New Wild Road Jersey Revealed

Promotional photos show up online 12 hours early
Whether intentional or not, the Minnesota Wild revealed their new road uniform on their official website late Saturday night — well before the anticipated Sunday morning unveiling event. So we're now getting to see the whole thing in all its glory.
First impressions? I like it. I was wrong about the shoulder yoke. Looked rounded in this morning's photo but obviously they've gone the same route as Carolina with the squared off design. It's a look I'm a big of — and Zach Parise is certainly no stranger to it after all his years in New Jersey.
It's a solid design. Logo looks great, the colors are sharp. But more importantly, this design fits beautifully alongside the home and alternate jerseys. The old white one was just starting to feel out of place. This one instantly feels like it belongs. And I get the sense that's why the team decided a change was needed in the first place.
What's your take? Stare at it for a few minutes and then maybe write some stuff in the comments.
Reader Comments (63)
Not expecting the square yoke but it is a very clean sharp design, I like it
I think some red in the striping could have done this design a world of good, I just feel like the primarily red numbers and letters look a little out of place on an otherwise white and green jersey.
Well.....NHL Uniform Database nailed it on the head.
Love it! Sharp.
Look great! Favorite change of the summer. Red lettering makes the whole thing pop. Kudos to the Wild.
This is exactly what I was hoping for. Simple classic striping + more green + square yokes + clean (not vintage) white + the primary logo on the chest = good look. I get that some people might call it boring but compared to the monochromatic looks we've seen recently I think this is great. I even like the way the laces look! I wonder how they're look in red contrasting all the shoulder green or it it would look odd working off the red collar?
The one way I would have liked a little more uniqueness would be to replace the circle logo within-a-logo with the underutilized State of Hockey logo. I'm guessing other states or cities (Hockeytown) think that being the self-proclaimed State of Hockey is a little pretentious but it's still a cool logo and would have added a differentiating touch.
Thanks for the late-night post, Chris. Go Wild! Is it October yet?
Its sharp, I like it. Not sold on the whole squared yolkes yet, but its really not that big of a deal. Glad that there's a little more color and design to this one as opposed to the other new jerseys. Not too simple, but simple enough.
Minnesota's 1st game at Dallas this season will be quite the green event! Also if they wear their alternate against Dallas.
The wild handled the revealing of this jersey ver well....
Love it! I'll wait for the Official Review to give a full opinion but it looks great! Best of all, NO VINTAGE WHITE!!
We just need the Wild to make a Home Jersey that better matches this. Nothing against their Home Jersey, but it looks better as a third. All they really need to do is slap a logo on their Third Jersey and they're good.
noticing the name and numbers on the back are different colors? does anyone have this currently... certainly an interesting look the red numbers look awesome
What a different the red on the collar makes. It really pops and adds just the right amount of contrast.
The design is clean and attractive. I'm a little ambivalent about the blue-y pine-y shade of green, but I'll reserve final judgment until I see how it pairs with NHL gleaming white ice and megawatt lighting systems.
Nick: May just be the new font as far as noticing that. But the Wild have always had red numbers/green name on their white jersey. But a couple other teams have different colors too. Calgary's red jersey has black numbers and the name in white. Carolina's black has red numbers and white letters as well.
Best uniform revealed this summer — NHL, Olympics, and otherwise. Can't wait till they fix their homes to look just as good.
No complaints. A minimalist traditional design that isn't too minimal . Kudos to Minn for being an expansion franchise who 'keeps it real'
I wish they had a slightly brighter green. Looks a bit too much like the Devils' whites. Good look overall, though.
I'll miss the number style they had for years, but overall, this is a very solid jersey! If they could tweak the green jerseys and place the primary logo on it, it's a near perfect uniform set for Minnesota.
So does this mean they plan on swapping the home (red) and alternate (green) Jerseys and putting the main logo on the alternate (green) jersey? Considering the roundel logo from the home (red) jersey is now on the shoulders and the striping on this new away jersey matches the alternate (green) jersey I wouldn't doubt that's what they plan on doing. Though at this point its all speculation.
I've never been massively into the Christmas colour scheme, but this makes for a great set despite this. Really like it
I think it would have been really cool if the Wild tried something new and went with an off-white road jersey however, this is fantastic. The best improvement since the Stars back in June by far. I think this is a really nice jersey and for a change, it is a new uniform that is an improvement from a previous look that was actually half decent itself. Of course the Stars new look is a massive improvement too but let's be honest here, you can't get much worse than those collegiate disasters they thankfully just retired. Back to the Wild, the only thing I think they should have used was green numbers instead of red ones but this jersey is still quite nice either way. All I can say is Minnesota, job well done.
For the first time this summer, an NHL team unveiled a jersey that's actually decent... And it's great! Only thing I would have liked is to maybe try a "vintage white" away jersey, but honestly it's hard to complain about what they came up with here. The actually use the logo, simple yet bold design, not cluttered, and the colors all go well together. Excellent job.
Only thing I would change is the Captaincy Letter Color, to match the numbers
agreed red piping would've tied together red numbering well but it's immediately amongst the best whites in the league. (C'mon NHL, let's see two different coloured jerseys in a game, like soccer! Hopefully the Red Wings-Leafs game is intentionally a pilot.)
My favorite is still the original home all green sweater but this is fantastic; what a great look……Cheers to the Wild!
