Send Icethetics to Dallas!

Last Friday, the Dallas Stars announced via special invitations a big event to take place June 4 — an event that can only be the unveiling of their long-awaited new logo and uniforms.
Icethetics will have live coverage of unveiling
Yours truly was on the invitation list. But I originanly said I wouldn't be able to attend given the distance between Seattle and Dallas. In the last few days, circumstances have changed. Now, I will in fact be going. I've RSVPed and everything.
That means for the first time in Icethetics history — original live reporting of a major unveiling event!
Help offset the costs and be the first to see it
Flying roundtrip between Washington and Texas isn't exactly cheap, of course, but I have booked a flight. One reader suggested that a way to offset the costs of this trip — for which I'm not really getting anything in return — would be to accept donations from the Icethetics community.
Let me start by saying I have no expectations here. This news will be all over the web on June 4, we all know that. Icethetics would be one of many sources. So why would you ever bother donating money to send me to Dallas? If that's your mindset, you probably shouldn't donate. Your money would be better spent elsewhere.
But if you're a longtime reader who's excited about the prospect of some original reporting and live coverage from Icethetics — and don't mind helping me out — this might be for you. And heck, if you donate at least $10 to help me offset travel costs, you will be among the first to see the new look of the Dallas Stars.
What a $10 donation gets you
Anyone who donates $10 or more, will get photos sent direct from the event to your inbox — before I post it on Twitter or It's that simple. If you want to do something nice for the site, I want to do something nice for you.
Remember, this is NOT about buying access to Icethetics coverage. I still intend to live tweet and post extensively about the event. If you're making a donation, it's because you want to support Icethetics. In return for that support, I'll give you early access to my reporting. So instead of refreshing your Twitter feed every other minute — you'll get photos sent straight to your email.
Icethetics will be in Dallas no matter what
Whether or not any donations are made, I will be in Dallas for this event. So don't worry about whether a certain goal has to be reached to make a donation worth it. The only reason I'm accepting donations is to help offset travel costs — airfare, hotel, cabs and the like. It's a lot of money out of my own pocket so it'd be nice for a little help from the community as a whole. I'd be immensely grateful.
If you do choose to donate, you can spend any amount you'd like. But $10 is the magic number to get you "insider access" from me ahead of everyone else. Just please don't let that be your only reason for donating. If the logo or uniforms were to leak prior to the event, there would not be any refunds.
Believe me, I feel weird asking for any money at all, but the only reason I'm going is for this community. So I figure if ever there was anyone interested in helping to offset costs, it would be you guys. Thanks in advance!
To donate via PayPal, use the link in at the top of the page on the right.

First of all, I have to extend a huge thanks to everyone who has donated even just a few bucks. It goes a long way! Wanted to let you guys know that I've come pretty close to my goal so I'll be taking down the donation button on Friday. So if you want to make a donation and get your email on the list, do it in the next couple of days.
And thank you all again!
Reader Comments (26)
This is pretty cool.
Is there a deadline for donations?
Happy to help out and happier that you'll be able to attend!
Dude. I've been enjoying your blog since you started it years ago. The LEAST I could do was send $10 bucks your way. Have a great time, man. And thanks for all your hard work!!
Congrats on being invited to this event! If I weren't unemployed I'd donate to the cause. However, I have lived in Dallas all my life and would be happy to help you with any questions you may have before your trip.
Thanks for all the generosity guys!
EA~: Probably set a deadline of June 3 since the unveiling is the following day. That way I have time to organize the email address of all the donors for the " exclusive first look" email.
Dude as a life long resident of the city of Dallas and fan of the Stars I'm excited your getting to come down here for the event. I can't really donate now since money's pretty tight at the moment. But if your down here and need some help with something I'm happy to help any way I can man!
Hope you enjoy our fair 'burg when your down here!
That's awesome Chris!
Awesome news Chris! I've been following this blog since the NHL TOL days in 2007, and I'm really glad to see the success of your work grow. I live in Dallas so if you need any help on your trip, or info on where to go while your here, I'd be more than happy to help. I even have a couch for you if you need it...
