Stars' New Look Coming June 4

Image from Dallas Stars
"Special event" scheduled for next month
The Dallas Stars will hold a special event on Tues., June 4 where — presumably — they will officially unveil their long-anticipated new logo and uniforms.
I say "presumably" because they're not strictly saying the new look will be revealed on that date. I, along with surely many others, received an invitation from the team this morning for a "special event." Accompanying that invite was the above photo — the big date spelled out in generic white jerseys.
Do the math.
Unfortunately, Dallas is a bit of a haul from Seattle, so I won't be able to attend — though I'm grateful for the opportunity. The event takes place at 6 PM local time (4 PT) so I'd expect to see images online around that time.
The countdown begins! Who's excited to see what they've come up with?
Reader Comments (21)
Watch them show the logo on 6-4 and then have them mention a different date for the jerseys.
I think they should have Minnesota North Stars Colours
This could also play out something like the Tampa Bay Lightning rebrand, Where a somewhat early uniform unveiling led to some fan feedback and modification to the uniform. However nearly anything will be better than the "no logo with player numbers on the front" look. Since fans in Dallas didn't reject that look, then Tampa-like fan tweaks are unlikely no matter how awful the design. Looking forward to the possibility of proper uniforms in Dallas again, and taking them off the worst-dressed in the NHL rankings.
They've spoiled it already. Dallas will be wearing their jerseys backwards in honor of Kriss Kross.
I'm shocked that the NHL is allowing such an announcement in the heat of the NHL Playoffs.
I am not excited about this at all! I am sure the colors will be fine, but worry about the design. Granted their current jersey is no great shakes, but the Dallas Stars logo is a classic logo. I do not see how they will improve on that at all. I remember How Sharp that team looked after moving to Dallas. Especially those (dark) at the time Road jersey's. I know they were basically the same from when they moved from Minnesota, but those looked great also. So jersey change may be ok ,but logo change, I say NO.
The Edge era has made me cynical and skeptical. I'm more "wary" than "excited".
Those aren't "generic white jerseys... Those are white jerseys WITH CAMOUFLAGE NUMBERS!!!!
Out of all the 2013-14 new looks, this is the one I'm the most excited about. The Dallas jerseys have been the absolute worst moves to the 2007-08 RBK Edge era. I'd like to see more green, if any at all. And if possible, I'd love to see them return to the historic star design they used from the late 90's to 2007. It's kinda heartbreaking to see they abandoned that design for tho college jerseys they have now...
In any case, if they mess this up, I'll probably lose all faith in the jersey department of the Dallas Stars organization. There's just no excuse to make such abominations for uniform designs (I bet quite a few fans were less than proud to wear them, but I don't know considering I'm not a Stars fan). Just like someone, I believe it was a writer on this site, but anyway, they said something along the lines of the Edge jerseys achieved their goal of killing all creativity in hockey sweaters. I, jersey enthusiast and all, wholeheartedly agree to this statement. Nevertheless, the designers should do what they can for the benefit of the fans, players, uniform enthusiasts like us, and then some.
Let's all hope that they don't screw this opportunity up.
We should raise the money to send you, Chris. You could live blog the event and it could be a kind of "thank you" for all that you do for us logo and jersey geeks.
Thats my birthday, as a Dallas fan, I hope they give me a good birthday present!
I think even though the "mooterus" bombed I liked the idea of using a constellation of some kind to give the uniform some direction and style. I think they already said the color will be Celtic Green so i think that and Gold and Red would look cool with a constellation theme!
It's already been confirmed the jerseys will be green, I'm just worried about the logo change
I'm excited yet unconfident. I get the feeling it won't blow us away which is unfortunate. Hope I'm wrong.
@SSOHPKC Oh really? Well, that's one step forward. Anything about the logo? I like their current identity when it comes to the logos. I'll miss mostly their primary and their old Texas logo. I'm hoping they don't mess that up either.
Patience isn't my strong suit. I don't know if I can bear waiting another month to see the new jerseys. :S
I have always thought that their original Stars uniforms that they wore when they first moved from Minnesota were their very best and I know most black uniforms in hockey go over as well as the Islanders' "Fisherman" uniforms but those uniforms actually looked fantastic. I think the Stars should have stayed as a green and black team and have green and gold stay in Minny and have the Wild revive the North Stars name and have an "All-Star" rivalry but if the Dallas Stars bring back green and gold and hopefully have nice uniforms to boot, that would be really good too. Hopefully the logo and uniforms turn out to be really good.
They could bring back the mooterus as their primary logo.
Why all the hate on the current Dallas jerseys? I think they have some of the sharpest jerseys in the league. I love the black and "DALLAS" written across it. Their current logo looks very 90's. I hope they don't put it back on the jerseys.
I live in Dallas, I'll go for you! haha.
Keep Black as well as Green in the Jerseys. Ditch the yellow. I'd hate to have Green Bay Colors. EEEWWWK. Also the Torch Concepts Look Good with the "D Star" and "New Texas Logo"