Rbk EDGE Review: Thrashers

Part 29 of 30. All 30 NHL clubs have unveiled new jerseys under the new Rbk EDGE Uniform System for the 2007-08 season. Here at the NHLToL, we're going to review every one of them. Read up and then rate the new sweaters. We'll do a full ranking after completing all of the reviews.

The Unveiling
Friday, September 14. The Thrashers unveiled their jerseys at a press conference in Atlanta.
Home vs. Road
Home: Blue. Road: White. The two sweaters are very different from each other in overall design.
The sky blue home jerseys feature a thick dark blue stripe, trimmed in white and red, down the left sleeve. Vertical text down the sleeve spells out "ATLANTA" in yellow letters with a white stroke and red and sky blue drop shadow. The side panels are dark blue with red and white trim. White and red piping wraps around the wrists. A secondary logo patch is featured on the right shoulder. The collar is dark blue and the the primary logo serves as the crest.
The white road jerseys feature blue sleeves, with triangular white panels just above the elbows. Red piping borders the blue at the shoulders. Blue piping runs from the collar to the base of the sweater. Yellow piping wraps around the wrists and secondary logo patches don each shoulder. The collar is blue with a specialty design and red trim while the primary logo serves as the crest.
In The Details
There is no jersey number on the left sleeve of the home jersey where the city name runs down the arm. The same numbering and lettering style has been retained.
New & Old
While the overall design of the jerseys are relatively similar to the old ones, there are plenty of differences. The most noticeable is the lack of horizontal striping around the waist. A rather small but noteworthy change is the addition of the secondary logo to the shoulder of the home jersey. Overall, while similar, these jerseys are certainly different.
Standard FAQ
Numbers on the front? No.
Laces at the collar? Yes.
NHLToL Editorial by Chris
The Thrashers hit it pretty damn close with this. My favorite jersey last year was Atlanta's home sweater — adopted from a third jersey. The sky blue color is stunning. The city name down the sleeve is a unique and very cool-looking element. The numbering and lettering style is very sharp. The secondary logo is amazing! Now what I don't like. The primary logo isn't great but it's not bad. The side panels of the home jersey are weird. The blue piping on the front of the road sweater seems a little out of place, as well. But I definitely feel like the pros outweigh the cons here. It's not perfect, but it's approaching that mark. 4/5
Reader Comments (14)
These jersey have way to many colors in them, and bad colours too.
btw why do you have to leave the sens for last lol
Whoa, wait a second... The asymetry of the home jersey doesn't bother you? I think that alone makes it the worst jersey in the league... however, if the jersey were symetrical, it could be among the best.
Based on your gallery, the sleeve text seems to be way lower on the replica jersey than on the pro version. What's up with that?
(Compare http://picasaweb.google.com/nhllogos/AtlantaThrashers/photo#5110434631699135298" REL="nofollow">this to http://picasaweb.google.com/nhllogos/AtlantaThrashers/photo#5110110700970702706" REL="nofollow">this.)
Terrible. What you call unique I call hideous - that dark sleeve is just...terrible. And the apron piping on the away jersey made a formerly respectable jersey much less respectable.
Light blue and dark blue look very nice together. White, dark blue, maroon, and gold do not. I've said my thoughts on these jerseys before, Atlanta had a chance to build on their fabulous home jerseys last year, but instead they kept the look of last year, having home and away jerseys that look like they come from different teams. They really let me down, but then, it is still an improvement over the old, so I guess that makes it in the top half of the new Reebok jerseys...
So, having RANGERS down the chest is disorientating, but having ATLANTA down the goddamn *sleeve* is a work of genius? What the hell?
Atlanta has the best home jersey.
The away jersey is ok
One sleeve aside, the home jerseys are decent. But that lone sleeve thing is really hideous.
home atlanta jersey's are awesome! there unique not like most of the jersey's!
I don't mind unique, but that's just ugly. If the sleeves on the home were symmetrical and they got rid of "ATLANTA" running down it, I think you have one of the best jerseys in the league. I even like the curved accents on the sides. Great color as well. However, that one ugly sleeve ruined it. Plus I don't like how the darker blue tapers towards the bottom of the left sleeve.
The road looks like it's missing a few accent colors on the sleeves as well. The color combos are ok, but the white sleeves with blue accents left alone just doesn't look right without the rest of the accent colors.
Sure, it's different. But what good is it if it looks terrible?
Most people who have working eyesight can see that is quite possibly the ugliest piece of cloth every created. 90% of blind people can see how ugly it is.
Ugliest piece of cloth ever created? Tap the breaks there.It's different. In my way of rating uni's, the only way to score a 5 would be to have a normal, block style number font.But anyway, the ugliest piece of cloth? In hockey, its EASILY the ducks.In all of sports how about lets include the Washington Wizards gold uni (or ANY gold jersey for that matter), or that garbage away jersey the Bills subject us too. But if we are talking just cloth....how about capri pants? Anyone? Ok capri pants on guys? Nothing? Ok thats all I have goodnight.
This is worse than the buffaslug, worse than the ducks concept alternate, and worse than the blues never released alternate, combined.
Its uglier then a thong that Roseanne Barr has worn for a week straight.
Well the good news is this is not the worst jersey in the NHL, the bad news is it if the second worst one in the NHL ( the worst Ill review in a few days) I just cant stand this jersey on so many levels. The powder blue just does not look right, or even tough enough. The ATLANTA running down only one sleeve and not the other? and having a home and road jersey that dont even look like they belong to the same team, I find annoying. The white uniforms are just plain boring and unimagitive. And the logo looks like a bird using a minature hockey stick as a flyswatter. 1 and half stars out of 5.