That's awesome Chris. Too bad I no longer have a credit card, otherwise I would of given my 10$ donation.
Baha.. Fucking charity case
I think it was my comment that the idea came from, so I figured I should donate! Just sent some $$ your way. Enjoy Dallas!
Matt: Thanks, can't wait to visit!
Wes: Thanks! Sounds like you guys in Dallas are quite hospitable!
Brian Brideau: No worries, man. It's the thought that counts.
Rocky Dennis: Where did that come from? Uncalled for.
NHLJeff: Indeed, you gave me the idea. Thanks so much for your support!
When you heading down? I would love to donate some money, probably the least any of us could do to show our gratitude. Only problem is lack of a credit card, not sure how long I have to find another way to get the money to yah.
In November 2010 I flew from Long Island to Dallas to see a Stars and Cowboys game with my dad. I'm 16 years old so I really can't give you anything, but I highly suggest you look at the "W". It's steps from the American Airlines Center and Victory Plaza, has a great restaurant, and comes with free transportation to anywhere within like 5-10 miles I think it is. But it is kind of on the expensive side.
Anyways, great time to visit Dallas, the people are amazing down there, though a playoff atmosphere beats nothing like the Coliseum here on the Island!
Enjoy Chris, enjoy.
Just donated. Thanks for all the work you do on the blog.
I'm super glad the website seems to be elevating in terms of success, now that we're at the point we have staff travelling the country for live jersey unveilings, I'm super psyched to see what they have in store for us, and I'm really happy to know a great trusted source is going to be there. If I had any money at all (it's the parent's money, not mine), I would certainly give at least $10. As a fellow jersey/logo enthusiast, I would like to know any single last piece of information as soon as possible.
I love travelling to other places, and I hope you have fun down there in Dallas. And I think I speak for the whole Icethetics community in saying that I can not thank you enough for doing this for us. Once again, have fun!
I've been a fan of this site since the year the Edge jerseys began appearing in the NHL. Donating $10 was the least I could do to help you out. Have a safe trip, Chris!
Justin Nahhas: No problem. I plan to fly up on the morning of 6/4 and head home the following day. Figured I'll leave donations open until 6/3 — unless the donations cover the full costs before then. Not looking to turn a profit here. For whatever it's worth, I don't think a credit card is necessary to set up a PayPal account.
Cord Lehman: Thanks, too bad I won't get to go to a game.
Delorme: Thanks! I'll be sending emails to donors over the next few days to confirm email addresses and such.
Nick: A fan from the beginning! Thank you for your support.
Hi Chris,
I've been a fan of your website since it was NHLToL. I visit everyday and have become a jersey enthusiast, collecting over 70 NHL jerseys now (all Edge) and at least 1 from every team. You've featured my concepts, received third jerseys schedules from me, and overall, I am a big supporter and I hope the $25 helps!
Pretty classless comment by rocky dennis. It's times like that when it's better to say nothing bro.
I'm in for a Jackson. Have a Shiner on me.
Really, I'm just donating to grease a better draft position. (not really) Have a great time, and it's the least I can do for the great work on the site and the IceHL.
Hey Chris,
I've been a big fan since 2007-2008 during the BlogSpot days. It's great to see just how far you've come and see you and the site have such success. I live in Dallas and I'll also be attending the "party." I hope to see you there, it would be a pleasure to meet you.
I've enjoyed the blog since the first "tournament of logos", so I'm happy to donate. Enjoy Texas!
I have been reading the blog for a long time, not sure when it started but I love it. The donation seems like such a small price for the years of content! Have fun at the party.
The site is a work of art, and is clearly a product of endless amounts of time and surely will continue to be. Being a student and what not, I gave what I could, so I hope the $10 will add up and pay for your trip. Been a Stars fan my entire life, but have never been to Dallas! Hope you have a great time and the early access is nothing but a huge bonus! Can't wait, and I hope I speak for everyone else when I say that there better be a LOT of green there!
$10 was a perfectly reasonable request for such a great site and great work. Have a good time in Dallas!