
Speculating on Dallas' Future Rebrand

Assuming the NHL ever plays another game, the Dallas Stars will have a whole new look when they take the ice for the 2013-14 season. This much we know. What we don't know is what that will look like.

The Dallas Morning News has posted a few stories on the subject over the last couple of weeks. Thought it might be worth sharing them here so we all know what to expect.

Red, white & blue mockups from Stars' website

Rendering from Dallas Stars (official website) via Dallas Morning News

On Nov. 13, they posted these mockups credited to the Dallas Stars' official website. I haven't been able to find a link to where they were featured on the Stars' site, but it's my understanding that TV color analyst Daryl Reaugh — who writes a blog on the site — is behind the designs which may be about a year old.

I'll be straight with you. They're ugly. Really ugly.

I, for one, have no desire to see the Stars in anything but green and gold. But that's not up to me.

Stars owner answers questions about coming redesign

The day after those mockups were posted, beat writer Mike Heika talked to Stars owner Tom Gaglardi about what's coming. There's a lot of great information in his report. Here are some excerpts.

Gaglardi wants logo crest, not wordmark

"I’d like to wear our logo on our chest. That’s something that appeals to me. I think it’s the classic way to go, and I like classic things. We are one of the original 12 teams, and I do think that carries with it some history and weight, and that’s also something I believe we should consider when looking at a possible change.

"I just want a jersey that’s a classic hockey jersey. I want a jersey that looks like it could have been worn for 40 years. That’s kind of how I see things.

"I think the current jerseys are attractive. I really don’t have a problem with the style or the look. I don’t like just the wordmark "DALLAS" on there. I don’t think that’s really unique or clever, but the actually jersey to me is a good looking jersey."

I think Gaglardi just made up "Original 12," but at least it sounds like he looks at hockey uniforms the same way a lot of us do. That's a great thing to see in an NHL owner.

Stars considering a color scheme change

Gaglardi confirmed the team is looking at changing team colors, but didn’t want to go beyond that. He cautioned that the discussions change every day, and that there is a lot of positive on both sides (changing colors or remaining green, gold, black and white).

Process started in April; must be done by end of December

In talking to others in the organization, they confirm that a decision will need to be made by the end of December if the team wants to wear new colors for the 2013-14 season. They emphasized there is a little wiggle room with Reebok and the NHL, but that they have about six weeks to get this done.

You may recall that when the Lightning redesigned their uniforms (a process that would've been wrapped up by December 2010), they unveiled them right away (January 2011) to avoid any leaks. If the Stars follow this precedent, we might not have to wait too long to see what the final result is.

Throwbacks kept in mind even if colors change

On the good side, there appears to be some thought that if they do go in a new direction with color, they still can recall old throwbacks and wear them — and they seem to be comfortable with the possibility of having more than just two "kits," and could actually push the NHL to consider more specialty uniforms.

That's an interesting notion. Heika goes on to talk about the variety of alternate uniforms seen in the NCAA.

Stars not necessarily interested in fan input

On the bad side, there appears to be no appetite for fan input. They already have a lot of differing opinions, and the people making the decisions all are aware of what the fans think. They either interact with season ticket holders or they view fan blogs and websites.

As such, they will likely reveal these the same way they did the Mooterus and the current uniforms. You will be told when the decision is made, and that will be it. That’s not unusual in the world of pro sports.

I’m a fan of allowing possibly five different looks and letting fans vote down to two or three on the website. The buzz created would be fantastic, especially at a dead time like this. That would also allow the team to have the final say, but the fans to eliminate what they feel are the worst ideas.

That's a great idea, but as Heika points out, not all that realistic. But I have hope Gaglardi will find a way to hit the mark. He wants the same thing we all do. A sharp look for a team with a long history.

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Reader Comments (21)

This should not be the new look for the Stars. Their current color scheme is unique in the NHL. There are WAY better stars concepts on the concepts page of this website.

Nov 27 · 4:58 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterSteve

Oh man I REALLY hope they don't go in this direction. I think I'd be ok with Dallas not being in their normal green and gold but red white and blue is just too much. I get the connection to the state and all but I feel like it's a bit heavy handed. Hopefully they will put some real thought into this.

Nov 27 · 5:08 AM PST | Registered CommenterDerek H

I agree with ya Chris and Darek. H. I really hope they do not use the designs shown here, that would be a fail IMO. What they need to do is keep the green and gold, but drop the black, and make their home jersey and their pants primarily green. Don't really care all that much for the current Stars primary, but putting that back on the front of the jerseys would be better than the stupid wordmark with player number underneath.

Nov 27 · 6:08 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterMatt Marczel

It sucks that Dallas ownership is legitimately considering going red, white, and blue. It's even worse how they admitted that fan input is not on their priority list. This new uniform set can go one of two ways. It could either be the best look the team has ever had, or it could be the next Buffaslug-style disaster.

