Islanders Will Go Black and White

CEO confirms new third jersey planned for Brooklyn
On Wednesday, Chris Botta — who writes a lot on the New York Islanders — tweeted some very interesting quotes from Isles CEO Brett Yormark on the future of the club's branding. Specifically, what happens when the Isles move to Brooklyn in the next couple years?
First, remember all that talk about the Isles going full-on black-and-white like their NBA cousin, the Nets? Well Yormark heard all the disapproval of that idea.
Brett Yormark: reaction of #Isles fans on Twitter changed his thinking on drastically changing primary jersey. #sbjsms
— Chris Botta (@ChrisBottaNHL) October 2, 2013
What a relief. But if you're one of the people who hates the idea of the Islanders wearing a monochromatic uniform in Brooklyn, stop reading here. Consider your day made.
For the rest of us, there's this news.
Brett Yormark: #Isles new 3rd jersey in Brooklyn will be black and white. #sbjsms
— Chris Botta (@ChrisBottaNHL) October 2, 2013
Yormark told Botta that the third jersey will change when the team moves. It's one of those bittersweet things for most readers, I would imagine. Many of you can't stand the black third the team currently wears. You'll be glad to know that's disappearing. On the other hand, they'll still have a black third jersey of sorts.
So what's worse? Black/blue/orange/grey or black/white? Guess we'll find out in the next year or two.
Reader Comments (15)
Well as a Kings fan, I don't want anybody else wearing only black and white. That's our thing, just like how solid red and white is the Red Wings' thing. But the Islanders will probably find a way to mess it up somehow so I'm not worried.
This is a disaster in the making...I sincerely hope the reaction from the fans are as swift and harsh as it was with the fisherman...
Man, the instant I saw the article title, I nearly fainted. Thank goodness they're not going black and white; that's the last thing that needs to happen to the Islanders' identity. I don't know about the third jersey, though...I'm just going to wait and see what happens. Their current third isn't...well, it's not so great. Put the iconic logo on the front and I'll be a little more happy with it. But it's nothing by their home/away jersey's standards.
On the topic of the Islanders, I'll be happy to see them return to Navy Blue any day with the four stripes on the right shoulder.
well, their 3rd can't get any worse than what it is now.
Anything to get rid of the hideous current third jersey will do, especially if there's an actual logo on the front as opposed to a wordmark.
Just please no gray. I don't understand why so many teams feel they NEED to have gray in the jersey somewhere when doing a black sweater.
In response to NASCARFAN160:
Blue and orange main jerseys aren't changing - that's already been confirmed. As for the third jersey, anything to get rid of the current third is fine by me.
Also, I love the current jerseys. Royal blue is 1000x better than the royals they had. Even like that they don't do a shoulder patch. They're simple and classic. The whites are such a clean look.
Guaranteed it'll just be a black and white jersey that has a Brooklyn wordmark on it
Two good things happened here. One, the classy primary jerseys are staying, and they're getting rid of the third, which is horrendous. That being said, it'll please both the long-time Isles fans, and the potential new fans made in Brooklyn.
Perfect. Everyone wins.
The classic look stays, and they get to do something special for Brooklyn. And considering the Isles' third jersey history, it won't be the worst thing they've ever worn!
Last I checked, we are not anywhere near April 1st on the calendar? But this is an April Fool's joke, right?
This as a mock up I made months ago. Slightly different logo then what Chris posted up top.
well the only positive thing i can say is that most teams 3rd jerseys are garbage.
While I totally understand the desire to make a Brooklyn-centric jersey, the fact that they will change the colors leaves me a bit perturbed to put it lightly. A Brooklyn third jersey will sell regardless of what the colors are, so why not just keep it blue and orange? I suppose my real fear is that the new thirds will sell well thus giving the higher ups justification in eventually making it the primary jerseys. Just for the record, I am an Islander fan that is very happy with the Brooklyn move.
I think this could be awesome