Sweaters Worth a Million Bucks

On Friday, it became official. After leaking out little teasers here and there, the Vancouver Canucks "officially" unveiled their spectacular Vancouver Millionaires jerseys as part of their celebration of A Century of Hockey in Vancouver. Check out David Booth in the locker room surrounded by maroon.
Photo from Vancouver Canucks (via Facebook)
Along with the unveiling, the Canucks announced — as we suspected — that the special uniforms will be worn Sat., March 16 when the Detroit Red Wings pay a visit to Vancouver. If you need a reminder why the Wings are the perfect team to wear this jersey against, check out the previous blog post.
Image from Vancouver Canucks (via YouTube)
The Canucks also rolled out a new video that skims the surface of Vancouver's hockey history just enough for the average fan to understand why the team will be wearing such unusual looking jerseys.
Photos from Vancouver Canucks (via Instagram)
If you're eager to see more photos of the new sweater, be sure to check out the Canucks' Instagram account. There's also a neat gallery of behind-the-scenes stills from the team photo shoot on The Province's website.
Now mark your calendars for March 16. It'll be quite a sight!
Reader Comments (24)
I'm going to try my hardest to get tickets for that game, and I also really want to get me one of those awesome Millionaires jerseys.
I love these jerseys! Can't wait to see them on the ice, but I still find it kinda funny and ironic that they're going on the ice as the 'Millionaires' in a year that the NHL is taking a lot of heat for being whining millionaires.
If there was ever a time for the take my money meme this would be it. I really wanna add this jersey to my collection and I can't find a real one or a fake one anywhere.
Beautiful! Look at that team picture!
Wow! JUST WOW! This should be their new regular unifom!
Just pre-ordered a Henrik Sedin jersey, had to add one of these to my collection. The price point for these is crazy though - $279!
Yes! Already have tickets to this game! Now if only I could afford one of those sweaters too...
everything they said plus white pants!!!!
While my personal preference may be for their 1927-28 style throwbacks, I'd love to see the Wings break out their 1926-27 style 2009 Winter Classic jerseys for this game. That would be a freaking beautiful game.
We'll probably just get the Wings' regular white jerseys, though.
Helvetica? In a 1910's throwback? Really?
I think it's time Vancouver changed their team name to the Millionaires and used these uniforms. That's a million times better than what they have now... no pun intended.
I bet you anything next year. We will see a new 3rd jersey. They will have the front crest logo be the new blue white modern V Vancouver logo.With the Modern stick rink shoulder patch.Then they will turn that finally into the new full time uniform.It will finally become our proper identity. This city is moving into simple bold logos. Just like the white caps.I know they will pick the Modern V as the main logo over the stick.
Vancouver V front patch and Shoulder stick rink will much one of the sharpest looking uniforms in the NHL.
Where did you pre-order the jersey Max?
I despise the Canucks but those are some of the most beautiful jerseys I've seen. I might pick one up, but it would be sacrilege as a Flames fan
What a fantastic colour, I hope the trend of colour returning to the NHL continues. The NHL and it's owners do not get how easily Hockey uniforms can be the best in all of sports. I, like many hope the Canucks ditch the orca logo but keep the current colour scheme.
These jerseys are so sweet! Wouldn't it be awesome if the Red Wings wore the old Victoria Cougars jerseys for this game. The 1915 Stanley Cup Champions vs. the 1925 Stanley Cup Champions.
@HGR, I just pre-ordered through the Canucks team store
Am I the only one who thinks these jersey are hideous?
It's not quite Helvetica. If you look at the R it's not exact. Definitely doesn't look like a early 20th century sans-serif though.
The jersey looks cool, but I still fail to see the actual connection of the Millionaires with the Canucks. That's because there isn't any connection at all. I think these days teams are just taking liberties with these supposesed historical connections. For instance for some time now the Milwaukee Brewers actually have believed that they are in fact the Milwaukee Braves.
Check out the matching mask!
Take the style of this sweater, change the Maroon to Green, the White to Blue, and slightly change the V to resemble the Johnny Canuck V third logo, and man this would rival the best primary jersey in the league.
Don't get me wrong, I love practically everything about the above jersey, but it belongs to the millionaires, not the canucks. Cool for a special event, but bring this style to their game everyday!
Guy above i agree except remember the modern V shoulder patch they made ? I think that is acutely better then having 3 color scheme. Its simple bold and sharp. I hope that exact logo is made into a main crest logo and then turned into our main uniform. I think we need a modern V as our idenity and call it a day. Best possible way to define us. Canuck is a Canadian and Vancouver represents the Canuck.So V for Vancouver canuck people is perfect. Then u can still use johhny as a mascot. I like the V your talking about but its almost tacky with all the color lines.
@Ryan & CrazyCanuck,
Like many people, I absolutely LOVE the Millionaires maroon and white. It's kind of too bad the Canucks didn't start out with those colours back in '70, though the blue and green are just as beautiful and they represent the Canucks.
Which brings me to my suggestion...
As a huge supporter of the full-body Johnny Canuck, I think it would look great if the Canucks went with the Millionaires' V in the Canucks' colours with the full-body Johnny front and centre. A blue V on the whites and a white V on the blues. For the rest of the uniform, a return to the traditional and more legible block font with added green accents would give the Canucks' uniforms the huge amount of admiration and respect it has sought for so long.