@ TorontoSharksFan, beat me too it mate, I agree 100%!!
By pure coincidence, I will be at the Minnesota State Fair today (Sunday) and will stop by for the "unveiling".
Kind of anti-climatic now, I suppose...
Meh. It doesn't suck, but I particularly HATE the number and letter font from the red alternate-turned-home. I LIKE the old three-color font they used for numbers and letters, personally, and while I get that it's time for a change, I just wish they changed the number and letter font with it. I'll probably wait until it's grown on me for a few years before buying, but I'm still kinda attached to their original design, especially the ORIGINAL green sweater.
Meh. It doesn't suck, but I particularly HATE the number and letter font from the red alternate-turned-home. I LIKE the old three-color font they used for numbers and letters, personally, and while I get that it's time for a change, I just wish they changed the number and letter font with it. I'll probably wait until it's grown on me for a few years before buying, but I'm still kinda attached to their original design, especially the ORIGINAL green sweater.
yep, thats a good looking jersey, not as plain as the sharks / canes, not quite as good as the dallas stars jerseys, a solid 2nd place in the jersey unveilings of this summer. only one change i would make, the 'A' or 'C' should be the same as the numbers, red on green, other than that its all good!!
I've been waiting for this for a long time. The vertical striping on their roads up until now has bothered me really since the Reebok edge takeover.
These new roads look great. I'll be picking mine up on September 3.
Another solid jersey from the State of Hockey. Love it.
If the Wild could replicate their success with unis into their on ice performance, they would hoist the Cup.
Way better than the Sharks' new bullshit. Congrats, Minny fans. Looks great. sob
Nice jersey.
I'm not sure why everyone's harping about the shoulder yoke being similar to Carolina's new shoulder yoke when this shoulder yoke appears to be exactly like the shoulders of the New Jersey Devils. (Slightly protruding with sharp corners).
Would have liked to see a little bit of gold similar to the stripes in the original whites.
Overall I like it, it's great that they kept the original crest for at least 1 jersey....... I think just rounding off the shoulder yoke would make the jersey so much better, I can't stand the squared off shoulder
Other than that only other thing I'm worried about is what the red numbers will look like but they looked good on Minnesota's last road jersey
Now if they can give us a home along the lines of this jersey...has the potential to be one of the best sets in the league
I love it. Glad it's not just a palette swap of the home or road jersey. Nice that it's about halfway between the primary look (with the crest) and the third jersey (with the striping).
Not bad at all. I'm still really sad to see one of the last pieces of their original identity to go (the inaugural shoulder patch and old number font should've stayed forever), but I guess we all have to move on eventually. It's not too overly simplistic like some some certain new uniforms... But yeah, they did it right, and it does look fitting for the jersey set as a whole.
Now speaking of which, I really think that they should make the red one the alternate again, and the green one the away. They practically match, and it would make more sense if that was the case. Besides, the red one should have been an alternate all this time. I really, really hope they do this. Though if that was the case it would have been announced by now, I think, so oh well. Maybe they'll switch the alt and away in a year or two like teams like Florida did at one point.
Finally, a jersey upgrade thats actually an upgrade this year .... still in tears over that San Jose major downgrade
Sharp and really nice.
I really think they should make their alternate the official home jersey, maybe swap out the word mark on the front for for the symbol from the away jersey too. I just think their current home jersey works better as an alternate, especially now that the symbol on the chest of the home jersey is featured on the shoulder yoke of the new away jersey, but maybe I just like it better when jerseys match. I'm a big fan of the squared off yoke, and the green striping as well. All in all I'm very pleased with this one!
love it! it's sharp, simply yet still visual pleasing. after a summer of some lack luster jersey unveilings this is what a hockey sweater should look like.
No playoffs for the Wild this year. Those shoulder yokes are going to slow them down (that's a jab at you Sharks). That is a very good looking sweater, well done Minnesota. NHL needs to go back to whites at home. Darks at home is just stupid.
I think that in order for this jersey to work the Wild should make their green jersey the home jersey, keep this as the new away and make the red jersey gone or an alternate. Also, it bugs me that the crests are different on every jersey. 7.5/10
I'm shocked!!
It looks great. After all the letdowns (well just the Canes and Sharks actually) with jersey reveals this year, I am pleasantly surprised.
It's nice reading a comment thread this summer that doesn't include things like "this sucks" or "major downgrade" which is a win in itself for the Wild! One thing I've never understood is the criticism of the Wild's Christmas colors. Maybe it's just because people think of Christmas/winter/hockey at the same time but I don't hear the same for the Flyers as having Halloween colors (though maybe I'm just not listening).
I hope these look as good on the ice as they look in pictures!
good looking sharp classic jersey. Would have liked to see a red stripe in there somewhere. arent these guys worried about their players not being as fast as possible with all the striping and yoke weighing them down? I bet you these jerseys arent as lightweight as they possibly could be the way the Sharks showed us. So if Minnie dont make the play-offs you can blame on the stripey yokey jerseys slowing the players down. ;-)
I really like the jersey, but I think it would look better with more consistency between the home and road sweaters. I feel like their home looks more like a 3rd. But great work on the away sweater!
Whoever does the Minnesota Wild's branding continues to get it right. Maybe make the captains' C/A red with a green outline like the numbers and round off the end of the shoulder yokes, but that's just nit-picky stuff and I could be wrong. Hard to say without seeing it that way. All in all, very nice.