Canada's Olympic Jersey Set Leaks

Photo from Reddit user "justacanuck88"
Photo from retail store appears to show all three
Exactly two weeks before the planned unveiling date, a photo of Canada's three new Olympic jerseys has surfaced online. The photo above was posted to Reddit by "justacanuck88" who wrote, "The new Canadian Olympic Jersey's [sic] just came in. What do you think?"
I'm packing for my trip, so I have to post and run. In the meantime, answer the guy's question in the comments. What do you think? I'm saving my commentary for Oct. 8 when the jerseys are officially released.
Reader Comments (53)
They make the US and Russian jerseys look good.
I actually really like them. Simple, sharp, different, and perfect.
I like the home and away the third is ok love parts of it others are ehhh
Not 1, but 3 ugly ass sweaters.
They look alright. I'm surprised they didn't do anything about the "hanger effect" thing. But those fake laces... who thought that was a good idea?
I think the minimalist thing has gone too far.
I like what I see.
looks like the black one belongs at training kampf.
I'd buy one of the Canucks hats in the back before I bought one of these jerseys... And I'm a Flames Fan
I'm a little ashamed to be Canadian today. I'm also a little ashamed to be a hockey fan lately. With the exception of Minnesota and Dallas this has year has been a horrible embarrassment for hockey jersey design. These are the worst yet. I will be boycotting Nike until they stop releasing these cartoonish disasters.
Those are terrible and that's saying a lot. Did Nike fire all of it's designers or something? They've made great Team Canada sweaters before, 2002 Olympics, and those are one of the best Team Canada sweaters of all time in my opinion.
Screw you Nike. You threw out a solid design for a bland and uninspiring one.
And what's with the fake laces and the maple leaf version of the stars that the American jerseys have?
These jerseys are terrible. As a side note it appears the 12 gold maple leafs on the bottom right are a tribute to Canada's 12 Olympic hockey gold medals (8 men, 3 women, 1 sledge hockey)
Since I'm so sad that these are actually what will be worn by the Canadians come February, I'll try to find 1, JUST 1, reconciling element..... I like the tribute to what I'm assuming is 12 gold medals for Canada in the bottom right. Other than that, give me my Vancouver 2010 Team Canada jersey back!
Why in the hell did they have to change their jerseys??????? I'm pretty dam disappointed, and unhappy about this change. That faux collar lace treatment is really lame and ugly, same as on the US jerseys too.
Ugh.... No thank you. Please try again Nike.
Ill have to wait till I see them in person, but I have a feeling the black one will grow on people.
Yeah having a red armband on the right arm of a black jersey won't be associated with anything else...
It look hideous with one sleeve without the stripe.. I'm not sure the black one will have the same as the first 2... But, it look sharp! And it still look too simple and boring! Bleh.. USA and Canada jerseys are horrible, the Russian's away look nice!
Looks like 3 t-shirts to me. Straight from the San Jose Sharks school of crap jersey making & stuff
Seriously, why can't Nike and Reebok realize that their designers aren't winning with the fans? There are amateur Internet artists out there who could have done so much better than any of the jerseys released this summer (exception of Minny and Dallas).
They should hire Bastian Schmulling to design the jerseys in the future. That guy is great, and people would buy his jerseys.
Don't understand the need for a 3rd jersey for a 2 week tourney
Those are some absurdly "blah" jerseys. There is no substance to them whatsoever. Last Olympics set weren't fantastic, but are NHL to this WHL effort by Nike. Of course the "swoosh" always does downgrade when it already has a good jersey in the fold.
Look like Practice Jerseys , or long sleeve T-shirts ,, which would be fine,, if thats what they were
NIKE's USA jersey also not to my liking , Hope Sweden keeps its 3 Crowns Jersey
Ugly, uglier and ugliest.
I was at the Kings game today and a guy was wearing one of the USA jerseys from the 90's. I asked him if he saw the new ones and he gave me this disgusted look at yelled, "That's why I bought this one!" Dude was legitimately angry.
Ugly, ugly practice jerseys!!!
On the bright side, I like the stack of maple leafs at the bottom of the jersey which I assume represents all of our gold medals in hockey. So there was at least some artistic input.
Minimalist is fine, but the olympics should kind of be about celebrating one's country, so go big or go home (though there's a joke to be made about the Canadians not wanting to show off with fancy jerseys). The logo from the last olympics was a maple leaf filled with all kinds of Canadian icons. This one's a Petro Canada symbol, which reminds me of painful gas prices.
And seriously, the "fake laces" thing is an abomination.
Based on this I'm pretty sure that Jonathan Toews's expression is still not enthused. If these were sweatshirts or long sleeve t-shirts that would be one thing. But as a hockey jersey this doesn't cut it. Rather than try (and fail) to be innovative, Nike should have just produced hockey jerseys for the Olympic teams.
This new emphasis on lightweight jerseys makes sense, but man, it sure is boring for fans of aesthetics.
Reminds me of all the 'trendy' efforts by the NHL in the 90's that we look back on and laugh....
