Charlottetown Islanders Unveil Logo

The QMJHL's P.E.I. Rocket officially became the Charlottetown Islanders this morning. A press conference was held at the Charlottetown Civic Centre to introduce the franchise's new ownership group as well as the new branding.
Gone is the anthropomorphic missile of the past 10 years in favor of a more traditional type of junior hockey logo. The new colors are black and a muted gold — not unlike the Pittsburgh Penguins. Text is at the heart of this logo with the Confederation Bridge and an ocean wave playing supporting roles.
Oddly, the shape of Prince Edward Island itself is nowhere to be found. Perhaps in a yet-to-be-released secondary logo? Jerseys will be unveiled on June 15, according to The Guardian, but we might get an early look at the QMJHL draft on June 8.
It's not a bad logo, though clearly the new owners didn't spend a lot of money having it developed. (Or at least I hope they didn't.) The use of Arial Black for the city name sort of shouts amateur. But this is junior hockey, so the logos don't have to knock our socks off.
Share your take on the new logo in the comments. But first, one last look at the old Rocket.
P.E.I. Rocket, 2003—2013
Reader Comments (20)
As an Islander myself, I think the logo is awesome. I really like how the waves complete the circle. Not sure what font the ISLANDERS is but that looks good too. Not a big fan of the Pittsburgh colour scheme, although the gold really looks great on the logo imo. I just hope they don't have Penguins jerseys... some real striping would be nice.
I replaced the black with the colour of PEI's red soil to see how it would look... this is a bit better if you ask me:
Oh cool, waves under "Islanders." All it needs now is the Gorton's Fisherman.
Immediately reminded me of the NY Islanders' "Gorton's Fisherman" logo stylistically: the waves at the bottom, the word "Islanders" across the front, the overall circular shape of the logo.
The Rocket logo didn't feature the Island either. Unless it has geographically changed a lot since they created the logo. What was that in the background of it? Looks like a 9.
I like the new logo, although it looks like the commemorative logo the Pen's wore when the Consol Energy Centre opened.
@Ryan I believe it is a 9 as the team was named to honor Rocket Richard, who wore 9.
It is a nine in the back. The franchise was named in honour of Maurice "Rocket" Richard when it was in it's original city.
@Good, Slam
Thanks guys, that didn't even register with me. No duh that's it. Makes perfect sense.
The logo itself is not bad. But the colours and the font used on the city name are pretty weak.
@Chris.S - what do think of this trace and re-colour I made? This is IMO the direction they should've gone, using red as a base colour for their dark jersey instead of black.
For a Junior team, that logo isn't too bad. It isn't anything special by no means but, I think it works and it appears that some teams as of recently have been starting to do a slightly better job with designing their logos. I think this logo would actually look a lot better if the waves and the part that says 'Charlottetown' were recolored in a light teal and the bridge was redone in silver.
Vegas gold doesn't work with this. Change it to a blue color/colour, and this logo is probably better than some NHL teams.
@MattMarczel, that is an absolutely fantastic recoloring of that logo. That is much better than the one they are about to use.
Matt, that looks fantastic... although I think they wanted to make a clean break from the Rocket (and the Savards), colours and all.
Thanks R and JL. I'm also currently working on a jersey set to go with those re-coloured logos.
It looks really good. I like it. It fit so much better to PEI. The Rocket name should rightfully stay in Montreal.
I like this new logo a lot, not particularly a fan of PEI or any Q teams in general but I like the simple, clean look. More professional than the Rocket logo looked, although that will always be a memorable one.
Matt, you could try one with a dark red colour as well (colour of PEI's red soil)... a lot of people, including me, wanted to see that as a colour.
Any idea how/why they chose the colours?
@JL - here's your requested dark red (burgundy) version. I personally prefer the brighter red, but this could work well.
This is actually awesome
Really like the new logo, but agree that Island Sand Red should have been a part of the new colors. That said, I really, REALLY hope that the Acadie-Bathurst Titan come up with a new logo now that the old owner is gone. The old logo had been around a long time. Which isn't a bad thing in and of itself; but that logo is TERRIBLE. A cartoonish looking "Viking" helmet, complete with horns. shakeshead Besides the cartoonish style, the fact that Viking helmets never had horns really annoys me. I'm very much against the mis-education of young fans. Won't somebody please think of the children! Anyhoo...