the blue was much lighter, the text a different font (and that text could be white, red, or red-with-white-outline), and beige pants.
For the Flyers, if they're sticking to Flyers-only options instead of throwing back to the Quakers, they really only have three or four options, which won't look all that different anyway: First and by far the least likely, Cooperalls! (Yes, I know they're illegal. Still would be funny.) In terms of actual legit possibilities, my favorite would be to go with the orange roadies they wore from 1983-2001. Not throwing back particularly far, but they haven't worn that style in years, and it's my favorite jersey of all time, so I have to at least suggest it. They could pick the black alternate, or a 3DP, but I really hope not.
Probably the best thing that could come of this is for the two teams to come up with one-time jerseys that aren't exact throwbacks to something done before. My preference would be a color-on-dark matchup, if the league will permit: Lady Liberty on royal blue vs. a black third in the style of the current Flyer kit. (Mostly black, with the logo outlined in white, orange nameplate with white text, white numbers with orange outline.) If color-on-black doesn't fly, the Flyers probably should go with something like that, and have the Rangers wear Lady Liberty on white.
As mentioned above no way the NHL doesn't unveil some sort of new uniform strictly to sell sell sell. No way they pass up such a strong revenue opportunity. I think the Quackers style uniform we've seen floating around in concepts likely makes a debut and I fully expect some sort of retro Rangers uniform to be introduced as well.
As for dropping the "classic" element of these events mentioned above. C'mon man. The retro vibe is still super strong and isn't going anywhere and I personally love it.
I'd say there's no way we don't see new jerseys for each time. Would be a money making opportunity forfeited.
I think it's fairly certain that both teams will use a different jersey for this game.
No team has ever used an existing, currently used jersey for the game. I don't see why they'd start now.
Especially considering the money that can be made on the special jersey.
Now, I have no idea what look we'll see, but I can guarantee it won't be the Flyers reusing their Winter Classic and the Rangers using their current third, or the Flyers using their current home and Rangers wearing their existing away.
Each team will wear a different than regular jersey. Bank on it.
It seems that the author doesn't know well what he's talking about. The Rangers could use old white uniforms with a shield logo (http://www.nhluniforms.com/Rangers/Rangers18.html), but change the logo to the one on the photo. Don't forget the Hawks have done the same, while Detroit wasn't using the Red Wings uniforms at all. So the problem is not that big, it's not like there are no other uniforms to wear.
I think the next Wc should be the Flyers vs. Penguins. Actually they should just rename it the Pennsylvania Classic
I can see the rangers doing something along the lines of what the Bruins did. The Bruins didn't pull from just one era for their WC jerseys. They were a mash-up of different eras.
I would have suspected the Flyers to go with a Quakers throwback, but the Flyers logo is what is being used. Did the Red Wings use their logo on official media? Or was the "D" the logo that was plastered everywhere? I don't recall.
I too think we'll see two new jerseys for this. I'm really hoping that we see an orange Flyers jersey based on the Quakers jerseys, and I'd certainly buy a Giroux one pretty quickly.
As for the person who suggested a 3d P, I have two words for you - Laval Voisins.
It appears I'm in the minority, but I always thought those Lady Liberty jerseys were pretty horrible.
I wouldn't be surprised if the Flyers rolled out a Quakers type design, it's not Flyers history but at least it's Philly hockey history.
I would love it if the NHL acknowledged the rest of the league and moved away from the northeast. Would it kill them to have the classic in Minnesota? Detroit? Denver? I'm boycotting the game until new teams are allowed to participate (I know the Rangers are new to the classic, but still too NE for me).
I can't see either team wearing their current uniforms. They'll just create faux-backs based on something in their past. I'd like to see the Rangers go with a light blue uniform like they originally had and put it up against the Flyers in either a black or orange uniform. I think their current throwback would look great with black as the main colour. Guess we'll see.
I must add: the fact that the Winter Classic only seems to include North Eastern US teams and two have repeated already is annoying. More variety is needed. Personally, I would have loved to see the Rangers against the Canucks. At least then you'd have all kinds of possibilities for uniforms.
I love seeing all the cheers for NYR's Lady Libery uniform. That was one of the best logos I've every seen in the NHL. The colour palette, as worn as blues are, was real real classy, too.
+1 for the return of Lady Liberty.
I would like to see the Flyers keep their current jerseys but use the number fonts used from the mid 70's to give the jerseys a more retro look. When they first introduced the orange retro jerseys they used the 1972-73 retro number font. They could also wear the white jerseys with the more traditional white nameplates with black letters.
First off I would like to say Gary Bettman seriously screwed up here.
First, If you cannot get New Years Day for the Winter Classic in the host city. DONT DO IT THEN!
This game should be in Yankee Stadium (from a Sox fan that's sayin something), come on, it would be magical to see the game actually on New Years Day, the white fences mixing in with the snowfall, The picture itself I am imagining is just amazing.
I hope Bettman gets the Classic in Minnesota next year, I feel like of all areas in the United States where they're should be a Classic', it is in the Twin Cities, where Hockey is basically life.
I don't know for sure what the Flyers will do, but if the Rangers want to do something truly retro, look at their early days (prior to 1930). However, I think the 1946 version is my pick, since it's different from the other incarnations of Rangers jerseys up until 1976.
I've got a feeling something will be done differently. The Flames went back and honored the city's hockey history last year, I wouldn't be shocked if the Flyers do the same thing.