So far, I like what I see. I'm bored of the "vintage and classic" design school. Yes, they do look kinda empty, so I'm gonna keep my final comment for when I see them with complete identification (nameplate and numbers) and in game situation (over the equipment). I think we might be judging too fast. For example, the fact that the third is black, leads me to think that the pants - and helmets? - will also be black, which could make them stand out on ice, particularly the red one. And who knows: maybe the numbers have a black outline to help the whole thing!
@ETRIX: I agree: a red armband on a left black sleeve is an annoying reference!
I must say I like the 12 gold leaves at the bottom of the jerseys representing Canada's Gold Medal wins. That aside, the single-arm band on the regular jerseys just isn't right, as is the fact that the bands don't go all the way around the sleeves (see the inside of the sleeves). And the small flag in the arm band on the red jersey is superfluously ugly. I doesn't look like the white on the chest of the red jersey, or the red on the white, repeat in the back. At first thought this doesn't seem right either, but thinking about the jerseys numbers on the back, I think that would be best. The Nike symbol should be on the back of the jersey near the bottom, either on the left or right, where product marks should belong. Can anybody tell me how far the stripes on the black jersey extend, and if there is a red arm band on both sleeves of that one. I actually like the basic color scheme of the blacks, with the added gold stripes. Anyhoo...
After looking at these jerseys a few times now I'm actually starting tolike the minimal design of the flag outline, even if it does look a lot like the Petro-Canada logo. I like that it's new and doesn't just mimic an older 'classic' jersey. Also not using 'heritage white' or 'wheat' or whatever is nice. All that being said, the fake laces (why have any laces?!) the plastic maple leaf outlines on the shoulders, prominent ugly Nike logo and the incredibly cheap looking material kill it for me. Perhaps as someone else said the inclusion of numbers, nameplates and full gear will enhance the look of these jerseys, maybe the ones the players wear will be of a more substantial material too and that these are just cheap replicas. One can only hope.
Come winter, you're all going to be eating your words. They're not the greatest looking hanging like this, but they're going to look great on the ice. There's no question that the cut for all these Olympic jerseys were made with player performance in mind.
Obviously every country so far is going for something a little bit outside of the traditional sets that we usually see. They're not really abomniations, just a little different.
All I'm saying, is wait to see them on the ice. They're going to be sharp.
I have whatever Jesse is having. Blech.
I'm more upset about the unbalanced armband (or lack of symmetry) than about the unintentional reference. That's where numbers should go. The little flags look like they're just thrown on; at least the black one with the gold leaf in the middle actually looks good. Some parts about the design I don't mind, but the fake laces are an abomination. I preferred the 2006 set above these, myself, but it does seem like Nike is kinda mailing it in. Can you imagine the uproar if we were around to see the unveiling of the 1978Team Canada red jerseys with the green and yellow and red and white leaf? Now even by 70's standards, THAT'S ugly! http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b154/spyboy1/TSG%20Blog%202012/Canada1978jersey.jpg
@ETRIX - WOW never thought of that until you brought it up but you're right. What a disaster this marketing campaign will be. Judging from the comments on this and every other board discussing the topic, sales of these monstrosities will be next to non existent. IIHF, you should have taken the appearance of the Oregon Ducks football team as fair warning of the garbage Nike produces.
Are those pyjamas?
I can't, even as a hockey die-hard, support these jerseys from Nike lately. It is a polar opposite to the design-overkill of the 90s. However, now they're a minimalist cash-in of the worst kind. Fake laces and weird stars/leafs/etc.? Colours that don't match the national look or pride? An MSRP of 130-200+ USD dollars?
No. Just a flat out, angry 'h-e-double-hockey-sticks No'.
Don't support this lackadaisical effort, fellow fans.
The black third looks like a beer bottle label. A classy beer bottle label.
absolute FAIL
that black jersey is by far the worst hockey jersey I have ever seen in my life. that's worse than the hideous mustard yellow the predators wore a few years back. and those were terrible.
I think... this guy is going to lose his job.
I like the look. The fake lace with all of the new olympic jerseys looks futuristic and fresh. The small little features added on to the jerseys make them look better (i.e. Canadian Flag and Golden Maple Leafs). It seems that Nike is trying to go for a Modern and Simplistic look.
looks like a long sleeve t-shirt you can get at a canadian airport. nothing about that says hockey sweater
Hating much? Canada wore a solid gold jersey in 2006 and a black in 2002... bBoth 3rds both great jersey . I Think the one sleeve stripe is ORIGINAL. And i find it funny that people think these jerseys are designed for fans lol Im thinking the players that wear them are prob who they design for ... Either way they will look beautiful with the gold drapped down the neck
lol, absolutely pathetic. These probably took less than 5 minutes to design. Ugh.
absolutely horrible...
Seriously though, the whole one arm stripe thing isn't as disastrous as everyone is saying about it. Keep in mind that these jerseys will only last through 1 olympics, before they get a new set. And a few world juniors. Let them think outside the box, every once in a while...