Nov 27 · 7:28 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterBrian Brideau

Uh Chris, techncally the Stars are an original 12 team, having been founded as the Minnesota North Stars in the '67 Expansion. Gaglardi is stretching that quite a way's, but I wouldn't say he made it up.

Nov 27 · 10:15 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterLee

Lee: I understand. All I'm saying is this is the first time I've ever heard that term. I've heard those 1967 teams referred to as "The Next 6" but never "Original 12." If you really want me to get specific, it goes to the root of the word original — origin. I wouldn't agree that the modern NHL originated in 1967. I would say the modern NHL originated sometime after its founding in 1917 and before the 1967 expansion. So I'm good with sticking to the "Original Six."

Nov 27 · 10:26 AM PST | Registered CommenterChris

There's enough red-white-blue combinations in the NHL already. Stick with your tradition, Dallas! Green-gold-black!

Nov 27 · 11:06 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterDelayedPenalty

Washington Capitals part 2. The stars are better going off with silver and blue. Or better yet keep the colors they have.

Nov 27 · 2:00 PM PST | Unregistered CommenterNathan

When the North Stars moved from Minnesota to Dallas, I thought they should've renamed themselves the Lone Stars. If they are going to rebrand themselves, this might be a good time for the name change.

Nov 27 · 4:50 PM PST | Unregistered CommenterPittSlovak

I don't think they should change to red, white, and blue, considering that three other teams in the NHL already use that color scheme. Green, gold, and black should always be Dallas's colors.

Nov 27 · 8:12 PM PST | Unregistered CommenterRandy

The L.A. Kings refer to their 1967 expansion group as the "original expansion". Original 12 sounds like the Stars want to find any way they can to include themselves with the Original 6.

Nov 27 · 9:04 PM PST | Unregistered CommenterAaron D

I'm all for the Stars changing their color scheme, and I think something similar to Cowboys colors would be best.

As for the nickname...yeah, the Stars doesn't fit in with a market that has clubs nicknamed the Cowboys, Mavericks and Rangers. If not the Lone Stars, perhaps the Wranglers?

Nov 28 · 2:56 AM PST | Unregistered Commenterhmich176

Looks like the Stars and the Capitals had a love child, and an ugly one at that. Are they planning on converging teams during the lockout or something? I agree, they should keep their current colors. A little tweaking, and the idea of adding silver, to recall the western sheriff's "tin star" would be a nice touch.
As for mentioning the "BuffaSlug", I don't know if I personally can ever see anything take over the title of worst debacle than that...idea....You realize, it's been over 2 years since they went back to the classic crest, and stores are STILL stuck with BuffaSlug jerseys!!! They were trying to sell them for 10 bucks a piece on Black Friday, and STILL have racks of them!!!

Nov 28 · 5:23 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterKZed

i wonder if this makes the San Jose Sharks one of the Original 30.

Nov 28 · 6:06 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterShekhar

Massive mistake by Dallas if they change their colours. All they need to do is emphasize the green more. They have a unique colour scheme not used by any other team in the NHL, one that i'm sure a lot of Stars fans have grown to love over the years. Also, I think there are enough red, white and blue teams in the league. 5 is enough.

Nov 28 · 8:07 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterPeter Edmo

I'm pretty sure I could do those Dallas Stars mock ups on Microsoft Paint. Lots of money goes into these jerseys, so why screw around? Do it right.

Nov 28 · 12:58 PM PST | Unregistered CommenterChad L

Ive always heard it called "The Second six", its even on an oakland seals shirt i own

Nov 29 · 12:51 PM PST | Unregistered CommenterSteve

I'll never understand how casually some US-sports teams can just switch colors. IMO there isn't really anything more integral to a team's identity than its color. Liverpool FC are the reds, AC Milan the rossoneri, Inter Milan the nerazzurri etc. The stars are green and gold, with some black thrown in there due to fashion fads. Keep it that way.

Nov 30 · 6:22 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterPhil

When will you people get that they are NOT going to change their TEAM name to the LONE stars. They considered it but decided not to. The Stars name is just fine, get over it already Minnesotans.

Dec 11 · 12:19 PM PST | Unregistered CommenterFrank Garrett

a) green

b) new logo


Jan 6 · 3:43 PM PST | Unregistered Commentersmitty

Sorry but we won't get over it. The reason we lost the North Stars in the 1st place was due to the fact Norm Green couldn't keep his fly zipped. He moved them to Dallas solely to keep his wife, the least he could have done was to rebrand the team once they moved and sold the name rights to the city, that would have partly redeemed him. To be honest if they had gone with a better name the "WIld" we might have gotten over it, but most fans hate the name, love the team, like the logo, HATE the name. I would be fine with the Dallas stars keeping their current colors, they are slightly different from the original North Star Keltly Green and Gold. and The logo is different too, Just rename them the Lone Stars and sell the name Rights to the North Stars to Minnesota, and do so publicly... trust me the fans will demand they buy it!

Apr 27 · 6:11 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterMavsFan

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