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Photos from Buffalo Sabres (via Twitter)
New photo tweets expose very little
I'm just back from a long, relaxing vacation in Alaska — albeit a little worse for wear. (Literally now limping around after ruining my ankle — I don't want to say how.) But as that has little bearing on my typing abilities, let's get to the news of the day. Or should I say the old news of last week.
While I was away from the Internet, the Buffalo Sabres shared a couple more of those "sneak glimpses" of their forthcoming third jersey. And really, I'm not sure why. They didn't really offer anything new. You can see them both in the graphic above at their original resolution — small.
Both show roughly the same area of the sweater, reiterating that it will be gold. We get it. The first one, posted on July 26 appears to show a new white stripe somewhere on the front. Hard to gauge the precise location. Then on Thursday (Aug. 1), we got another one again showing the crest with what seems to be the sleeve in the foreground.
I'm normally a fan of these drawn-out unveilings with little tidbits along the way — like what the Hurricanes did this summer. But are the Sabres just trying to bother us by showing the same thing in different tweets saying stuff like "another sneak peek" and "exclusive pics" and the like?
If so, Sabres 1, jersey geeks 0. I'll be looking forward to seeing something that's actually new.
What do you guys make of these reveals? Because for me, it's not a whole lot.
Reader Comments (21)
Kinda bored by it now to be honest...
I don't think it is a good sign at all when the only teaser photos are pretty much only showing the logo and a sleeve. Hopefully they are just screwing with us so that they will pleasantly surprise when they finally unveil it. After Carolina's uniforms were wrecked by Hurricane Reebok after ten days worth of teaser photos that were actually well done, I think Sabres fans everywhere have good reason to be worried.
In both cases, I believe that we are seeing the sleeve "cleverly" draped across the gold front with the pic cropped to make us think that we are seeing something more. We've seen enough to know that the top of the sleeve is two-tone blue/gold separated by the 1" white/silver stripe. This is pretty clearly what we see in the second pic, as there are obviously two layers of gold (see harsh line of contrast between shadow and highlight.) We also know that the two-tone ends, at least temporarily, at a wide stripe of light gray. I believe that this is what we are seeing in the first pic. The gray fabric appear to be curved toward the camera and there is, again, a sharp contrast of highlight/shadow where the silver and gold meet. Add to that the lack of a visible seam and I'm fairly certain that the gray is sitting on top of the gold jersey front, not part of it.
I, too, like little detail sneak-peaks, but these seem like they are meant more to misdirect than to inform.
Starting to get annoyed with this. They need to release something substantial or not bother. LIke you said, if they want to do something like Carolina where little by little you show different elements, fine. But showing me the SAME DAMN THING? Annoying.
Still zero teasers of the back of the jersey. There's still a chance it will be half blue half yellow, wherever that rumour came from...
I think the first picture, based on the handle of the sabre in the crest, is showing us that the sides of the jersey are white. The second pic looks like a sideways pic showing some of the bottom striping of the jersey.
that terrible piping on the logo. the once mighty sabres brand has fallen a LONG LONG WAY!
Talk about beating a dead horse, right?
@Brian Brideau: I still believe, based on the pattern in the seams, that the very first pic shown by the Sabres is of the back of the jersey, which would make it gold, too.
As a Sabres fan...I'm bored of this and don't really care anymore because I would prob never buy this jersey when it comes out. I'm not sold on the yellow
someone in the sabres marketing team needs a slap......HURRY. UP!!
I stand by my initial statements about this approach. It would have been nice for them to include peeks of the fonts used for the letters or numbers, but something tells me we're going to get the top of a 2 or something among their next releases.
I can't wait to hate it !
I have a shred of hope that it'll be even worse than the slug or the Isles third and that's somethin!
The pic on the left looks to be the handle of the sword on the right of the crest, it's just rotated 90 deg. There will be some kind of white stripe below the crest, question is, what's below it? The pic on the right is looking at the crest straight on with the sleeve draped in front. Notice how the yellow is 2 different fabrics. The yellow that overlaps & connected to the silver/grey stripe is fabric that Reebok only uses for under sleeves or on side panels to increase ventilation. It's hard to tell the positioning of the silver stripe. It separates the yellow & blue but previous photos suggest it's on the underside of the sleeve. Maybe it's under and on top. That would work with the yellow front & blue back theories.
You managed to pick out the obvious part (The standard Sabres logo) but the rest is incorrect. It isn't rotated and the stripe is not under the logo, it is on the side. That handle is in the same spot it has been for a few decades.
I'm not sure why there's so much confusion about the first picture. You can tell exactly how the jersey is lined up by looking at the crest.
So...based on what we've seen, my guess: Looking at the second picture, I agree that it looks like a sleeve is folded over the front, right next to the crest. If you were to unfold the sleeve and lay it out so the jersey formed a "T," I believe the top half of the sleeve is yellow and the bottom half is blue, separated by the silver stripe.
Now going back to the first picture, I think the silver is a continuation of the same stripe as on the sleeve. It essentially slices the jersey completely in half, with yellow in the front and blue in the back.
Falls4Life is right. I'm not sure why AJ would think the logo is rotated or the stripe is on the bottom of the logo. The first picture is just a straight view of the jersey.
Maybe it's all a clever ploy. The old school sabres logo is actually the shoulder patch, and the main logo will be a return of the Buffa-slug to go with the yellow. Talk about a surprise!
Could they wear this as an away jersey against teams with dark colored jerseys?
I think the first picture is a picture of the shoulder.
I think that's the shoulder and shoulder patch..
Yellow shoulders with white piping and blue body.