Last Wild Teaser Leaks a Day Early

Image shared by @andrewpheil (via Twitter)
The last of seven teaser images scheduled this week by the Minnesota Wild leaked this morning. Andrew Heil (@andrewpheil on Twitter) first came across the image and shared it on Twitter. The image, though small, appears to show the crest. And as I speculated earlier today, it will be the standard primary logo front and center.
The image comes from the splash page of the Wild's official website, so in truth they leaked it themselves. (Intentionally, perhaps?) The team has been updating the splash page each day with the latest teaser photo. Today, it looks like this. Tomorrow, presumably, it will look like what you see above.
A logical question is, could this be faked? It could be, but it's not. I got the image at the top of this post directly from the Wild's website — same as Andrew. If you're curious, the key is understanding and applying file naming conventions. Pretty simple and I'm surprised to see the Wild make this error.
But they did, so it's fair game. Now that we've seen all the teasers, all my efforts tomorrow can go into the big unveiling. It happens at 11:30 AM CT at the Minnesota State Fair. I'll leave you with a look at all seven teaser photos together in one place.
Reader Comments (8)
Interesting how both the shoulder path and the outline of the main crest both have off-white on a normal white jersey.
I can't wait to see how it turns out. Looking good so far.
HALLELUJAH. There is no reason they don't have that logo on the front. It loses its impact when trapped in that circle. So glad to see them using it, and I think we all know exactly what the jersey will be. It's gonna be a white and green version of their alternate jersey with a full green shoulder yoke and the "logo in a circle" logo as the shoulder patch with a bit of red on the collar. As great a look as that sounds, I'm not sure how I feel about having red numbers with really no other red on the uniform. Not saying it will look bad, I just can't quite visualize it so I look forward to seeing it all come together tomorrow.
Good to see the best logo in the world front in center where it belongs.
I wish we could have gone wheat color instead of crisp white, but hey you cant have it all.
I think it's going to look great! And for the red numbers vs the amount of red elsewhere, look at the Blues home jersey. Yellow numbers with a small amount of yellow elsewhere. I think it'll be fine.
I don't see the point of the Wild posting a final teaser on the same day they are unveiling their new uniform. Think about it, they are unveiling it tomorrow morning, their time (Central Time). I think it is kind of pointless to save a teaser for the same morning that the uniform is being unveiled. I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure they "leaked" it intentionally so that people could see the final teaser the day before it is unveiled. I'm pretty sure they also leaked it so that the JerseyGeeks out there (everyone on this site :p ) could get a sneak glimpse before hand too. All I can say is that I am really happy that their new road uniform will have their logo FRONT AND CENTER! They pulled a Dallas with the roundels on the shoulder but oh well, I think this unveiling will give us a nice jersey for a change.
They could also have intentionally leaked them because everyone already knew that logo would be on the front, and the shoulder patch leak confirmed that. No more speculation was needed :P
I appreciate on this jersey that they do the "hanger effect," but keep it simple...none of this "HEART, PASSION, TEAM" or any other inspirational team motto bullcrap. Just "Minnesota." It's a nice detail, and doesn't distract from the overall sweater. Nice.