The 1946 jerseys are the only unique option that the Rangers hold. The logo shown above was used during the 1946 season (its last season)
Prediction: White version of the 1946 jersey, in the navy and rose of the third jersey.
The Rangers should have the shield on the front of their jersey and use stripes that they haven't used before.
I think the Flyers should wear a throwback jersey from the Lindros era.
I'm just sick of seeing Pennsylvania/Atlantic Division teams play in this game basically every year.
Not exactly sure what to expect with Philly... But I am hoping for the old orange jerseys from the 80's and 90's. And NY could use those jerseys they from 1976-78
I'm really tired of these Winter Classic Games. First of all they play these on a day when a lot of us are watching College Bowl Games.I tape the Hockey game to watch later, but always hear the score before. Second of all it is always the same boring teams, Pittsburgh. Philadelphia, Washington etc..We have enough throwbacks and semi retro jerseys from some of these teams already, although the Penguins jerseys were both better than their current main jerseys.The idea is a good one, but they should maybe have these every other year.
I think it's great to have NY in the classic, and I don't know why they have to double up again with the Flyers. I have nothing against the Flyers and I'm sure it would be a great game, I just think they should at least try to have a few different teams before having them in again. They already had the Penguins in twice...
2 teams I think should play in the WC before another repeat team is Vancouver (Don't like them, but I want to see if they roll out the giant V's :P) and Toronto (hopefully sporting some St Pats green).
Lars; i cant see them ever doing a Minnesota/ STL winter classic since it would end up with just Minn and STL fans watching. In every winter classic thus far the NHL has tried to have some big "thing" on which to market the event (ie: Crosby/Ovi, Wrigley Field, Fenway). You really dont have that non-hockey public appeal with Minn/ STL.
Dan L: Montreal used their current whites in the Heritage Classic.
I would really like to see the rangers wear a white version of lady liberty, or if phi does follow buffalo and do white at home, do the dark LL jersey. philly could use the 1982 uniforms the orange ones that were slightly redesigned. if the teams choose from their current sets, that will be quite lazy in my opinion.
I am going to have to echo other people's disappointment that the Eastern Conference continues to dominate the Winter Classic. Target Field in Minnesota seems like a beautiful park for such an event, and I think we'd all love to see the Nordiques (Avs) go up against the Northstars (Wild). I think most would agree that those are two of the best uniforms from hockey's past.
As many have said, I to am tired of seeing the Pens and Flyers in the classic. It would be nice to actually have some west teams in it. That being said if Minnesota was to be in it, I think it should be them vs Dallas for obvious reasons. I'd put St. Louis against Chicago (I know they have already been in one but if that would take place in about 5 years then it wouldn't matter), and Colorado against Detroit.
I also think that the Winter Classic should be primarily US teams and leave the Heritage Classic to the Canadian teams, but not have the HC every year.
This year should either be the Rangers against either the Islanders or the Devils at Yankee Stadium, but give it 2 years and that will mostlikely happen.
I'm jumping on board with everyone else. The teams are going to do SOMETHING to sell extra jerseys, but I don't think they'll be anything too exciting, just because there's not much to draw from in either team's uniform history. I expect marginally-changed home oranges for the Flyers (as per the Habs last year) and some kind of "new vintage" white-with-round-shield design from NYR.
Even if a Quakers-styled Flyers sweater versus a white "fauxbacked" Lady Liberty sweater would be much more my speed.
@Lars it has nothing to do with the host city, it's football games in general on New Years this year that is why it's pushed back. No matter what city hosts, Bettman still doesn't want to compete for viewership with football. Plain and simple.
I agree - why don't we have some new teams involved, not just the same few teams over and over! Tired of any teams who are making repeat appearances for now!
Love to see the Flyers in the Cooper-Alls!
i agree chris there may not be any changes in the jerseys however i think both teams and especially the flyers would want to go for something different just b/c of the mighty dollar and marketing. i think fans would be a little disappointed to see the same old jerseys in such a spectacular event. i think the rangers like you said might go for a white of their current alternate or i think they might go with the shield thats featured on the citizens bank park scoreboard. The Flyers on the other hand have 4 options imo. i agree with Minh they could go with the 3D logo(i hope not hated it honestly) or go full vintage like the 70s jerseys really big numbers and no names or really big number and no "nameplates". Then I think there's a possibility (as many speculate) they may use a Quaker based design, which i for some reason really hope to see. Since the liberty bell logo is gona be in use(which will be so sick i always wanted a bell on our jerseys!) they most likely wont put bell on their shoulders, it would look redundant anyway. Man i cant wait to see them tmorrow!
I'd quite like to see a road version of the current NYR 3rd jersey. No doubt whatever the Rangers wear, it'll find its way into my closet!
Quakers vs Americans would be a great look...
for a winter classic, how about the sharks wearing vintage oakland seals and dallas wearing vintage north stars at target field or candlestick park?
Well, im pretty sure Rozival isent playing...
Are the Pens and Flyers the Cowboys and Lions of the NHL now or what? Every year the Lions and Cowboys play games on Thanksgiving, and it looks like we are getting that with Philly and or Pittsburgh on New Years Day now... Hopefully they break this trend next year and use a couple new teams. STL and Minny sound like two great choices if you ask me!
I can see the Rangers using an off-white/cream colored version of their current 3rd. Some type of retro look.