The Slow Reveal in Carolina

Photos from Carolina Hurricanes (via Instagram)
Hurricanes posting teasers online daily through June 2
The Carolina Hurricanes have been posting teaser images of their forthcoming new jerseys online — every morning at 10am on Instagram. It's kind of fun to try to piece together the overall look as we get closer to the unveiling on June 4.
The images above were released on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, respectively. But we actually got our first peek on Thursday with the nameplate.
So what do you think of what they've shown us so far?
Reader Comments (20)
If the image showing the striping indicates the hem of the jerseys, I'm not happy they did away with the storm flags. I always liked those there. I'm also not a fan of the new non-italicized font. Too similar to the Caps for my tastes. And how else can those of us in the stands tell a fake Chinese jersey from 100 yards away?
I'm thinking That's the waist stripe, and thats the sleeve numbers -so the sleeves have a white band on them. Red dominant with black trimming (as shown on collar and waist).
Should be a cleaner look. Definitely look forward to this kit.
Seems a little bland so far. It looks like they bought the lettering and numbering discarded by the Houston Astros after last year.
thought it was gonna be a more traditional look, a la redwings, lightning. Appears to be a red jersey but it looks like the black sleeve number is on a white jersey. Was hoping for a traditional look since I prefer that for all teams but I don't know now.
No phantom yoke! The white band is interesting, kind of like a reverse Red Wings road jersey.
Not sure what to think so far. I'm with Canesfan82, if they're getting rid of the flag pattern, I'll be utterly disappointed. Someone here mentioned earlier that they could be moving said pattern to the socks, which would be neat. Though today's photo showed a portion of the socks, and they just seem to be red with one white horizontal stripe. The ends of the sleeves seem to be red, with a possible portion of the shoulders to be white, which is weird. The black/red stripe thing is what I assumed was going to be a sleeve stripe, though I may be wrong.
I think it's too early to be piecing everything together yet, I'd wait one or two more pics.
The first photo is most likely the crest logo, red body, nothing special there.
The second photo could be multiple things. What I think it could be is a sleeve stripe, such as the Panthers' or the Jets'. It would also very well be a hem stripe.
The third photo I think sets the whole thing in stone. I think this is the shoulder number, and the whole shoulder yoke will be white. The red thing on the left might as well be the collar.
The photo today shows a glove, the end of the sleeve, and part of the sock. The whole uniform is red in the picture, and the sock has one small white horizontal stripe.
I think the second picture shows the third jersey, while the number picture shows the away jersey.
I dunno about this. It's cleaner but I'm getting a generic Ottawa vibe with the black collar and without the gale force winds striping. There's a few too many red and black teams in the NHL already. It's hard to stand out.
Based on today's new picture, it looks like black and silver are not on gloves anymore. Also, the black stripe at the bottom of the pant legs is gone. (Unless they are just using generic sports store items for the photoshoot.) I am guessing the upper arm will be white. Like Detroit's away is red an Minny's home is green. The little bit of red at the top of the picture might be the4 edge of the yoke or the body of the sweater. Or, maybe it is a peek at the away jersey. :)
I suspect that the Canes did exactly what the Lightning did a few years back: simplified their uniform colors to emulate the classic look of an Original 6 team. (Canes : Red Wings :: Bolts : Leafs) Given the uproar from the Bolts' fans when the team abandoned black and other stylistic flair (i.e. the lightning bolt on the pants), the Canes probably chose to preemptively keep some black and silver elements, albeit in limited capacities, and maybe the storm flags will make an appearance on the pants or somewhere else.
Well, if the logo is unchanged, as it appears to be in the teaser, then it's a disappointment, no matter how they alter their kits.
Well at least we know they're keeping some black, by going with black sleeve numbers and likely the main numbers too.
Hmmm... the way they're teasing right now makes it look like they're going to look kind of like the Red Wings, but anyone who knows Karmanos' history with that franchise knows the chances are very slim that would actually be the case.
My guesses... the first one along with the nameplate teaser is the home jersey. Primarily red, no shoulder yolk. I think the next two are part of the away jersey. Res stripe with silver and black accents, black numbers with silver outline, and a red shoulder yolk. The one of the pants... I'm not sure on quite yet. Could be either home or away. Also looks like there could be a black stripe down the side, but maybe thats just the angle of the picture playing games with us.
Either way, it should be a good look. Kind of sad to see the flag pattern departing, so I hope the team keeps it around in some other form.
Nascarfan160 - Doubtful. I think that's the away jersey. If you look at the image with the "NEW STORM" nameplate, the shoulder is clearly solid red with the rest of the jersey.
Vancity - the second image is not the third jersey as the thirds are NOT being changed at all - the Canes are just changing up their home and aways.
I'm not completely convinced that the pics showing the logo aren't the shoulders.
Are you all serious? You can't tell a dang-blasted thing from these stupid little pics.
Pengeno - You most certainly can. Let's go through what we've learned from each pic:
Pic 1 (The "New Storm" nameplate pic) - Shoulders will not have the piping that the current Canes jerseys have. Font will no longer be italicized. Collar will be solid black on the home jersey (as opposed to black and white). Helmets will be red with the home jerseys.
Pic 2 (The Hurricane logo on red background) The Hurricane logo is more 3D than it currently is (ie the current logo is a "flat" design, this clearly has depth). Confirms that the body of the home jersey will be red - therefore the red shoulders from Pic 1 aren't a yoke.
Pic 3 (The striping picture) - This gives us the least - it could be sleeve striping or it could be the striping at the bottom hem of the jersey. If the latter, it clearly shows the storm flags at the hem are gone. If the former, it shows the amount of silver in the jerseys is being reduced - current Canes home jerseys have silver in the sleeve striping.
Pic 4 (The numbers) - Shows the away jersey will have black numbering outlined in silver rather than red numbering outlined in black. Also confirms the numbers will be non-italicized (IE no more "NASCAR font")
Pic 5 (The glove) - Silver, white, and black are no longer on our gloves. Also shows pants and socks. Pants look like they'll be solid red. Socks look like they'll have one broad white stripe as opposed to one broad white strip and two narrow black stripes. Lower sleeve of the jersey is red rather than black.
Pic 6 (The away jersey) - Most notable thing here is the striping on the sleeve in the background - looks like black, white (or silver) and red. This is a change from the current away again where there's a narrow band of silver under the sleeve number, then a broad band of of red and one of black.
the black numbers are chest numbers... white jersey with a solid red collar
There's no possible way that the numbers are chest numbers. The red collar is to the upper-left of them in that shot. Unless the Canes plan on pulling a Detroit and putting captain/alternate captain letters on the right-hand side of their jerseys, I don't think it'd be physically possible to stage that shot if the numbers were chest numbers. I think it's far more likely that they're the sleeve numbers on the left sleeve of the jersey.