Entries in logos (2)


Expansion Logo Submissions

The 2012 expansion of the IceHL Project is moving right along. Today, I'm unveiling the team names and accepting logo design submissions for both teams.

  • Hartford Mariners
  • Northwest Narwhals

Based on these names, your task — should you choose to accept it — is to brand the franchises. You choose the color scheme and design primary, secondary and script logos around that. You may design additional logos, but these 3 will be the ones included in the voting process.

Submit your work to icethetics@gmail.com. I'm also outlining guidelines for submissions below. If you don't follow them, your work will probably not be included.

Logo submission deadline: Saturday, May 5

  • DO NOT STEAL ARTWORK. Logos copied or even adapted from existing designs will not be accepted. Do something original!
  • Submit THREE (3) logos: primary, secondary and wordmark. Vector format (PDF) is preferred. If you cannot provide a vector version, a high-resolution PNG will be acceptable. Use a white background. If your logo requires a white outline (think old Lightning or Capitals logos), then use a gray background with the white outline included. ALL 3 LOGOS will be used in the voting process. If you leave out one, your work may be disqualified.
  • You must include your first and last name within the graphic itself as well as the email. I need them in both places so I can easily search my email to find your artwork and email address.
  • By submitting your own original artwork to any Icethetics email address, you agree to grant permission of its use for online or print publication by Icethetics. Do not watermark your logos. Your work will be protected for use in projects related to Icethetics only.
  • No jersey concepts, please. That will come later on.

I'm happy to answer any additional questions you may have. All logo submissions that meet the above criteria will be included in the voting process next month.

A few years ago when we did this for the rest of the IceHL teams, there were some incredible logo designs submitted. I can't be certain whether the same talented artists will be with us this time around, but I do hope so. Good luck to everyone!


IceHL Team Logos

Tomorrow, new polls open that will determine which two North American cities will add IceHL franchises for 2012-13. That's right, expansion is nearly upon us and that's only the first of many changes we could see to our fantasy league this year.

To prepare, I thought it would be helpful to add a post that shows all of our current teams.

Pacific Division

South Division

North Division

Northeast Division

Central Division

Southeast Division

Last September, I put togther a logo map that shows where all of our teams are based.

Click here to check out the interactive version. And be sure to pan over to Alaska so you don't miss the Huskies.

I think the league spread out pretty well, but in order to maximize the schedule and enjoyment of our GMs in the ESPN fantasy league, we need to add one more team to each conference.

With 32 teams, the IceHL will be at capacity this fall. But there's more beyond expansion. In the coming weeks, you'll be voting on which existing teams should be relocated or rebranded.

We could be designing and redesigning logos and uniforms this offseason for as many as 12 teams — or just 2. It'll come down to your vote in the end.