
Name This Blog

This is my official post announcing my intentions to rename the NHL Tournament of Logos blog. It's a huge task that I cannot undertake on my own.

In the comments of this post, I would like you guys to start putting forth ideas for a new title. After a few days, I'm going to assemble a poll with some of the best options and on the blog's birthday (May 9), announce it's new name!

Here's an important thing to note when coming up with your ideas. Because people have bookmarks, I don't want to change the site's address. So we're staying put at All I need from you guys is a new title only. (After we have that, we'll hold a contest to design a logo for the blog.)

It's all going to be up to you guys, so let's have your ideas!

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Reader Comments (68)

I like "The Art of the NHL" because it is simple and it describes what the site is about.

May 2 · 1:42 PM PDT | Unregistered Commenter

Graphic Ice.

I'm thinking some kind of glacier logo. Striations, erosion and huge cracks with the primary logo punching out.

May 2 · 2:30 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterJersey Bill

The Fourth Assist

May 3 · 12:28 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterSports N' Politics

Frozen Designs


Fan Shootout


May 3 · 12:38 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterPaul

"Project NHL"

Simple, but includes everything.

May 3 · 4:27 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterBig MG


"2 Minutes for Blogging"

May 3 · 4:28 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterBig MG

I vote for James' "The Fourth Jersey."

May 3 · 6:09 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterPatty (in Dallas)

PuckThreads and The Fourth Jersey are pretty darn good.

Resurfacing the NHL is my favorite so far though.
you're changing the jerseys and logos, the "surfaces" of the teams (as opposed to the teams themselves, rosters, locations, number of, etc). you could even have a pretty nice logo: overhead view of a zamboni driving down the ice, the top half of what he's driven over are (the top half of) current logos, the bottom half are (the bottom half of) the new logos you've created, as if he's literally resurfacing the logos.
i think there's a lot of potential there

May 4 · 6:05 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterHockey Week

"Inside the Jersey" is my vote...also, can we get Ghetto Farm Boy to rename his moniker to something a bit more serious/professional??

May 4 · 1:50 PM PDT | Unregistered Commenterpgirasole89

Hey chris i own the domain for my blog and it only cost me 15 bucks dont you think you would get more hits and better recognition if it was just instead of having to type in blogspot everytime. BTW my suggestion when choosing a new name for the blog would have to be Concept:NHL or the somthing like that.- Steve, SP4 designs

May 4 · 4:44 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterSteve Pumilia

"Stick It"

"National Hockey Logos"

"Loco Logos"

May 4 · 6:52 PM PDT | Unregistered Commenterbook0987654321

NHL rebranded: concepts and tournament

May 5 · 3:39 PM PDT | Unregistered Commenterduckboy

"NHL Art Blog"

"Art of the NHL"

"NHL Fan Art"

May 5 · 6:57 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterPace

How about

Rebranding the NHL or if you want to go into other leagues

Rebranding Professional Hockey

May 5 · 11:55 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterDan

"The Drawing Boards"

"Off The Poll"

"Sticks & Style"

"Sticks & Picks"

"Hockey Picks"

"Through The End Glass"

"The Graphic Grinder"

"Stanley's Style"

"Open Ice Opinions"

"On Ice Opinions"

"Style of Play"

"Hockey Apparel Appeal"

"Outside The Box"

"Puck Picks"

"The Centre Ice Project"

"Style Sniper"

"The Graphic Draft"

"Blades of Appeal"

ok...that's enough

May 6 · 3:53 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterJohnny Nucker

May 6 · 6:23 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterScott

NHL Design Faceoff
The NHL Drawing Board

May 8 · 8:44 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterPRC.

To add what johnny nucker started...

Sticks, picks and styles

May 9 · 12:31 AM PDT | Unregistered Commenterpolysou

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